Y Gyngres Geltaidd Cangen Cymru

About Y Gyngres Geltaidd Cangen Cymru

I gynnal diwylliannau, delfrydau ac ieithoedd y pobloedd Celtaidd, i ddiogelu eu treftadaeth, ac i gadw cysylltiad deallusol rhwng y cymunedau Celtaidd a sicrhau eu bod yn cydweithio'n agos â'i gilydd.

Y Gyngres Geltaidd Cangen Cymru Description

[English description follows the Welsh]

Mae Cangen Cymru yn un o chwe changen Y Gyngres Geltaidd, mudiad sy'n cynnwys y chwe gwlad Geltaidd:

Alba (Yr Alban)
Breizh (Llydaw)
Éire (Iwerddon)
Kernow (Cernyw)
Mannin (Manaw)

= = =

The Wales Branch is one of six branches of the Celtic Congress, an organisation that has six Celtic nations as members:

Alba (Scotland)
Breizh (Brittany)
Cymru (Wales)
Éire (Ireland)
Kernow (Cornwall)
Mannin (Isle of Man)



"Penblodh lowen" i Ann Trevenen Jenkin sy'n dathlu ei phen-blwydd yn ddeg a phedwar ugain oed heddiw. Tynnwyd y llun yma ohoni yn y Gyngres Geltaidd Ryngwladol yn An Gearasdan (Fort William) yn 2011. Diolch iddi am bob dim y mae wedi'i wneud dros y Gyngres Geltaidd ac am ein hysbrydoli dros flynyddoedd lawer. = = = "Penblodh lowen" / Happy Birthday to Ann Trevenen Jenkin who is celebrating her ninetieth birthday today. This picture of her was taken at the International Celtic Congress in An Gearasdan (Fort William) in 2011. We thank her for all that she has done for the Celtic Congress and for inspiring us all over many, many years.


Neges frys! / Urgent message! - 25/3/20
Updated information regarding the 2020 International Celtic Congress
... In the light of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Welsh Branch Executive Committee, who have been preparing for this year’s meeting in Aberystwyth, regret to announce that they have decided to CANCEL the 2020 International Congress. We announce this with heavy hearts. However, we must act with due regard to the health, safety, and well-being of all persons associated with the event (and there are many people). Clearly, given the current difficult circumstances that we are all facing, it is quite impossible for us to consider re-arranging the event for later in the year.
Those members and friends who have paid registration fees (deposits or full amounts) will be reimbursed as soon as it is practicable for us to repay you. Please be patient – we note that the current lockdown is affecting banking services to some degree. Please do not send any money from now on!
We wish to express our sincerest thanks to the Proprietor and Staff of Gwesty’r Marine, Aberystwyth, for all that they have done in preparing a welcome for us. We wish them well at this most difficult time for the hospitality industry.
Our Executive Committee will be contacting Branch Secretaries and individual delegates by e-mail regarding accommodation that has been booked at the hotel (we shall do this within the next two or three days).
Diolch yn fawr. / Thank you.
https://internationalcelticcongress.org/â €¦/coronavirus-info…/
See More


Wedi'r stormydd ... = = = After the storms ...


Jaci Taylor a David Greaney y tu allan i'r Lolfa: mae'r gwaith o baratoi'r rhaglen swyddogol ar gyfer Cyngres Ryngwladol 2020 wedi dechrau. = = = Jaci Taylor and David Greaney outside Y Lolfa: the work of preparing the official programme for the 2020 International Congress has begun.


Fideo gan Scott Waby o'r tywydd mawr heddiw = = = A video by Scott Waby of today's great storm


6ed Chwefror, o gwmpas "y prom", y castell a'r Hen Goleg. = = = 6th February, around the prom, the castle and the Old College.


Jaci Taylor a David Greaney yn edrych ymlaen at eich croesawu i Aberystwyth ym mis Gorffennaf. = = = Jaci Taylor and David Greaney looking forward to welcoming you to Aberystwyth in July.


Gyfeillion Celtaidd, mae Jason yn disgwyl amdanoch! === Dear Celtic Friends, Jason is waiting for you!


https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fb id=759240891252055&id=13731591677789 2


Ar lan y môr ... === At the seaside ...


Aberystwyth 2020 looks forward to greeting friends from Celtic Congress - Cornwall this summer.


Byd dwyieithog Aberystwyth / The bilingual world of Aberystwyth:
lle da i ddysgu Cymraeg - a good place to learn Welsh

More about Y Gyngres Geltaidd Cangen Cymru

Y Gyngres Geltaidd Cangen Cymru is located at c/o Secretary (Niclas ap Glyn), 90 Plassey Street, Penarth,, CF64 1EN Cardiff