Ysgol Penllwyn

About Ysgol Penllwyn

Croeso i Ysgol Penllwyn

Welcome to Ysgol Penllwyn



Diolch i'r Urdd ac i Sam Ebenezer am sioe wych. Thank you to the Urdd and Sam Ebenezer for a fantastic show.


Ychydig dros bythefnos i fynd nawr. Cofiwch roi'r dyddiad yn eich calendr/dyddiadur. Rhannwch hefyd os gwelwch yn dda. Diolch 🙂
Just over two weeks to go now. Don't forget to put the date in your diary/calendar. Share as well if you can please. Thank you 🙂


Diwrnod arbennig i ddisgyblion Cyfnod Allweddol 2 yng Nghaerdydd. Key stage 2 in Cardiff today.


https://twitter.com/ysgolpenllw…/status /1177277065294503939…


Llongyfarchiadau i Ms Lawrence a Gwilym ar enedigaeth Roni Gwilym Morgan ar Awst 23ain yn pwyso 7lb1oz. Pob dymuniad da iddynt.
Congratulations to Ms Lawrence and Gwilym on the birth of their son Roni Gwilym Morgan on August 23rd weighing 7lb1oz. Best wishes to them.


Llongyfarchiadau Mrs Evans. Congratulations Mrs Evans.


https://twitter.com/ysgolpenllw…/status /1157680082313515009…


https://twitter.com/ysgolpenllw…/status /1157679845939253248…


Llongyfarchiadau i'r criw anhygoel yma am ddod yn ail yn y gystadleuaeth BookSlam. Congratulations to this fantastic group of pupils who just came in second place in the National BookSlam competition.


Llongyfarchiadau i Efanna
https://www.facebook.com/165655156894338/ posts/2061811767278658/


https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fb id=1540400239429066&id=5940683940622 60


Ysgol Penllwyn ar y map dywydd heno ar S4C. Cofiwch i wylio am 9.28yh.
Ysgol Penllwyn ond the weather map tonight on S4C. Remember to watch at 9.28pm.


Disgyblion yn mwynhau ein hardal allanol ar ei newydd wedd: grisiau newydd o'r dosbarth i hwyluso rhediad rhwng y tu fewn a’r tu allan, ffens newydd i’n cadw’n ddiogel, ardal chwarae sych o dan draed, ty bach twt, cwrs beicio, ardal chwarae dwr, polytunel inni gael garddio drwy’r flwydydn, heb anghofio Benji Bwni! Diolch i Tesco Aberystwyth @bagsofhelp @VentientEnergy @cronfaleri a Grant Datblygu ardaloedd Chwarae diogel am gyllido'r broject.

Pupils enjoying the new and i...mproved outdoor area: improved access from class with steps to the putside allowing for a better flow between indoor and outdoor learning, a new fence to keep us safe, a dry area underfoot, biking course, play house, water play, polytunnel for all year round gardening not forgetting Benji Bunny! Thank you @GStescoGrant @TescoAber4630 @cronfaleri @VentientEnergy & Grant for Safe Play Opportunities for the funding
See More


http://www.cambrian-news.co.uk/article.cf m?id=127753

More about Ysgol Penllwyn

Ysgol Penllwyn is located at Penllwyn Estate, Capel Bangor, SY23 3 Aberystwyth