Yog With Annamaria

About Yog With Annamaria

ॐ BE the change you want to see ॐ

Yog With Annamaria Description

I am a traditional yoga instructor trained in India. I first went to India in 2012 and travelled across Goa, Rajastan, Maharastra and Himachal Pradesh, learning a variety of techniques, and spending a total of two years studying their traditional methods.
Since then I have taught in India, Greece and the UK, although I still return to India every year to continue my own study.
I currently hold the qualifications of:
250h Yoga Therapy
200 hour TTC Yoga Alliance
150 hour Yoga Psychology
100 hour Pre and Post Natal Yoga
150h Kids Yoga
BSc in Psychology
I offer a range of different sessions private and groups for anyone and any body over the age of 3
The types of sessions I teach include : -
Hatha Yoga –
Hatha Yoga developed in India during 6th and 15th century. Hatha (Ha=Sun, Tha=moon) is a discipline consisting of the practices of Asanas (body postures), Pranayama (breathing techniques), Mudra (hand gestures) and Bandhas (energy locks). It focuses on body purification, strengthening the mind-body relations and pranic awakenings. In Hatha Yoga, Asanas are maintained for a longer time in a relaxed manner. This practice builds strength and stamina, and improves the functioning and efficiency of the internal organs. This affects all other parts of the body in a positive manner. The result is a positive effect on the entire body-mind complex, strengthening the mind and balancing the nervous system.
Ashtanga Yoga –
Ashtanga Yoga (Eight limb yoga) is a system of yoga introduced by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in the 1940s and involves synchronizing the breath with a progressive series of postures; a process producing intense internal heat and profuse sweating, purifying and detoxifiying muscles and organs. The result is improved circulation, a light and strong body, and a calm mind.
Pranayama –
Pranayama (Prana = vital energy, yama = control and extension of the pranic energy) is the practise of different breathing techniques which help to supply the body with energy in order to assist the respiratory system and help control the body mind complex. This can lead to improvements in lung efficiency, and help address stress, anxiety and concentration by clearing the energy blockages of the body.
Kriya Yoga –
Kriya yoga is yoga that is used to purify the body and to prepare for Asanas (Yoga postures). This involves a range of techniques including nasal purification (Jala neti), regurgitive cleaning (Vaman dhouti) which helps to increase the efficiency of the abdominal muscles and cleansing of the digestive system (Shanka prakshalana). These techniques can also be used to help deal people suffering from constipation, bloated abdomens, indigestion and heaviness of stomach. This technique helps to remove toxins from the blood and normalizes the blood sugar and blood pressure levels.
Trataka –
Eye cleansing yoga, which exercises the eyes, improving muscle function, relieving eye pain, headaches and can help reduce the effects of myopia. More importantly trataka has an effect on the mind and brain, helping in cases of depression, insomnia, and will help to increase memory and concentration.
Yoga Nidra –
Yoga Nidra derived from the tantras, a powerful technique in which you learn to relax consciously. It is a state of dynamic sleep in which you are still aware. It uses systematic methods of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. During practice one appears to be asleep, but the consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness. Relaxation is reached by turning inwards, away from outer experiences, it is at this borderland of sleep and awakened state that direct access to the subconscious mind allows for the bypassing of the brain. Accessing memory, reactions, behavioural patterns, habits, addictions, all of which can be adjusted through yoga. This can have the results of relieving stress, improving memory, improving concentration and developing confidence. This technique can also assist hypertension, diabetes, spine problems, insomnia, menstrual disorders, obesity, personality development and purification of the mind.
I offer a range of sessions from people who have never ventured onto a yoga mat, to people who have been practising yoga for years.

I do offer private classes which can be anywhere between 1 and 2 hours for people who would rather have one to one instruction, or practise yoga with a group of friends. This allows for much more attention to individual needs and personal requirements. For more information on private classes please do not hesitate to message me directly.