Welsh Labour

About Welsh Labour

Welcome to the official Welsh Labour Facebook page. Where you can keep up to date and talk with other supporters.



😡 "We have 11% of the track, 20% of level crossings, and we've had 2% of the funding over the last ten years" - Mark Drakeford AM


♥️ Paid holiday leave ♥️ Parental leave ♥️ Better pay ♥️ Protections in the workplace ♥️ Weekends
... ♥️ UNIONS
#HeartUnions #HeartUnionsWeek
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❌ Neil Hamilton doesn't speak for fair-minded people in Wales.
✅ 93% of Welsh NHS patients reported they are satisfied with the service they have received.
✅ The Welsh NHS has treated more people, with better results, than ever.
... #StandingUpForWales
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⬇️ Unemployment across the whole of Wales is at a historic low.
✅ North Wales is ahead of the UK average, with the highest employment rate, and the lowest unemployment and economic inactivity rates.
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🌹 Welsh Labour will continue to stand up for North Wales and build on the region’s success ensuring prosperity is shared across all our communities.


Welsh Labour Leader and First Minister Mark Drakeford AM with his 3️⃣ reasons to join a union today:
✅ Helps you negotiate better pay and conditions. ✅ Stands up for your rights to be treated fairly in work. ✅ Gives you a stronger voice at work.
... #HeartUnions #HeartUnionsWeek
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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🌹 Welsh Labour Members of the Senedd are taking part in #TimeToTalk Day to help change attitudes towards mental health.
1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem during their lifetime, it’s time for the stigma to end once and for all.
There’s more information on the campaign here: https://www.time-to-change.org.uk/get-inv olved/time-talk-day.


The Welsh Labour Government is investing £90m to Transform Towns across Wales.
This investment will transform Llandeilo town centre, helping attract more people into the area, increasing footfall in the wonderful array of local shops and businesses.


🎉 It's National Apprenticeship Week! The Welsh Labour Government's investment means we are set to exceed our pledge of delivering 100,000 apprenticeships by 2021.
👍 Apprenticeships are a life-changing opportunity allowing people to earn and learn. They also make a significant contribution to the Welsh economy.


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🌹 People in Wales have access to life-changing medicines quicker than ever before.
Our Welsh Labour Government’s New Treatment Fund has sped up access times to new drugs, covering 226 medicines for more than 100 conditions.


🌹 Watch now: The Labour Party Leadership Hustings live from Cardiff


👶 Take-up of Welsh Labour's groundbreaking childcare offer is booming across North Wales.
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 In Wales, we have the best childcare offer for working families in the UK.
👍 We are reducing the cost of childcare, helping parents back into work, and boosting the economy across Wales.


The Welsh Labour Government is investing £90m in #TransformingTowns across Wales.
✅ New regeneration projects... ✅ Bring vacant & dilapidated buildings back into use ✅ Greener town centres
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🕯 Remember the past.
Celebrate diversity.
Secure a better future.
... #HMD2020
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📢 The Tories scrapped Child Trust Funds and would rather young people didn't know about Labour's investment in their future.
😡 Don't let them hide your money.
Listen to Rebecca Evans AM and check what you're owed 👇
... https://gov.uk/child-trust-funds
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📢 We’re calling on the Tories to give our young people the money they were promised.
🌹 The last UK Labour Government created Child Trust Funds for children born from 1st September 2002. In Wales, the Welsh Labour Government topped up that money - giving young people a welcome financial boost when they turn 18. The first group will be eligible to receive the money from September 2020.
😡 But in 2011, the Tories scrapped Child Trust Funds and are now failing to let people know h...ow to access the money put aside for them.
📲 SHARE to stop Tories hiding your money!
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The Welsh Labour Government is asking all Welsh public services to offer paid leave to survivors of domestic abuse.
Survivors of domestic abuse can be faced with a range of practical concerns from the need for medical, legal or financial advice, to arranging child care or alternative accommodation.
The Welsh Labour Government wants to ensure that victims are not financially penalised as they deal with the effects of abuse.
... Welsh Labour-led Neath Port Talbot Council is one of the first big public sector employers to introduce paid leave. The campaign across Wales has been supported by trade unions GMB Wales & South West and Unison Wales.
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🌹 Want to build a fairer, more equal society?
⏰ Join The Labour Party before 5pm on Monday and you’ll be eligible to vote for the next UK Labour Leader and Deputy Leader
👇 Full details: ... https://labour.org.uk/…/frequently-aske d-questions-leaders…/
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🎄 Merry Christmas from everyone at Welsh Labour

More about Welsh Labour

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