Al-Fatiha Global

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Al-Fatiha Global

This page will showcase the work and charitable efforts of the UK based charity, Al Fatiha Global.


Al-Fatiha Global Description

This page will showcase the work and charitable efforts of the UK based charity, Al Fatiha Global.




When was the last time you had any meat to eat?
Very touching.
Watch | Share | Donate
... Qurbani Appeal 2018 bani
#Qurbani #Syria #Pakistan #Kashmir
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#Deraa | 'Nowhere to go'
Deraa has been 'burnt to the ground'
"Deraa has been completely burnt to the ground," Jihad al-Ali, a 26-year-old paramedic in Deraa told Al Jazeera as he described the effect of the ongoing attacks since Wednesday evening.
... Medics on the ground currently estimate that at least 90 people have been killed since June 19, but the death toll "in reality is much larger", Abazeid explained.
"No one knows exactly how many people died, how many are injured, and how many are missing at this time," he said.
"There are conflicting reports on the number of deaths and we're trying to verify everything to the best of our ability," Abazeid explained.
Due to the intensity of the attacks, civil defence teams across the province are struggling to document the exact number of injuries and deaths.
It has been especially challenging with the lack of medical facilities, which previously also served as gathering points to help medics tally figures.
At least 50,000 people have fled towards Jordan border amid intensified fighting, according to the United Nations.
Witnesses in the province told Al Jazeera those who fled have no access to food, medical assistance and other basic services.
"They sleep on hay," Ali from the White Helmets said. "There's nowhere else to go."
But UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, said there are community centres on both sides of the province that have been attending to the needs of thousands of displaced families.
"About 30,000 people have been provided with tents, blankets, food and hygiene kits [in Deraa]," he told Al Jazeera from Amman.…/syria-war-d eraa-burnt-ground-18…
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Qurbani (also known as Udhiyah in Arabic) is the sacrifice offered each year on Eid Ul-Adha, during the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah.
Qurbani serves as a means to provide meat to the poor and vulnerable, many of which don't have any meat to eat throughout the year.
Insha'Allah this year, Al Fatiha Global will be providing Qurbani to some of the most poverty stricken neighborhoods inside Syria, Pakistan and Kashmir.
... Qurbani prices are:
SYRIA £190 Qurbani Sheep
PAKISTAN £195 Qurbani Sheep £75 Qurbani Cow (1/7 Share) £550 Qurbani Whole Cow (7 Shares)
KASHMIR £195 Qurbani Sheep/Goat £107 Qurbani Cow (1/7 Share) £750 Qurbani Whole Cow (7 Shares)
We urge you to donate your Qurbani as early as possible and join us in feeding the poor and hungry this upcoming Eid.
To Donate, visit: bani
“Say, "Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah , Lord of the worlds.” -Surah Al-'An`am (6:162)
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Fitrana (also referred to as Zakat ul-Fitr or Fitrah) is a small amount of charity given to the poor at the end of Ramadan. Fitrana is due on every member of a household, including any children or elderly persons, and must be paid before the Eid salah.
Donations received by the end of the day on Thursday, 14 of June 2018, will be distributed on Eid ul-Fitr to Syrians living in Turkey/Syria and Kashmiris in Jammu & Kashmir.
Eid ul Fitr is expected to be on Friday, 15 June 2018....
The amount due for each person is £5.
To pay online, donate here: rana
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Help us feed families living in Syria, Bangladesh and Kashmir, this Ramadan.
Donate at:
... #Ramadan #Syria #Rohingya #Kashmir
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Alhamdulillah. #Ramadan #Iftar





As we fast this Ramadan and feel the hunger, thirst and fatigue, remember those who have no food to break their fast with. Please keep them in your duas.
Al Fatiha Global is collecting donations to provide food to Syrians, Rohingyans and Kashmiris living in extreme poverty.
Help as much as you can.
"The best charity is that given in Ramdan." [Tirmidhi]
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Alhamdulillah, Syrian refugees living at our camp in the mountains of Latakia Countryside are receiving a hot meal for iftar this Ramadan.
Contribute to our Ramadan appeal by donating at: and be the means in which a hungry family has food to break their fast with.
"The best charity is that given in Ramdan." [Tirmidhi]


On the first Jumu'ah of Ramadan, please remember the suffering in your duas.
Support our Ramadan appeal aimed to provide food to those in need, living in Syria, Bangladesh and Kashmir. No donation is too small.
Please share with your family and friends.
... Ramadan Kareem!
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As we enter the month of Ramadan and strive to earn the blessings and mercy of Allah (swt), we should look to give generously and ease the pain of the suffering hearts.
Alhamdulillah, we have the opportunity to provide food and iftar to some of the most vulnerable people in the world.
This Ramadan, our aim is to provide nutritional food packs and daily hot meal iftars to the families struggling to survive in Syria, Bangladesh and Kashmir.
... Help us feed as many families as possible this Ramadan.
Each food pack costs £35.
A family hot meal costs £2.50 each day. £75 will provide a family inside Syria with iftar each day of Ramadan.
Jazak Allah Khair for your efforts and support..
Donations may be made at: adan
May Allah (swt) accept our fast and our good deeds during this blessed month.
Ya Al-Razzaaq provide for us, for You are the Best of Providers;
Ya Al-Gaffaar forgive us, for You love to forgive;
Ya Ar-Rahmaan, have mercy on us, for you are the Most Compassionate.
"Rabanna innaka Ra'ufur Raheem". (Our Lord, indeed, You are Kind and Merciful). Allahuma Ameen.
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Manchester | Birmingham | London | Bradford/Leeds
... Back by popular demand our charity National Beauty Workshop Tour; Learn skills and support a great cause!
Come and learn from the beauty industry's finest! Make-up, Hair and Hijab Styling sessions in one amazing workshop!
All proceeds raised from workshop to support Syrian refugee families displaced inside Syria.
Register by donating £100 per person for our displaced Syrian families from Eastern Ghouta at
MANCHESTER: Friday 13th April 6-10.30pm
BIRMINGHAM: FRIDAY 20th April 6-10.30pm
LONDON: SATURDAY 28th April 7pm till late
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Climb the HIGHEST Mountain in Wales - SNOWDON
Saturday 5th May 2018
Please message: 07921 886871 or email to register.
... wdon
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It's back by popular demand! The Charity #NationalBeautyTour2018! Secure your place by donating £100 sadaqa/ zakat for our Syrian families in Eastern Ghouta at
All places SOLD OUT last year! Limited spaces!
We have an amazing line up of artists again this year and we've added a city!
... ■ Manchester (13th April at the BM HC), ■ Birmingham (20th April at Tipu Sultan Majestic Banqueting) ■ London (28th April at Best Western Hotel Epping Forest) ■Leeds/Bradford (5th May, venue tbc)
The format for each event will be a half hour presentation on the situation in Syria and what we are doing about it.
Three demos by Pro-artists; Makeup/Hijab-Styling/ Hair Styling which includes;
•Day time makeover •Evening makeover •Hair Up do •Half up-Half down Curls •Casual Hijab styling •Evening Hijab Styling
This will be followed by a full 3 course delicious meal.
Exclusive #NBT Goody Bags to take home for all guests!
These are interactive demos and you will have and chance to try each look while learning from the professionals.
This is a great evening out for friends, sisters and mothers.
There will be exclusive stalls at each event; (£125 donation to hold a stall and you may bring one helper)
NB: This is an all female tour and only female stallholders are permitted.
If you want to volunteer for any of the events, please pm me.
Please share or tag friends- look forward to seeing ya'all! 😉
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A couple of Muslim charities including SKT are having negative things being said about them.
Can I please remind everyone, especially our volunteers and donors, that we are not in the rumour business, nor the news business, nor in the policing charities business.
... Can I ask everyone, to follow islamic etiquette in this matter.
Please refrain from repeating or reposting, retweeting anything that meets the Islamic definition of back-bitting.
Whatever the problem any other organisation is having, be mindful that your actions don't lead to worsening the situation, avoid anything that adds fuel to the fire.
At the end of the day, anyone doing charitable work, is doing it for the reward we want from our lord in the next life. Trust me when I say you don't want to find out that by forwarding a social media posts, resulted in the loss of good deeds.
The people closest to these affected charities, are the best placed and in possession of more facts than those of us that read about one or two items via social media.
For those few special person, who know people running these charities personally and want to try and help them, talk to them individually, about any anything you can do to make things better.
But if you boast about your help, then you have gotten your reward in this life as an ego boost, expect to get less reward in the hereafter.
Make Duah that Allah helps us see our own mistakes, supports us in correcting our own mistakes, gives us the opportunity to obtain forgiveness from Allah before we leave this world.
Ramadan is only a few months away, our time right now would be better spent in preparation for Ramadan, than squandered on back-biting other charities.
I'm confident our volunteers won't be back-biting like this. I'm saying this to you, so you follow the sunnah and prevent people you know from back-biting about other charities.
Parwez Hussain Al-Fatiha Global
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Climb the Highest Mountain in Wales - SNOWDON
*DATE HAS CHANGED* Saturday 5th May 2018
... Raising funds for Al Fatiha Global projects.
Fundraising target: £200 Registration: £30
Please message: 07921 886871 or email to register. wdon
Please share.
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great people, working towards a great cause, helping people around the world.


