Welsh Institute Of Chiropractic

About Welsh Institute Of Chiropractic

The WIOC is an outpatient clinic within the University of South Wales, and offers various private diagnostic, assessment and treatment services.

Welsh Institute Of Chiropractic Description

The clinic was purpose built in 2000 for the final year Master of Chiropractic (MChiro) students to undertake their clinical training, and was formally opened by HRH Prince Charles in 2001. Over the years the University has developed additional diagnostic services which operate from the WIOC:

Chiropractic Services

X-ray Services

DXA Scanning Services

Musculoskeletal Diagnostic Ultrasound Services

MRI Services (Cobalt Health)



A really fun day spent with our 3rd year students over in the Hydra Centre at USW Glyntaff. Thanks Dean and Charles for having us.
https://twitter.com/drdeanw/status/123084 1070675689473?s=21


Rhag ofn bo chi wedi'i golli... In case you missed it...

... https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000fm2k
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Don’t forget! 7:30 this evening 👍


Bore Da! Please stay safe, but we wanted you to know that we are open.


As the Pontypridd and Treforest area is badly affected by Storm Dennis, please check with the clinic before setting off from home tomorrow. If the clinic should have to close, we will post a message on here, on the website and leave a voicemail message on our phone line. 01443 483555 Stay safe and dry everyone.
... Storm Dennis: South Wales flooding declared 'major incident' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-51517 529
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So...body fat scales. Good or bad? Remember we had the team from BBC X-Ray visit us a couple of weeks ago? See what they found when the piece is broadcast on Monday evening at 7:30pm. Great to see our DXA service being showcased too. 👍


Digwyddiad gwych arall! Another great event!
In January, one of our final year student clinicians, Suann Chia, travelled to Hong Kong with Jenny Zhou (USW staff) to share information about the Master of Chiropractic course here at WIOC. With Natalie Ng, a WIOC graduate working in HK, they attended 2 city education fairs, 4 high schools education fairs, presented to prospective students and their parents, and also presented to education counsellors. A great way to get the message out there!


MESSAGE TO PATIENTS REGARDING CORONAVIRUS Due to the apparent spread of the Coronavirus the University has issued advice to students and staff as documented below:
Anyone who has travelled to the UK from Wuhan and the Hubei Province in China within the past 14 days should stay indoors and not have contact with others (self-isolate) even if they do not have any symptoms. Anyone who has travelled to the UK from Mainland China, Thailand, Japan, Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Taiw...an, Singapore, Malaysia or Macau in the past 14 days should be vigilant for symptoms, which could include a cough, fever and/or shortness of breath, should self-isolate and call NHS Direct Wales on 0845 4647 or 111 Wales if available in your area, even if symptoms are mild.
We would ask all WIOC patients to follow these guidelines and stay away from the clinic for 14 days if you have travelled to China even if symptom free, and to be vigilant of the symptoms, especially if you have recently returned from any of the other countries indicated above, and notify us immediately after speaking to NHS Direct Wales if you develop any concerning symptoms or have any concerns that you may have been in contact with someone who may be infected. We thank you for your support and understanding
Steph Davey Clinic Manager
Neges i Gleifion ynghylch y Coronafeirws Oherwydd lledaeniad ymddangosiadol y Coronafeirws mae'r Brifysgol wedi cyhoeddi cyngor i fyfyrwyr a staff fel y nodir isod:
Dylai unrhyw un sydd wedi teithio i'r DU o Wuhan a Thalaith Hubei yn Tsieina yn ystod y 14 diwrnod diwethaf aros y tu fewn a pheidio â dod i gyswllt ag eraill (hunanynysu) hyd yn oed os nad oes ganddynt unrhyw symptomau. Dylai unrhyw un sydd wedi teithio i'r DU o dir mawr Tsieina, Gwlad Thai, Japan, Gweriniaeth Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia neu Macau yn y 14 diwrnod diwethaf fod yn wyliadwrus am symptomau, a all gynnwys peswch, twymyn a/neu anhawster anadlu. Dylid hunanynysu a ffonio Galw Iechyd Cymru ar 0845 4647 neu 111 Cymru os yw ar gael yn eich ardal, hyd yn oed os yw'r symptomau'n ysgafn.
Gofynnwn i holl gleifion WIOC ddilyn y canllawiau hyn a chadw draw o'r clinig am 14 diwrnod os ydych wedi teithio i Tsieina hyd yn oed os nad oes gennych unrhyw symptomau, ac i fod yn wyliadwrus o'r symptomau, yn enwedig os ydych wedi dychwelyd yn ddiweddar o unrhyw un o'r gwledydd eraill a nodwyd uchod. Rhowch wybod i ni’n syth ar ôl siarad â Galw Iechyd Cymru os ydych chi'n datblygu unrhyw symptomau sy'n peri pryder neu os oes gennych unrhyw bryderon y gallech fod wedi bod mewn cysylltiad â rhywun a allai fod wedi'u heintio. Diolchwn i chi am eich cefnogaeth a'ch dealltwriaeth.
Steph Davey Rheolwr y Clinig
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Llongyfardiadau, tîm WIOC! Congratulations, team WIOC!
On the weekend of 24-26th January, chiropractic students from WIOC competed with chiropractic students from AECC, Bournemouth for the Chiropractic Varsity Trophy in football, netball and rugby. WIOC triumphed, winning the series 2-1.
... Llongyfardiadau mawr, pawb!
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Croeso i’r tîm BBC. Hyfryd gweithio gyda chi, heddiw! Edrych ymlaen at weld y canlyniadau 👍
Welcome to the BBC team. Great working with you, today! Looking forward to seeing the results 👍
#DXA #BodyComposition #BodyFatScales... #BBCXRay
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Mae gennym lwyth o fideos defnyddiol i’ch helpu! We have lots of videos to help you! #BCA


