Al-Madinah Institute

About Al-Madinah Institute

We are an established community hub and registered charity based in Coventry City. Our key services include prayer & funeral space, sports & leisure facilities, Islamic education and humanitarian aid.



Prayer timetable for August 2018. #Salah


Speeding - A road to death.
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A star has set upon the world of Islam today!
An oean of knowledge, a mountain in Islamic jurisprudance, a commentator of the Quran, an expert in Hadith, a teacher of thousands, an inspiration to millions, the heartbeat of an entire generation, the living representative of Ala Hazrat رضی اللہ عنہ & the crown of Shariah,
... Huzoor Taaj ush Shariah Allamah Shah Mufti Muhammad Akhtar Raza Khan al Qadri al Azhari رضی اللہ عنہ۔ has sadly passed away today and left a great gap that will be extremely difficult to fill.
Huzoor Taaj ush Shariah was a living example of our predecessors, an Illustrious personality who possessed a combination of knowledge, understanding, spirituality and implication unlike any other in our time. He was the torch bearer of Islam in this modern age.
Allah Ta'ala grant Huzoor Taaj ush Shariah the loftiest status in paradise and grant him the intercession of Rasool Ullah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم in the hereafter.
آمین یا رب العالمین بجاہ النبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم۔
Please recite Surah al Fatihah once and Surah Ikhlaas thrice and bless him with the reward.
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Women's Mega Eid Celebration! Started just now! Head down to Al-Madinah Institute!


گزشتہ سال المدینہ جامع مسجد و انسٹیٹیوٹ کے تعمیری مناظر۔ کم وقت میں اللہ نے بہت کرم فرمایا ہے۔ تمام احباب کا شکریہ جو اس وقت تک اس کے تعمیر کے لیئے تعاون کرتے ائے ہے۔ اللہ عز و جل سب کی خدمات قبول فرمائے اور جو مشکلات ابہی درکار ہے اللہ انکو آسان کرنے کے لیئے ہم سب کو مل کر تعاون کرنی کی توفیق عطا فرمائے۔ آمین۔
Scenes from Al-Madinah Jam'i Masjid & Institutes construction work from last year. In a short time we have come a long way. Allah bless all those who have supported to date and give us all the ability to take part in the current obstacles to conplete the project. Ameen.


Great victory for all Muslims in the victory of Rajan Tayyib Erdogan in Turkey. Allah give him further strength to lead the whole Muslim Ummah.
We see that he is the only leader who does not submit to the west and speaks out against Kufr and torture against Muslims openly.
He visited the grave of The famous companion Sayuduna Abu Ayub Ansari رضی اللہ عنہ prior to his vote.
... Allah give all our so called "Muslim leaders" shame and the ability to follow Erdogans way. Ameen.
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Hajj 2018


Women's & young children's Mega Eid Celebration! #NextSunday


Geo news report - Rice container filled for Syrian Muslims.


Today we were awarded a certificate of appreciation by Muslim Hands at their ceremony in recognition of us filling a 23 tonne container with rice for the people of #Syria. May Allah Almighty accept our efforts, Ameen! [June 17th 2018]

More about Al-Madinah Institute

Al-Madinah Institute is located at Unit 6, 137 Queen Mary's Road, CV6 5LR Coventry, United Kingdom