West Glamorgan Archive Service

Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About West Glamorgan Archive Service

Official Facebook page for the West Glamorgan Archive Service. Joint Archive service for City and County of Swansea, and Neath Port Talbot Council.

West Glamorgan Archive Service Description

Official Facebook page for the West Glamorgan Archive Service. Joint Archive service for City and County of Swansea, and Neath Port Talbot Council.

We endeavour to put out all of our posts in both Welsh and English. We post in Welsh first. Unfortunately, we have no control over Facebook's own translation service, so we are not responsible for Facebook's translations of our posts.

All media posted on this page is copyright West Glamorgan Archive Service, unless otherwise stated.



Today is #DNAday. Have you been stuck on a line of your #FamilyHistory? are you #Adopted? DNA is now being used by family historians & genealogists to break down those brick walls in research. There are hundreds of companies offering the service but people aren't sure where to start. Our Family History Expert has done her DNA and has jumped back 3 generations in her tree! She said "The areas shown as percentages on a DNA test will vary site to site so this is not very accurate; however the cousin matches are much more reliable. If matches are 3rd cousin or closer there are no variables. I was able to pinpoint a joint relative in the 1790's which showed a friend and I are 6th cousins. Several of my customers who were adopted have also used #DNA to locate biological aunts, uncles and cousins to find their birth families"


This week is #FamilyHistoryWeek. Did you know that we have a dedicated #FamilyHistoryCentre which boasts FREE access to #Ancestry #FindMyPast and #BritishNewspaperArchives. We have a vast amount of oral histories to sit down and be transported back in time with local people discussing their memories of #DaysGoneBy In our search room you can view a fantastic amount of original records which include: estate records, maps, school records, rate books, workhouse records, & coroners reports #FamilyHistory #Genealogy #FamilyTree


#WythnosHanesTeulu yw yr wythnos hon. Wyddoch chi bod gyda ni #CanolfanHanesTeulu arbennig gyda mynediad AM DDIM i #Ancestry #FindMyPast a #BritishNewspaperArchives? Mae gyda ni lwyth o recordiadau hanes llafar, a fe allwch chi eistedd lawr a gwrando ar bobl lleol yn trafod am eu hatgofion o’r #HenDdyddiau. Yn ein hystafell ymchwil gallwch chi weld nifer anhygoel o gofnodion gwreiddiol sy’n cynnwys: cofnodion ystâd, mapiau, cofnodion Ysgol, llyfrau treth, cofnodion y tloty, ac adroddiadau’r crwner #HanesTeulu #Achau #CoedenTeulu


Byddwn ni ar gau ar ddydd Gwener y Groglith ar gyfer Gwyl y Banc. Gobeithiwn benwythnos da i chi gyd.
We will be closed on Easter Friday for the Bank Holiday. We hope you all have a great weekend.


This sounds great!


Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus i bawb!
Happy St. David's Day everyone!
#DyddGwylDewiSant #DyddGwylDewi #StDavidsDay


Dyma rhywbeth a ddaeth i mewn yr wythnos hon: Rhestr Anrhydedd Ebenezer, Abertawe! Byddwn ni’n ei ychwanegu at ein prosiect Cofebion Rhyfel, https://bit.ly/2yZZbPW #rhywbethi’rpenwythnos
Here is something that came in this week: the Roll of Honour of Ebenezer, Swansea! We will be adding it to our War Memorial project, https://bit.ly/2z2i3hp #somethingfortheweekend


NEWYDD! I’r Nadolig: gan awdur lleol Jeff Childs. Ar gael arlein ac o’r Gwasanaeth Archifau. https://bit.ly/2QIcGOj
NEW! For Christmas: by local author Jeff Childs. Available online and from the Archive Service. https://bit.ly/2A0Q6qX


Mae profion #AutosomalDNA yn gallu cael eu gwneud gan ddynion a menywod a byddan nhw’n dangos canlyniadau i chi o’r ddwy linell eich teulu. Mae cymryd prawf #DNA i hyrwyddo'ch ymchwil #FamilyHistory yn fynd yn fwyfwy gyffredin a gall arwain at ddarganfod cefnderoedd neu berthnasau eraill ar draws y byd. Gan ddefnyddio'r cronfeydd data ar-lein rydyn ni wedi eu tanysgrifio fel #Ancestry, byddwch chi’n gallu ymchwilio’ch achau ar sail y #GeneticConnections y gallwch chi eu datgelu o'ch canlyniadau DNA. Mae cwsmeriaid wedi gallu lleoli hanner brodyr a chwiorydd nad oeddent yn gwybod amdanynt mor bell i ffwrdd ag America, Canada, Sweden a'r Eidal gan ddefnyddio'r dechnoleg hon
#ArchwilioEichArchif #ArchifauRhyngwladol


St. Helen’s Cricket ground has held many great matches with Glamorgan Cricket Club over the years, and of course was the site of the famous six sixes from Sir Gary Sobers for Nottinghamshire on 31st August 1968
#SportingArchives #ExploreYourArchive


Many local works and societies had their own team. This photo shows Mr. Arthur Gilbertson’s Cricket XI in 1903, from the Pontardawe works
#SportingArchives #ExploreYourArchive

More about West Glamorgan Archive Service

West Glamorgan Archive Service is located at Civic Centre, Oystermouth Road, SA1 3SN Swansea, United Kingdom
01792 636589
Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -