Wrypp Drop In/Pixel

About Wrypp Drop In/Pixel

Youth workers are available to offer support and information on a range of issues. There is free Wi-Fi access and computer use, and a place to hang out.

Wrypp Drop In/Pixel Description

West Rhyl Young People's Centre works with young people aged 14-25 years on a wide rang of issues including sexual health, sexuality, budgeting, nutrition, housing and homelessness, employment, education and training opportunities. We offer information and support, and can provide assistance to young people in crisis. The principles on informal education underpin our work and, in safety and comfort of the drop in, young people are encouraged to participate in decisions that affect them both locally and nationally.

Youth workers are available to offer support and information on a range of issues. There is free Wi-Fi access and computer use, and you can help organise workshops, activities & events.

Bu Canolfan Gorllewin Y Rhyl yn gweithio hefo pobl ifanc rhwyn 14-25 ar amrywiaeth o materion eang, yn cynnwys iechyd rhywiol. rhywioldeb, cynllinion, bwyta'n iach, materion tai a digartref, cyflogaeth, addysg a cyfleoedd hyfforddiant. Mae gwybodaeth ag ategiad ar gael, a gallwn darparu cymorth i bobl ifanc mewn argyfwng. Mae'r egwyddorion o addysg anfurfiol yn atgyfnerthu ein gwaith ac mewn diogelwch a cysur y Canolfan bu pobl ifanc yn cael cymrud rhan mewn penderfyniadau sy'n effeithio nhw yn lleol ac yn gwleidyddol.

Bu gweithwyr ieuenctid ar gael I gynnig cymorth a gwtbodaeth ar ystod o faterion. Mae Wi-Fi a defnydd chyfrifiadur yn rhad ac am ddim, a gallwch helpu I drefnu gweithdai, gweithgareddau a digwyddiadau.

More about Wrypp Drop In/Pixel

Wrypp Drop In/Pixel is located at 17 Bedford Street, LL18 1SY Rhyl
01745 357 9402