Ak Health And Fitness

About Ak Health And Fitness

Thanks for looking at my page, I can help you with Personal, Corporate and Boot Camp Fitness Training, over 25 years of experience helping people and companies achieve their health & fitness goals

Ak Health And Fitness Description

I help people change their bad habits to good healthy ones, if you don't like how you look and feel, struggle to train on your own, or just not enjoying your training anymore, let me help and guide you on your fitness journey



If you are fed up of not achieving any health and fitness goals and hate the gym then perhaps personal training is for you!
I will coach you to be the best you can be, get you fit, strong, and lean, and feeling amazing! But you will have to work hard! And stick to a healthy eating plan 😀 ideally you need to train at least 3 times weekly, I can travel,My fees are £240 for 6 or £420 for 12 if you live within 3 miles of Folkestone, looking Forward to helping you achieve your hea...lth and fitness goals, click on this link to arrange a call back;https://app.shedul.com/online_bookin gs/102205/link
Cheers Andy
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Apply only if you are ready to train hard for your health and fitness


If you would like some one to one training, I have spaces during the day click on the link to apply


Daytime space available


Some daytime spaces available, take action today!


If you leave it till the new year...you know you will fail within three weeks, get set up now, commit and start, now; https://folkestonebootcamps.lpages.co/8-w eek-transformatio…/


Eat MORE protein and LESS carbohydrates or NONE AT ALL!! For several Days😁 Personal training Available in block of 6,12, or 24 sessions #personaltraining#personaltrainer#folkest one#hythe#hawkinge#cheriton#sandgate#wom enshealth#menshealth


Just a few spots left for this offer! You could lose 6 lbs before Xmas


I can offer one to one personal training at your home, place of work, or local park, very flexible with options, call to chat, or apply on the link below
https://folkestonebootcamps.lpages.co/2-m onth-pt-offer/


Men and Women of Folkestone! Now is the time to lose a few lbs Before Xmas parties and all that excessive eating and drinking Xmas vouchers available


Personal training for men and women, how about a xmas gift! Xmas vouchers available


Get specific help! I can come to you or a local park


Lose the weight before xmas arrives


From £25


Limited spaces


Are you in a rut? No getting any fitness results, you keep trying but no changes, your bored of your gym, your bingo wings are still hanging, and you need more help and support? Click on this link; https://folkestonebootcamps.lpages.co/2-m onth-pt-offer/


I started with Andy just over 2 months ago having already lost a significant amount of weight and I have lost another stone. He motivates me to push harder than I was doing on my own at the gym and I'm now in the best shape of my life. Thanks Andy. Give it a go, you're only going to lose fat.


I started with Andy just over 2 months ago having already lost a significant amount of weight and I have lost another stone. He motivates me to push harder than I was doing on my own at the gym and I'm now in the best shape of my life. Thanks Andy. Give it a go, you're only going to lose fat.

More about Ak Health And Fitness
