Wrexham Salvation Army Church & Ark Community Centre

About Wrexham Salvation Army Church & Ark Community Centre

The Salvation Army in Wrexham: a church supporting the local community with various services throughout the week.



He is Risen. Easter blessings to you all. Here is our first video of the morning. Our Easter message will follow.


Easter activities.


Welcome to our Good Friday Message


Praying you will be blessed by this song. As you sit at your kitchen / dining room table ...look at an empty chair and pray someone into the Kingdom.


This story is so familiar to us all. As we approach Holy Week in quietness of mind and body this year. I pray that the scriptures will speak to us with power and wonder. I pray we will all be able to say with confidence...Jesus, i want to follow you. Thank you for loving me, please help me to love you back.Amen.


EASTER SERVICES on FortressRadio.online
Good Friday Holiness meeting at 8:00am, repeated at 11:00am will be led by Major Dr Malcolm Westwood.
Good Friday Easter Reflections at 6:00pm, repeated at 9:00pm will be led by Lieut-Colonel Judith Payne, Training Principal.
... Easter Sunday Knee Drill at 9:30am will be led by Stephen Poxon.
Easter Sunday Holiness Hour at 11:00am will be led by Major Andrew Stone with guest speaker Commissioner Anthony Cotterill.
Easter Sunday Salvation Meeting at 6:00pm will be led by Marc Harry with guest speaker Commissioner Keith Banks.
Tune in any day to listen to your favourite Salvation Army melodies.
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Read John 12: 2-8 Mary took a pound of costly perfume made of pure nard, anointed Jesus' feet and wiped them with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of perfume.
The different fragrances are a reminder of our offering of love and worship.
... Too much hand sanitiser is making my hands so dry at the moment and it feels lovely to get hand cream on them. Are you experiencing something similar? Perhaps you could take some perfumed hand lotion and rub it into your hands as you reflect on this story.
Ask yourself- how can I, in my situation and with my personality be like this woman? Her life had been so deeply touched by Jesus that she wanted to do sonething precious for him Is that true for me?
What could you bring as an offering of love, gratitude and worship? Hold it in your mind and mark it in some way by writing it down or by writing a candle and placing it somewhere Significant.
Lockdown doesn't stop us being our best for Jesus. Be extravagent in your prayers today and be blessed. Sandy.🙏
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Day 14 of lockdown and today i'm thinking how very different Holy week is this year. So each day i will post a different way of reflecting on the Easter story, praying that as we ponder on the familiar story in the quietness of our own homes, we will connect with God in a very powerful way.
If the manner of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem was both courageous and defiant in the light of the fact he was a marked man, his cleansing of the Temple was even more daring. Read Mark 11: ...15-17
The temple had been built as a house of prayer for all nations. Gentiles, though were only allowed in one outer court, which the Jews abused by using it for trade. Consequently it had become a place for double dealings and this out raged Jesus. The money changers fleeced pilgrims , simliarly, the dove sellers were equally deceitful and chatges extortionate prices. With a ruthlessness that must have astonished his onlookers , Jesus rid the Temple of these practices that could never coexist with a holy God.
Lord, your word reminds me that, I, too am a temple. This Holy week, reveal to me those changes you would like to make in my life. On this 14th day of lockdown, we pray againgst social injustices. We pray for healing. We pray for world leaders, may they govern diligently, seek wisdom and speak with clarity and grace. God Bless.
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Sunday exercise and certain to put a smile on your faces.😊


Thank you Morrison’s Wrexham for helping us to support people at this difficult time. Your help is very much appreciated x


We're on the frontline now..


As we reach the end of another week, i must admit I have found myself rather emotional over the past couple of days over lots of things, especially not being able to see family when they are poorly.
I still find it amazing how God sends us unexpected blessings to lift us when we need it. Blessed by our grandchildren singing 'shine from the inside out' during our video bedtime call. Blessed by the gift of a rainbow today.... Blessed by my new book and even blessed by my jar of chocolate mini eggs, which is now empty😅.
It's so important that we bless each other. But it's also important we bless God for all he does for us. Psalm 103 says.. I bless the holy name of God with all my heart David focussed on God's glorious deeds. It is so easy to complain about life, especially now, but David list gives us plenty of reasons to praise God. He forgives our sins He heals He redeems us from death, crowns us with love and compassion , satisfies our desires and gives righteousness and justice. No matter how difficult our week has been, we can always count our blessings...past, present and future. So, if you feel like you have nothing to bless God for Read Psalm 103, make a list of your blessings and bless God by praising His Holy name. This afternoon, i have displayed my rainbow in a window, placed my family into God's care and prayed abundant blessings over them I am turning my empty jar into an offering jar to bless my Church and now i'm reading and singing. ( women can multi task very well 🥰) Missing you all.
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2 rainbow pictures have been sent today. Jesus, hope of the nation

More about Wrexham Salvation Army Church & Ark Community Centre

Wrexham Salvation Army Church & Ark Community Centre is located at Garden Road, LL11 2NU Wrexham
01978 311076