Anger Management Therapy Kenilworth Warwickshire

Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -

About Anger Management Therapy Kenilworth Warwickshire

Integrated therapy for effective control and recovery from anger management, anger issues intimacy, guilt and blame issues.
Call Stuart : + 44 7825 599340

Anger Management Therapy Kenilworth Warwickshire Description

Anger is a valid, healthy emotion. However, many of us learned from a very young age, that anger can be dangerous and destructive.
“Anger equals pain”. As children, it is vital that our angry feelings are accepted by our caretakers. If these feelings are not heard and respected, we carry our resentments into adulthood and project them onto others, especially loved ones, work colleagues and those in authority. As grown ups, most of us fall into two distinct categories of behavior, affecting both our mental and physical states. This in turn can lead to depression, anxiety, stress, ill health, relationship break-down and loss of job etc.
There are usually two ways that most of us deal with our anger, either to implode or explode. Exploders move from anger into rage quickly. These are adult temper tantrums. Exploders are irrational in their regressed state and cause harm to themselves and to those around them. Their anger is the rage of the moment. Exploders are unable to look at the big picture and are swamped by the reptilian and mammalian part of the brain. Rage is anger out of control. Imploders stuff their anger. They “bottle” it for long periods of time because of fear, insecurity and low self-esteem. Initially, it appears to cause little harm to them. Imploders however cannot hold the anger in forever, they must let it out. They are walking time bombs, just waiting to explode. The longer it is held in the more damage it does to the person retaining it. It takes its toll physically! An imploder will eventually become an exploder. It is only a matter of time. As irrational as the exploder may seem, the imploder appears more so. Imploders stack dominoes called emotion and pain. When dominoes are knocked over, they fall on the next in line and cause a chain reaction. All it takes to knock over the first domino is an insignificant event at the wrong time. Imploders usually explode!
These are important treatment areas:
• Anger Management
• Defense Mechanisms
• What anger isn’t
• Attitudes
• Behaviors
• Feelings
• Causes
• Road Rage
• The Wheel of Emotions
• Temper Control
• Anger Scale (degrees of anger)
• Do’s and Don’ts
• Giving and Receiving Feedback
• Understanding Anger
• Recognition and Expression
Every time you feel angry with another person, you can either express your feelings, which triggers a reaction in the other person, or not express your anger, which will then build up inside you until eventually you explode. You are in conflict with that person (holding onto grudges) and will remain so until you can resolve matters with them.

If this is not done (i. e. resolution is not reached) it is likely that you will remain resentful or hostile towards them. This serves no-one and only keeps your anger alive. Often when it comes to expressing our anger to others, there is fear about how to express it in such a way that it is clean, healing and empowering for both ourselves and others.
If you feel you have consistent anger issues , please call Stuart 07825 599340 / 0121 403 3163 for a free confidential, no obligation discussion regarding your issue.

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Anger Management - Call Stuart -07825 599340 or email


Self - awareness - can you read your own emotions, do you recognise your strengths and weaknesses ? Self - awareness is not about who you are - but recognising/noticing your behaviour patterns. Your unconscious mind is running habitual patterns - meta programs. You can develop skills to change habitual responses - to take charge of your life , take charge of your thinking,create more choices and flexibility in your life Release negative behavioural and emotional responses- take charge of your thinking . Call Stuart - 07825 599340 -for a free 30 minute phone consultation or book an appointment -


Anger Management Issues ? Call Stuart for a free 30 minute consultation - 07825 599340


How We Stay Stuck In Emotional Pain When you feel underappreciated, dissatisfied, frustrated, abandoned, or criticized in your relationship, you want to make the emotional pain go away. And if you're like the thousands of people we've worked with, here's what you're most likely to do:
Fight with your partner Withdraw from your partner... Leave your partner altogether Yet, in each of these scenarios, you've only treated the "symptoms." Unless you uncover and dissolve the underlying cause of your pain, you will continue to hurt in love.
Pain in our hearts - the natural grief and other emotions that all humans feel - is likewise a messenger. When you feel emotional pain in response to what your date or partner did - or didn't do - that's your inner compass telling you that there's something that needs to be healed on the inside.
If you keep experiencing the pain of people leaving you, there is an underlying cause.
If you always feel like you're the one giving in your relationship, there is an underlying cause.
If you feel like your partner isn't sufficiently attracted to you, there is an underlying cause.
And you will keep attracting people and situations that trigger your emotional pain - whatever it is.
Heal Your Heart Once And For All Just as physical pain resolves once you treat the underlying condition, your emotional pain will also stop once you treat the root causes.
That fight you keep having over and over with your partner will stop.
Those players you keep attracting will leave you alone.
That ache of dissatisfaction you feel in a relationship will vanish.
But recognizing your underlying patterns can be tricky. After all, they've been with you for most of your life.
We're specialists in helping people tap into the root causes of their relationship pain. If you want immediate help so you can zero in on exactly what's causing the problems between you and your partner, listen to our audio program Breakthrough to Bliss.
And if you think you ALREADY know the underlying reasons why you and your partner fight, you especially need this program.
I have found that most couples are completely wrong in their analysis of their own relationships, and their "diagnosis" is usually way off. That's precisely why they keep running into the same problems and experiencing the same emotional pain! Call Stuart for a free 30 minute telephone consultation to see how life coaching could help you with your Emotional pain - 07825 599340
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Setting Goals: A Mindset To Success The only way to set yourself up for success over the long-term? Clearly define your goals and ensure that working towards them becomes the focal point of your life. As a life coach, it would make sense that I promote goal setting. But I don’t simply promote goal setting. I promote goal setting that provides you with a real purpose. Goals that are well thought through. Goals with meaning. What are you looking to achieve? Even better, why do ...
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Current article posted in May in Hypnotherapy Directory on Self Image Call Stuart on 07825 599340 for a free telephone consultation


Current article posted in May in Hypnotherapy Directory on Destructive Habits Call Stuart on 07825 599340 for a free telephone consultation


Anger management issues ? Call Stuart - 07825 599340 - Appointments available in Kenilworth


Anger management issues ? Call Stuart - 07825 599340 - Appointments available in Kenilworth


Anger management issues ? Call Stuart - 07825 599340 - Appointments available in Kenilworth


Anger management issues ? Call Stuart - 07825 599340 - Appointments available in Kenilworth

More about Anger Management Therapy Kenilworth Warwickshire

Anger Management Therapy Kenilworth Warwickshire is located at Cottage Therapy , New Street , Kenilworth , Warwickshire, CV8 1RR, Kenilworth, Warwickshire
+44 7825 599340
Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -