Ystrad Road Post Office (Permanently Closed)



This 'business' is a disgrace to the commununity; it's a shame though because we all rely on internet purchases and it could be run infinitely better, just look at all the brilliant corner store franchises that are run by young friendly entrepreneurs that offer the same but with a smile and happy for our business!! We all deserve better as customers. I just walked away feeling like I caused her, (yes that sour faced lady referred to in previous reviews) a massive hindrance, just for requesting my amazon parcel. Google and amazon says she closes at 5:30 but she was pissed off I came in at 5 because she had to 'count up'. Well I thought I'd give the sub post office a try as it's so close to my address, but next time I'm going back to my friendly Mr Kumar store in caerethin.


Terrible service! The lady who runs the this post office needs to either retire or learn to have some common courtesy. She gets annoyed as soon as you enter because you're disturbing her from reading her book. And watch out if you bring in a package... she will huff very loudly and exclaim 'oh no, not another package. I'm going to have to close the store for a bit I think'.


I still cant belive i go here but i dont see why i should stop as its on my road, the women who lives and runs this business really really needs to consider shutting down as she is the most unhappy person i have ever come across!
Everytime i go there which is atleast once a week if its not the sellotape not being right its the way its packaged or even my writting is not good enough ! And she dont care how
Long you wait u will wait untill she is ready!
I even heard her speak to people in a terrible manner even telling somene that she cant do all them in one go as there are to many parcels to do! She has a busness to run for gods sale if you dont want to work move on and stop being so miserable to people it was your choice to run a post office not ours ! But yet her daughter and husband are lovely ! Turn that smile upside down women


Terrible service every time I go in there. Even when the friendly middle aged cashier is working, the old dragon just makes you feel awkward and as if you are putting them out rather than keeping them in business! Huffs at you if you go in with more than one parcel, questions the address you've written even if you write in block capitals, doesn't say hello even if you have said hello to her - she just opens the window for you to pass your parcel to her, and never ever forget to write the senders address on the back otherwise its the end of the world! I would rather drive to the next nearest post office than deal with her and her stinking attitude any more... and I'm being polite!


Horrible woman in this office. Terrible customer service.

More about Ystrad Road Post Office (Permanently Closed)

Ystrad Road Post Office (Permanently Closed) is located at 1329 Carmarthen Rd, Fforest-fach, Swansea SA5 4BR, UK
+44 1792 586354