Alphapark Accommodation Limited

About Alphapark Accommodation Limited

Affordable bespoke accommodation primarily for ex-offenders and those deemed to be at risk of offending.

Alphapark Accommodation Limited Description

Our vision is to become the preferred provider of quality bespoke, affordable, suitable accommodation and support services for marginalised groups, who would otherwise have significant issues in obtaining suitable, affordable accommodation. As our company grows and becomes further established throughout the Midlands, we will deliver our provision of services in the wider regions of the UK. During the course of our company structured growth and development we will periodically (quarterly) review all of our services ensuring that we continue to be contractually compliant and that we are delivering all the services in line with current legislation. Our five year plan is to become one of the recognised leader’s in this specialised area of accommodation and support. We plan to set the benchmark for other providers to follow. Ultimately, we will strive to be the market leader in this sensitive, specialised area.



Conservative privatisation of Probation has left us less safe and wasted hundreds of millions of pounds of public money rewarding failure.
Our justice system shouldn't be run for profit - and under a Labour government it won't be.


Filming at one of our Birmingham Schemes for a channel 4 documentary due to be aired in the summer of 2018


Which one are you?


Our entry for the 2016 24housing Awards has been shortlisted in the ‘Customer Service Provider of the Year’ Category.


Great day good turn out

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User…/shame d-cop-benjamin-hughe…


Your support for this great cause will be greatly appreciated Click on the link and be one of the first to support us upport-for-margin…/


Staff training day


We are pleased to present the launch of our new drop in service. The team will continue to support individuals who have left our accommodation by continuing to assess their needs and identifying any problem areas which may lead to re-offending. The support is tailored to meet the needs of the individual working through the criminological seven pathways which are:-
Relationships Drugs & Alcohol... Attitude, behaviour and thinking Health & well being Education, Training and Employment Accommodation Finances & debts
Initially this drop-in service will be available every Thursday morning between 9.30am - 12 noon. We expect to extend the hours and accessibility in the very near future. For further information please visit our website
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this will be a great weekend -caribbean-festiva…

More about Alphapark Accommodation Limited

Alphapark Accommodation Limited is located at Trafalgar House, B14 6DT Birmingham, United Kingdom