Zip World

About Zip World

Open Fridays - Mondays.
Enjoy 6 incredible adventures in the heart of the Conwy valley!
- Fforest Coaster
- Zip Safari 2
- Plummet 2
- Treetop Nets
- Tree Hoppers
- Skyride 2 (coming soon! )

Zip World Description

Zip World Fforest



Coming soon to a town near you 😂 Did you see any of our team members today? Looks like they had a fair bit of fun out and about! Keep an eye out for them this week for your 10% off Velocity 2 leaflet- we challenge you to get some selfies with our amazing teams, we want to see them👀! . . . A weloch chi ein tîm heddiw? Mae'n edrych fel cawsant hwyl a sbri yn crwydro rownd Gogledd Cymru a'r Gogledd-Orllewin😂! Edrychwch allan amdanynt yr wythnos yma am eich 10% i ffwrdd Velocity 2 (ac efallai hunlun neu ddau, rydym ni eisiau eu gweld👀!)


We have some Happy Hours slots this evening, from 4pm 🎉! Get your 10% off now: (also can we take a second to appreciate this view 😍).
Make the most of this offer, book a slot for Monday-Friday, between the hours of 7-9:40am and 4-7:20pm! You're welcome 😃!


Earlier on today, we were joined by Welsh rugby royalty, George North🏉, and Olympic medallist Becky James🏅! What a great day, and it's safe to say they loved Velocity 2! Get 10% off your ride when you book onto our Happy Hours🎉; get your code here: All info you need is here: . .... . Heddiw, ymunodd chwaraewr rygbi George North🏉, ac enillwr Olympaidd Becky James🏅 â ni! Am ddiwrnod ffantastig, a chawsant nhw amser anhygoel ar Velocity 2! Bwciwch sesiwn yn ystod ein Horiau Hapus, a chewch 10% i ffwrdd🎉 dyma'r cod i chi: A dyma rhagor o wybodaeth i chi:
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☀️Let's kick off the summer season the right way! Head over to this link to claim your Velocity 2 Happy Hours promo code 🎉! Use the code when booking online, and we will give you 10% off! Valid Monday to Friday, 7am-9:40am and 4pm-7:20pm, all summer 🤩.
PLUS, join us during our Happy Hours and share your pictures with us using the hashtag #happyhourheroes. Our favourite will be featured on Facebook each week and will be sent a FREE ZW t-shirt 👕! Happy ...summer 😎 . . . ☀️Cliciwch y linc yma ar gyfer eich côd promo, am 10% i ffwrdd eich sesiwn Velocity 2! Yn ddilys o Ddydd Llun i Ddydd Gwener, 7yb-9:40yb a 4yh-7.20yh, trwy'r Haf🤩. Bwciwch ar lein gyda'r cod nawr 🎉!
HEFYD, ymunwch â ni yn ystod ein Horiau Hapus, a rhannwch eich lluniau gyda ni gan ddefnyddio'r hashtag #happyhourheroes. Mi fyddwn yn dewis ein hoff lun, yn ei rannu ar Facebook, ac yn gyrru ein harwr crys-t Zip World AM DDIM👕! Haf hapus 😎
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Get your promo code here: Valid Mon-Fri, 7-9:40am and 4-7:20pm


Hen party goals 💁. The #bridesquad were in and making some memories with us on Velocity 2 the other day! Tag your Velocity 2 squad below! And maybe even book them in if you're feeling generous 😁 ➡️ . .... . Mae'r #bridesquad yma, ac yn creu atgofion ar Velocity 2! Tagiwch eich squad Velocity 2! Ac efallai bwcio nhw i fewn hefyd 😁 ➡️
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Our Friday the 13th Velocity 2 lot braving the fog today 🙊! Well done guys, you all did amazingly🏅! Get booking now before our sessions fill up for the summer: . . .... Ein ffrindiau dewr yn gwynebu'r niwl heddiw ar Velocity 2🙊! Da iawn chi pawb, oeddech yn grêt 🏅! Bwciwch nawr cyn i'n sesiynau llenwi am yr Haf:
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🕺Anyone else feeling like the slate man today? 😂 Well, your Friday just got a whole lot more interesting! Pop by this morning or this evening for your go on Velocity 2- we've opened up some extra slots for you last minute types 😉! You're welcome 🤗! . . .... Rhywun arall yn teimlo fel y dyn lechen heddiw? 😂 Wel, popiwch heibio bore 'ma neu gyda'r nos- rydym ni wedi agor rhagor o sesiynau Velocity 2 ar gyfer y bobl munud olaf ymysg ni 😉! Welwch chi yna 🤗!
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Bye summer, it was nice knowing you 👋😂! Fear not adventurers, pop over to our Slate Caverns to keep dry this week with Bounce Below! See you there 😎. You know what to do, book now ➡️ . .... . Ta-ra haf, oedd hi'n neis 'nabod chi👋😂! Peidiwch â phoeni, popiwch draw i'n Slate Caverns yr wythnos yma i gadw'n sych gyda Bounce Below! Gwelwch chi yna 😎. Bwciwch nawr ➡️
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Fancy joining a growing business with plenty of prospects 🧐? Want to work with a dynamic team in an exciting environment? We're on the lookout for a cafe assistant to join our amazing team over at the Fforest Cafe, Betws Y Coed! 🌲☕️ Check out our website for more details ➡️ Get tagging below if you know someone perfect for this role!


