Walesonline Politics

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WalesOnline Politics brings you in depth coverage from specialists at Westminster, Cardiff Bay and covering fields including education, health and business



An open letter has been signed by several Welsh Labour backbenchers at Westminster, including Owen Smith and Stephen Doughty, plus Plaid Cymru’s four MPs, 13 backbench AMs drawn from the Plaid and Labour groups, including the Plaid leader Adam Price, as well as the leaders of five Welsh councils.


And it’s back to business for the Welsh Government.
Mark Drakeford has given a Brexit-themed press conference to reporters (with a little Banksy, M4 relief road and new year resolutions thrown in for good measure).
He said:... • He doesn’t oppose a second referendum but wants to see deal go to House of Commons, then if necessary a General Election, and then a second referendum. • Says he appointed his cabinet “with Brexit at the forefront of my mind” and that every cabinet meeting will now have a Brexit agenda item. • He’s going to discuss making a “Preparing Wales” website to inform people, businesses and public services what to do if there is no deal • Asked what Labour’s policy should be if there were a General Election campaign, he said: “People in Wales voted to leave and we cannot simply magic that fact away as though it didn’t count for anything. Were there to be a General Election the Labour Party will be saying that we will go back and reconduct the negotiations date of Theresa May’s red lines. I have long come to the view that the fundamental mistake made over the last two years is the way the Prime Minister decided to go about the negotiations with a series of red lines from which she has had to retreat and retreat”.
Away from Brexit Mr Drakeford said that he has not yet received advice from officers about the M4 relief road and he “anticipates” it will be a few weeks away.
He’ll be asking Dafydd Elis Thomas to speak to relevant partners about protecting the new piece of Banksy art in Port Talbot.
And trivia fact - he doesn’t make New Year resolutions.
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“I’m at a stage where it’s just pure exhaustion and I don’t know how much longer I can keep going because it’s just draining, every minute."


On Tony Blair's reputation, her relationship with South Wales' miners and why she's still battling for answers from the NHS in Wales.
🎙 Listen here...


"You can't tweet the answer to domestic abuse or violence in the night-time economy – eventually you need to employ people. The challenge for us is in increasing demand."


If we're to improve the lives of people in South Wales, we need to recapture Wales' radical past...
🎙 Listen here...


"These people have crossed the Sahara, witnessed horrific things, been imprisoned and beaten and been exploited. "They have had things stolen from them and now they're in a ship feeling nauseous and scared and frightened."


Brexit is one of the main reasons


"Generally, when you go there you can't get in contact with anyone"


Details of the application process have been revealed.


Inspectors raised concerns in several areas


It's not all about Brexit


Changes are coming in here as well


The spin: "Getting more people to walk or cycle to work, school is really straightforward and has real benefits" 🚶 Welsh Govt, May 2018
The reality: "Lollipop men and women at 11 schools are to be axed" 🚷 Blaenau Gwent, December 2018


Everything changes; everything stays the same


A new measure would allow tens of thousands of people to come here to work for up to one year


Suspended academic Marc Clement was one of the directors of a company set up to receive the grant


🎙 What happens if you're convicted for a crime you didn't commit? Listen to the latest podcast...

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