On 13th December some of the staff and students at the WIOC participated in the Save the Children Christmas Jumper day and raised £62 for the charity. Here we have 2 of our clinical supervisors Dr Chris Oliver and Dr Sarah Townsend joining in the festive spirit.
Ar 13eg Rhagfyr cymerodd rhai o staff a myfyrwyr y WIOC ran yn niwrnod Siwmper Nadolig Achub y Plant a chodi £ 62 i'r elusen. Yma mae gennym ni 2 o'n goruchwylwyr clinigol Dr Chris Oliver a Dr Sarah Townsend yn ymuno yn ysbryd yr ŵyl.


Clinic will close for the Christmas break at the end of today, Tuesday, 17th December and will reopen on Monday, 6th January 2020. We would like to wish all our patients, students, staff and friends a very happy and healthy Christmas, with very best wishes for the New Year.


We shared this tip last year, and we think it's so good, it's worth sharing again. Look after your back this Christmas!


It's that time of year again! Who knows what the weather is going to bring? In case of bad weather, please contact the clinic to check that we're open . (Tel: 01443 483555) If the University has taken the decision to close, there will be a recorded message giving this information. https://www.express.co.uk/…/uk-snow-for ecast-map-met-office…


This afternoon, we were delighted to present awards for outstanding academic achievements during the last academic year. With an overall average of over 90%, these students were deserved winners. They are (L-R): Emma Caine (Foundation) Ben Horne (Yr 1) Bronwyn Castles (Yr 2) Jesper Hjertstrand (Yr 3)... Presenting the awards were Professor David Byfield and Dr Karl New.
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Myths and misconceptions about the cause, treatment and prognosis of back pain need to be addressed in order that health professionals provide guideline based information and care for patients. It is also important to manage patient/public expectations by providing clear and concise information about this very common disorder. The attached research article addresses some of the issues encountered by medical students in an attempt to identify that if not corrected, these myt...hs will continue and patients will be expecting and given unnecessary treatments and advice. It is the responsibility of all health educational programmes to ensure that their curricula are up to date and evidence based to ensure that patients and the public receive the right messages for the right conditions.
https://bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com/…/ 10…/s12909-019-1676-x
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It’s that kind of day in Treforest! #misty #autumndays


Rhag ofn bo chi wedi'i golli... In case you missed it...

... https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000fm2k
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Rhag ofn bo chi wedi'i golli... In case you missed it...

... https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000fm2k
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Rhag ofn bo chi wedi'i golli... In case you missed it...

... https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000fm2k
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More about Welsh Institute Of Chiropractic

Welsh Institute Of Chiropractic is located at William Price Business Park, CF37 1DL Pontypridd
+44 (0)1443 483555