Guys, don't miss out ‼️ We've still got a few morning and evening Velocity 2 sessions tomorrow and Friday, but be quick! Beat the summer crowds while you can, and book now 🤩! . . .... Peidiwch â cholli allan ‼️ Mae gennym ychydig o sesiynau gyda'r bore a'r nos ar ôl i Velocity 2 yfory a Dydd Gwener, ond byddwch yn gyflym! Dianc y dorf cyn yr Haf, a bwciwch nawr 🤩!
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🌞Another stunning day at Penrhyn Quarry (spot the zippers🧐)! We have a few morning and evening sessions left on Velocity 2 for the rest of the week, so get booking now to avoid disappointment! Make the most of this weather while it's still with us 😂😎! Book now: . .... . 🌞Am ddiwrnod hyfyrd yn Chwarel Penrhyn! Mae gennym ychydig o sesiynau Velocity 2 ar ôl gyda'r bore a'r nôs am weddill yr wythnos, ond bwciwch nawr! Joiwch y tywydd braf gyda ni😎(tra mae'n para)! Bwciwch nawr:
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Nothing planned tomorrow? Remember, book yourself onto Velocity 2 for tomorrow (the 10th) or Wednesday the 11th and we'll throw in a FREE session on our Fforest Coaster on the same day! Give us a call now to book on 01248 601444! See you there 💁 . . . Edrych am rywbeth i wneud yfory? Cofiwch, os yr ydych yn bwcio Velocity 2 am yfory (y 10fed) neu Ddydd Mercher (yr 11eg), fe gewch sesiwn am ddim ar ein Fforest Coaster hefyd, am yr un diwrnod! Rhowch alwad i ni ar 01248 601444 i fwcio! Gweld chi yna!


It’s a pretty day at Penrhyn Quarry, perfect Velocity 2 conditions 🙌🏼 who’s joining us over the next week? Comment below! . . . Mae’n ddiwrnod hyfryd yn Chwarel Penrhyn! Perffaith ar gyfer Velocity 2 🙌🏼 pwy sy’n ymuno â ni’r wythnos yma? Gadewch i ni wybod?


Meet Andy. Andy's on his stag do. He's saving us all from evil, one zip line at a time. Be more like Andy 🕺
Book Velocity 2 now:
Remember, book Velocity 2 for the 10th or 11th of July and get a FREE Fforest Coaster session too on the same day 🙌 Give us a call on 01248 601444 to book this deal!... . . . Dyma Andy. Mae Andy ar ei barti stag. Mae o'n achub ni rhag drwg, un llinell sip ar y tro. Byddwch yn fwy tebyg i Andy.
Bwciwch Velocity 2 nawr:
Cofiwch, os yr ydych yn bwcio sesiwn ar Velocity 2 am y 10fed neu yr 11eg o Orffennaf, rydym yn rhoi sesiwn AM DDIM ar ein Fforest Coaster i chi hefyd, ar yr un diwrnod. Rhowch alwad i ni ar 01248 601444 i fwcio'r cynnig yma!
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BEAT THE CROWDS with our one-off pre summer giveaway! If you book Velocity 2 for the 10th or 11th of July, we'll throw in a FREE session on our Fforest Coaster on the same day! We've opened up a few extra slots so as many of you as possible can enjoy this offer, but act fast! Give our adventure booking team a call to grab your space now before it's too late: 01248 601444 📱 Know someone that will love this offer? Tag them below! ... Happy Independence Day everyone! . . . DIANC TORF YR HAF eleni gyda'n cynnig arbennig! 😁☀️ Ar y 10fed a'r 11eg o Orffennaf, rydym yn cynnig anrheg fach i bob cwsmer newydd ar Velocity 2 AM DDIM, sef sesiwn ar ein Fforest Coaster yr un diwrnod! Rydym wedi adio ychydig o lefydd ychwanegol ar Velocity i gymaint ohonych ag sy' phosib mwynhau y rhodd arbennig yma! Bwciwch eich lle cyn mae'n rhy hwyr heddiw! Ffoniwch ein tîm anturiaethau ar: 01248 601444 Dydd Annibyniaeth Hapus i chi gyd!
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Here's a few happy faces enjoying our Carpet Slide recently🎉! If you and your little ones fancy a go on this fun, family friendly adventure, it's offered as part of our Treetop Nets package! 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 Get yourselves booked on today by visiting our website: 💻 📱or give us a ring on: 01248 601444
... . . . Dyma ychydig o wynebau hapus yn mwynhau ein Sleid Carped yn ddiweddar! Os ydych chi a'ch plant eisiau tro ar yr antur hwyl yma, rydym yn ei chynnig fel rhan o'n pecyn Treetop Nets! Bwciwch heddiw trwy ein gwefan: 💻 📱 neu rhoi alwad i ni ar: 01248 601444
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Calling all General Managers! If you're an experienced, fun and passionate commercial leader, with a love for adventure and all things outdoors, we have an exciting opportunity for you. We're on the lookout for GMs at our Penrhyn Quarry and Slate Caverns sites, so if you think you're up to the challenge, check out the links below and take your first steps towards joining our growing team!
Penrhyn Quarry job description: Slate Caverns job description:


