Ysgol Y Faenol

About Ysgol Y Faenol

Ysgol gynradd dan reolaeth wirfoddol yr Eglwys yng Nghymru.
Ysgol y Faenol is a Church in Wales voluntary controlled school.



👍Maent wedi mynd erbyn hyn diolch!!👍 Oes rhywun wedi colli defaid? Plis dewch i’w nol nhw o’r ysgol! Nid oes ganddynt farciau na thagiau ac mae’r heddlu’n meddwl mai defaid mynydd Cymreig ydyn nhw. Dirgelwch!! Rhannwch os gwelwch yn dda! 👍The owner has been found, thank you!!👍 Has anyone lost 2 sheep? Please come to collect them from the school! They do not have any markings or tags and the police think that they might be Welsh mountain sheep. Please share so that their owner can be informed!


https://twitter.com/ysgolfaenol/status/11 84036982445481984…


Swydd yn y cylch / job opportunity at the Cylch


Bore da o Siapan! Dewi yn dymuno pob lwc i Cymru heddiw!! Good morning from Japan! Dewi giving Wales last minute tips!! Good luck to Wales today!! https://twitter.com/ysgolfaenol/status/11 76014169776316416…


Introducing Deiniol and Dewi, Ysgol Y Faenol’s Welsh Dragons. They are both going on an adventure of a lifetime to Japan to watch the Rugby World Cup! You can follow their progress by following @YsgolFaenol on Twitter


Dyma Dewi a Deiniol, dreigiau Ysgol Y Faenol. Mae’r ddau yn mynd ar daith i Siapan i wylio Cwpan Rygbi’r Byd. Dilynwch eu hanturiaethau ar Twitter, dilynwch @YsgolFaenol


Mae Cyngor Gwynedd eisiau canfod barn rhieni am ginio ysgol, cliciwch ar y ddolen isod i gwblhau'r holiadur. Dyddiad cau 11 Hydref 2019. https://arolwg.gwynedd.gov.uk/index.php/3 36711?lang=cy
Gwynedd Council are keen to know your opinion on school dinners. Click on the link below to complete a questionnaire. Closing date 11 October 2019
... https://arolwg.gwynedd.gov.uk/index.php/3 36711?lang=en
See More


Parent and Teacher Association meeting on Monday 23/9/19 at 7pm (not 25th). Everyone welcome, please come to share ideas for fundraising and social activities.


Cyfarfod nesa’r Gymdeithas Rhieni ac Athrawon: nos Lun 23/9/19 am 7 o’r gloch (dim 25ain). Croeso i bawb. Dewch i rannu syniadau am weithgareddau a digwyddiadau.

More about Ysgol Y Faenol

Ysgol Y Faenol is located at Ysgol y Faenol, Penrhosgarnedd, Ll57 2NN Bangor, Gwynedd