40/40 Challenge

About 40/40 Challenge

My challenge is 40 parkruns (5km) in 40 English counties! 200km running or crawling in one weekend! All in aid of a fantastic dog rescue charity RUFF LUCK



Hello all. Long time to speak!
This weekend I am doing a random event that some of you mad 40/40 supports might like . Starting tonight at midnight myself and 2 pals will be ‘chained together’ and attempt to escape from Meridan , 36 hours to get as far away from the centre of the country as possible ! Attempting to go from the midland to Weston pier. We have tracking on if you want to see our journey or even help along the way if we are near you ? We are called the Mucking ...Fentalists . Tracking is on the link. I have something in mind I want to do again next year(but I don’t know how possible not is lol) you can check progress on Instagram @riggie7 and I will log my runs on strava roland rignall (if my watch lasts ) might see you soon guys xx https://escapefrommeriden.co.uk/crow/
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This post from Ruff Luck Rescue makes the whole thing worthwhile.... 🐾
Keep you eyes peeled for our upcoming post on how you can enter for the chance to win a cruise!! 🚢 🌊


This time last week.. Riggie was running up and down the country with all of you! We still can’t believe it’s over...
We are perhaps considering a reunion in the future... We want to invite all you wonderful people to do some tourism at our home parkrun, Arrow Valley in Redditch... It’s a 2 lap, undulating course round a rather pretty lake...
Who would be up for it if we set a date? Obviously we need numbers to pass on to the core team 👍🏻


Riggie’s final thought 💭


With a few days to digest and recover from what was an eventful weekend... Riggie will be doing a Facebook live video tonight around 9pm with a few words... He was going to do a post but he doesn’t think that’s personal enough... ❤️
Hope to see a few of you watching! 😃👍🏻


Massive apologies! I’ve had a few people asking for pictures from run #39, Kingsbury Water. As I was at Arrow Valley at the time things got a little crazy....
This is the group shot and this is the only one I have. If anyone who did this run has more please post below.
Thanks for supporting him on his penultimate leg of the challenge. x


Professional photos from Riggie’s homecoming last night at Arrow Valley parkrun.
We estimate about 200 of you turned up to see him finish or run the final 5k with him.
Loads of dogs too 🐶🐾
... Special thanks to Indie Images Photography for the incredible pics ❤️
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Riggie being mentioned on The Chris Evans Breakfast Show this morning on the final feature. Thanks to the 3 separate people Chris named who texted in!! ❤️
Listen from 2hrs 59ish...


I have been reliably informed that Riggie’s efforts over the weekend were just mentioned on Radio 2 by Chris Evans!!! 😃👍🏻 Whoever text in thanks from the bottom of our hearts...
Also I’m told the founder of parkrun was on earlier in the same show! But I’m yet to listen so I’m not sure...
This could be awesome... I’m sending a few emails... I’ll keep you all posted...
... Kelly x
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200k... Done ✅ 40 Parkruns completed
Riggie is extremely tired and going to bed. We have been sat talking and digesting everything that’s happened over the last 3 days. Very hard to come down from.
I’m sure he will post himself in the coming days, but he is absolutely exhausted and must rest... Looking at his Strava he barely did any runs under 30 mins... He’s absolutely incredible.
... And he has work tomorrow 😂😂😂😂 can you believe it?!?!
From me personally.... Thanks to each and every one of you.. you have invested so much time in this and followed his progress! This became a bigger beast than we ever anticipated....
Thanks to John and Ant you were both so important as this couldn’t have happened without you. We have plans to reward you. It will be awesome.
Kingsbury Water so many of you there... Thanks for the incredible turnout... and to the lady that opened the park for us to run! You were so important and valuable to that leg of the challenge. Thanks for getting in touch with us and being so helpful.
I personally organised the rather large numbers at our home parkrun at Arrow Valley.. Literally so many of you! I wanted to cry and DID cry numerous times... Thanks for being there for the final leg.. You are all amazing! What an incredible finish for Riggie.
Whether you ran with/supported Rig in the sun, rain, lightening, light, dark or on Facebook... You are all incredible... I’m hoping we have helped a few tails out there to wag a bit faster!!! 🐶
To donate to our chosen charity Ruff Luck Dog Rescue please visit http://www.ruffluckrescue.org/donate and quote “40/40 Challenge” on donating.

Much love and thanks
Kelly xxxx
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Riggie’s 40/40 Homecoming - Arrow Valley Parkrun #40


Just sent this to Riggie...
His daughter hasn’t got his stamina 😂😂😂


190k down... 10k to go!! 38 parkruns done ✅
WOW that was off the scale. Literally so many of you... Thanks to all the run clubs, all the OPT crew, Cannock parkrunners and individuals who made it. I'm so overwhelmed. From the bottom of my heart you were insane.
Kingsbury Water I hear there are quite a few of you according to gossip. ETA 8pm. We are on the road and dying to get running with you. Massive thanks for your patience.
... If you are on the way apparently it's £3 to park. Rip off for a 5k I know!! Only just found out. But the park is actually closed so so not sure anyone would be checking anyway. Someone is opening up for us
UPDATE... It’s free to park!!
Let's run! xxx
For donations to Ruff Luck Dog Rescue please visit: http://www.ruffluckrescue.org/donate Quote “40/40 Challenge” on donating.
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185k down... 15k to go!! 37 parkruns done ✅
3 left!! That’s it... just 3! I’ve got so little left and getting excited now I’m near the finish line. Been a long few days and nights. Plus I’ve had a remarkable 3 hours sleep this whole trip!!
Telford parkrunners thank you for your support and also to fellow OPT demons who joined in the fun. Great to see new and familiar faces on my journey. Both help just as much and especially on the final straight.
... Expected to arrive in Cannock chase for 6:40pm so get there slightly before just incase we get a clear run... See you there! This is almost over now 👍🏻 but I’m still excited to run with you Cannock... Rumour has it there might be a few of you!!
For donations to Ruff Luck Dog Rescue please visit: http://www.ruffluckrescue.org/donate Quote “40/40 Challenge” on donating.
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*** progress update ***
10 mins away now Telford. Sorry to keep you waiting. We are looking forward to meeting you!!

More about 40/40 Challenge

40/40 Challenge is located at Arrow valley country park, Redditch