What's the best way to cool down? Zipping of course! Instructor Dani shows us how on Titan, the ultimate group zipline adventure! Our three thrilling ziplines together make up the largest zip zone in Europe.
Find out more and book your spot here:


Escape the heat at Zip World Bounce Below! There's fun to be had underground.


Zip world was fantastic it’s the whole package. The place is amazing and the staff so friendly it’s definitely worth a visit 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


What is there to say.... just Awesome... we roller coasted around the woods, zipped on the Safari the. On Sunday we flew over the quarry on Volocity... this is truly an amazing experience.... Awesome Awesome


We went for coaster ride and it was amazing, brilliant. My daughter, 3yo and she love it. Definitely we will come back for another adventures in summer. The staff are nice, friendly and experienced. Many thanks.


We had an amazing time on the fforest Coaster today for father's day. It was so much fun. The kids loved it too. And the staff were all very friendly as well. Would highly recommend it. Just wish there was one closer to where we live. But will definitely be back, as would like to try some of the other things too.


We had a brilliant day out today. The staff were all brilliant and helped my son who needed a wee bit extra help after he got stuck on the tree hoppers with a smile. The highlight of the day had to be the forest coaster. An expensive day out but well worth it.


Very fun! Would definitely go again, and you can't moan for the price! It's great that the forest is still in tact around the coaster too! 🌲


Very expensive but so brilliant.forest coaster is a wonderful unique experience for all ages 3+ zip safari was awesome. Just the right amount of scary and thrill tree top nets was adored by our 13 year old son...... two hours of outdoor exercise!!!! Would highly recommend to anyone without a fear of heights


Took our son as a birthday treat, he has severe autism and was loving the forest coster, staff were very accommodating . He did however have a meltdown so had to leave early. Would just like to thank the friendly staff for their help that day. X


The fforest coaster is an amazing experience! The slow ride up to the top of the track was so peaceful and relaxing whilst looking around at the forest but then the descent was so exhiliterating as you twist and turn through the definitely feels faster than 25mph! We all loved it! The staff were lovely and friendly which made it even more enjoyable and the food in the cafe was delicious. All in all, an amazing experience in a beautiful forest :)


Loved the fforest coaster. Very exciting. Worth the advance booking and the money. One bit of advice. Don’t set off too soon if you think the person in front is going to be slower.


Great fun lovely helpful staff and really well run. Gorgeous location and well worth the money for the toboggan run - could’ve gone another three times - great day out x


Great fun for me and my son aged 9 lots to do and all staff extremely helpful and zip wire and tobogon were excellent fun

Will be going again


Fantastic place, great surroundings, friendly staff, very well run. Our visit made our day, we all had an absolute blast. And we’ll return. In fact, we’ve decided to come back to Wales next year just so we can revisit Zip World! I


Fantastic fun, not the cheapest but even so I thought it was a great experience travelling down at some speed between the trees.. I would recommend a visit to anyone in the area. Would appeal to people of all ages I think..�


Both on the wrong side of 65, but we loved the Coaster it was fantastic fun. I'd booked it for my husband's birthday, he had a beaming smile for the rest of the day! Staff were very friendly and made sure everything was safe. Great day out.


Absolutley brilliant! When arriving, parking was available and free, the reception area is staffed by the most friendliest of colleagues. Explained everything well and were brilliant. Colleagues on the rides were helpful and friendly. My son (12) and I went on the coaster ride, which was ace and then on Zip Safari. Why I booked that I have no idea � I'm petrified of heights! However, I did it and was really proud of both of us ��. Brilliant day out and highly recommended.


Staff were friendly and very helpful. I took my wife (age 55 and disabled) and father in law (aged 74). My main concern was the distance from designated handicap parking bays to the main reception desk. Uphill and gravel path, this needs to be addressed. Was surprised that there were no reduced rates for disabled and OAP's. On the whole thoroughly enjoyable visit for 3 old codgers!!


Staff were friendly and helpful. All activities looked great fun. My daughters had a great time. Like all these places it is expensive and certainly not something the average family could do every week. But it is great and we will certainly be back��


It was my sons birthday and he loved the Forest Coaster. Only issue is the sign at the gate. Fir orevious visitors who are used to goibg to the wodden building by the gate to book into activities tgere was nothing to say that the Reception is up top. For us to have to run up to the top. We nearly missed our slot. Should have a better sign in the main gate


Zip world was fantastic it’s the whole package. The place is amazing and the staff so friendly it’s definitely worth a visit 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


What is there to say.... just Awesome... we roller coasted around the woods, zipped on the Safari the. On Sunday we flew over the quarry on Volocity... this is truly an amazing experience.... Awesome Awesome


We went for coaster ride and it was amazing, brilliant. My daughter, 3yo and she love it. Definitely we will come back for another adventures in summer. The staff are nice, friendly and experienced. Many thanks.


We had an amazing time on the fforest Coaster today for father's day. It was so much fun. The kids loved it too. And the staff were all very friendly as well. Would highly recommend it. Just wish there was one closer to where we live. But will definitely be back, as would like to try some of the other things too.


We had a brilliant day out today. The staff were all brilliant and helped my son who needed a wee bit extra help after he got stuck on the tree hoppers with a smile. The highlight of the day had to be the forest coaster. An expensive day out but well worth it.


Very fun! Would definitely go again, and you can't moan for the price! It's great that the forest is still in tact around the coaster too! 🌲


Very expensive but so brilliant.forest coaster is a wonderful unique experience for all ages 3+ zip safari was awesome. Just the right amount of scary and thrill tree top nets was adored by our 13 year old son...... two hours of outdoor exercise!!!! Would highly recommend to anyone without a fear of heights


Took our son as a birthday treat, he has severe autism and was loving the forest coster, staff were very accommodating . He did however have a meltdown so had to leave early. Would just like to thank the friendly staff for their help that day. X


The fforest coaster is an amazing experience! The slow ride up to the top of the track was so peaceful and relaxing whilst looking around at the forest but then the descent was so exhiliterating as you twist and turn through the definitely feels faster than 25mph! We all loved it! The staff were lovely and friendly which made it even more enjoyable and the food in the cafe was delicious. All in all, an amazing experience in a beautiful forest :)


Loved the fforest coaster. Very exciting. Worth the advance booking and the money. One bit of advice. Don’t set off too soon if you think the person in front is going to be slower.


Great fun lovely helpful staff and really well run. Gorgeous location and well worth the money for the toboggan run - could’ve gone another three times - great day out x


Great fun for me and my son aged 9 lots to do and all staff extremely helpful and zip wire and tobogon were excellent fun

Will be going again


Fantastic place, great surroundings, friendly staff, very well run. Our visit made our day, we all had an absolute blast. And we’ll return. In fact, we’ve decided to come back to Wales next year just so we can revisit Zip World! I


Fantastic fun, not the cheapest but even so I thought it was a great experience travelling down at some speed between the trees.. I would recommend a visit to anyone in the area. Would appeal to people of all ages I think..�


Both on the wrong side of 65, but we loved the Coaster it was fantastic fun. I'd booked it for my husband's birthday, he had a beaming smile for the rest of the day! Staff were very friendly and made sure everything was safe. Great day out.


Absolutley brilliant! When arriving, parking was available and free, the reception area is staffed by the most friendliest of colleagues. Explained everything well and were brilliant. Colleagues on the rides were helpful and friendly. My son (12) and I went on the coaster ride, which was ace and then on Zip Safari. Why I booked that I have no idea � I'm petrified of heights! However, I did it and was really proud of both of us ��. Brilliant day out and highly recommended.


Staff were friendly and very helpful. I took my wife (age 55 and disabled) and father in law (aged 74). My main concern was the distance from designated handicap parking bays to the main reception desk. Uphill and gravel path, this needs to be addressed. Was surprised that there were no reduced rates for disabled and OAP's. On the whole thoroughly enjoyable visit for 3 old codgers!!


Staff were friendly and helpful. All activities looked great fun. My daughters had a great time. Like all these places it is expensive and certainly not something the average family could do every week. But it is great and we will certainly be back��


It was my sons birthday and he loved the Forest Coaster. Only issue is the sign at the gate. Fir orevious visitors who are used to goibg to the wodden building by the gate to book into activities tgere was nothing to say that the Reception is up top. For us to have to run up to the top. We nearly missed our slot. Should have a better sign in the main gate

More about Zip World

Zip World is located at Zip World Fforest, LL24 0HA Bettws-y-coed