You guys are doing excellent work, please save all those innocent peoples.

May Allah protect the whole world, innocent people and kids...,

I really feel so hurt, I can’t control my self after watching this pictures and videos...

Why are they throwing the bombs on buildings?

The Russian and American military came to fight against Terrorism or Innocent people? They must answer this question...

I request the whole world to stand with this innocent and be united raise your voice against attacker’s !!!

Especially Muslim Country should raise the voice why still sleeping ...

Don’t you have a family ? Don’t you have humanity? After hearing the news don’t you feel hurt?

Ya Allah, please protect whole world innocent people from the Cruelest People who don’t have humanity...


Very good people to work with Ma Sha Allah.


Sincere dedication you all give. Amazing work, lots of respect to you all. Love & wishes for the people of Syria x


One of the most AMAZING charities iv come across. Dedicated fundraisers Masha'Allah. May Allah reward them all for their hard work. Ameen.


May Allah swt reward all who are part of this charity. walahi, 100% of the proceeds do go to Syria. From your hand straight to the needy hand. No big nonsense. Allah Al Fatha continue to make an opening for us in the UK to help our Ummah in Syria.


I have just come across your website and I am full of total belief that the work you do is genuine for the benefit of the Syrians. InshAllah I will also donate and may Allah make the the time easy for the Syrians. Ameen


Honoured and privileged to work and fundraise with this charity!


Excellent group of humble and selfless humanitarians, immediately responding to crises and sending emergency aid to areas in crisis. May Allah accept their efforts and reward them in abundance. Ameen.


Amazing, faboulas and well dedicated staff may God bless you all who participate in this wonderful cause.Ameen.


Amazing people, striving to benefit the ummah �


Amazing people, amazing work, done brilliantly. Ma shah allah. Infinite duas for them all.


Amazing people doing amazing work! Alhamdulilah


Amazing group of humanitarians who work tirelessly around the clock to help make a difference! ♥


Alhamdulillah great set of people doing a fantastic job for all those less fortunate people around the world. Keep up the great work InshAllah. Team AFG!


Alhamdulilah.. amazing individuals working together to help the Ummah and Humanity in need, making a difference to many lives. May Allah SWT accept from everyone, Ameen


Alhamdulilah doing an amazing job. May Allah reward you all abundantly x


Mshalh to all you who put your efforts in taking medical convoys into syria. Inshallh more people will join and support. I will pass this information amongst my network, friends, family, colleagues, groups and charities. :)

More about Al-Fatiha Global

Al-Fatiha Global is located at 5 Yew Tree Close, WR5 2LH Birmingham, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -