Anxiety Trauma Therapy West Midlands

Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -

About Anxiety Trauma Therapy West Midlands

Helping people overcome Anxiety, Trauma and Depression. Taking back control of their lives with integrated therapy.

Anxiety Trauma Therapy West Midlands Description

Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe.
Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life – for example, you may feel worried and anxious about sitting an exam, or having a medical test or job interview. During times like these, feeling anxious can be perfectly normal.
However, some people find it hard to control their worries. Their feelings of anxiety are more constant and can often affect their daily lives.
Anxiety is the main symptom of several conditions, including:
panic disorder
phobias – such as agoraphobia or claustrophobia
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
social anxiety disorder (social phobia)
Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD).
GAD is a long-term condition that causes you to feel anxious about a wide range of situations and issues, rather than one specific event.
People with GAD feel anxious most days and often struggle to remember the last time they felt relaxed. As soon as one anxious thought is resolved, another may appear about a different issue.
GAD can cause both psychological (mental) and physical symptoms. These vary from person to person, but can include:
feeling restless or worried
having trouble concentrating or sleeping
dizziness or heart palpitations
The exact cause of GAD isn't fully understood, although it's likely that a combination of several factors plays a role. Research has suggested that these may include:
overactivity in areas of the brain involved in emotions and behaviour
an imbalance of the brain chemicals serotonin and noradrenaline, which are involved in the control and regulation of mood
the genes you inherit from your parents – you're estimated to be five times more likely to develop GAD if you have a close relative with the condition
having a history of stressful or traumatic experiences, such as domestic violence, child abuse or bullying
having a painful long-term health condition, such as arthritis
having a history of drug or alcohol misuse
However, many people develop GAD for no apparent reason.
Who is affected?
GAD is a common condition, estimated to affect up to 5% of the UK population.
Slightly more women are affected than men, and the condition is more common in people from the ages of 35 to 59.
GAD can have a significant effect on your daily life, but several different treatments are available that can ease your symptoms. These include:
psychological therapy – such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
medication – such as a type of antidepressant called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
There are also many things you can do yourself to help reduce your anxiety, such as:
going on a self-help course
exercising regularly
stopping smoking
cutting down on the amount of alcohol and caffeine you drink
Read how stopping smoking can improve your anxiety.
With treatment, many people are able to control their anxiety levels. However, some treatments may need to be continued for a long time and there may be periods when your symptoms worsen
I Help people overcome Anxiety, Trauma and Depression , allowing you to take back control of your life with integrated therapy.
Call Stuart for a no obligation consultation to discuss how your concerns - 07825 599340
stuart@stuartdowning. co. uk
www. stuartdowning. co. uk

Helping people overcome Anxiety, Trauma and Depression. Taking back control of their lives with integrated therapy.



Compulsive Shopping Addiction ? It's never been easier to get lost in crippling debt. You can spend hundreds or more at the click of a button from the comfort of your lounge. Millions of people suffer from compulsive shopping
I can resist anything except temptation."
... - Oscar Wilde
It is easy to resist temptation when it's not there. We can all eat sparingly and avoid refined sugar when we're stuck on a desert island.
You might, if you are as old as me, recall those distant, digitally unstimulating times before you could access your bank account with a click at 2 am and splash the cash with a mere flick of your avaricious index finger. But now of course we have the luxury of being able to send ourselves to the verge of bankruptcy without the inconvenience of having to wait for stores to open. Without even having to leave the sofa!
I suspect this increased opportunity and ease of spending is the reason compulsive buying has increased. It does seem that it's more of a problem for young women , and reports estimate that it may affect around 5% of people in industrialised countries . This may not sound huge, but it amounts to many millions of people who cannot control their spending. When did the out-of-control spending begin and what, if anything, changed during that time? So often a problem pattern is a sloppy and unconscious way of trying to meet a primal emotional need. Perhaps it may be the out-of-control spending provides a brief a sense of escape from the realities of our job and a fleeting sense of meaning and excitement. Surfing for bargains feels meaningful because it feels as if we are completing a 'hunt' – 'making a killing', so to speak.Once we get a sense of what might be missing (and how the compulsive behaviour may be hijacking that need) then we can begin to work to find healthier, and cheaper, ways of meeting those needs. If you feel you may have an issue with compulsive shopping, call Stuart -07825 599340 for a free 30 minute consultation to discuss further or alternatively email -
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What causes the symptoms of anxiety? Although we are still a long way from fully understanding what is going on in an anxious brain, recent studies offer some insights into why anxiety seems to take over in some people. Central to it all is the amygdala, a brain region that processes our emotions and triggers the release of the hormones responsible for the fight-or-flight response.
The amygdala is linked to parts of the prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex that process so...cial information and help us make decisions . During bouts of everyday anxiety, this brain circuit switches on and then off again – but Oliver Robinson at University College London and his colleagues have shown that in people with anxiety disorders it seems to get stuck in the on position. “We think it might be amplifying negative information in your surroundings to make sure you pay attention to it, and triggering a fight-or-flight response so you’ll run away,” says Robinson.
Studies suggest that fear memories stored in the amygdala prime us to respond to threats we have previously experienced. This response is normally kept in check by a parallel circuit: in healthy people, inputs from the prefrontal cortex can temper our learned response and even overwrite it with new memories. Occasionally the system fails, however. Psychiatrists have found that war veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder – a kind of anxiety disorder – have abnormally low levels of activity in their prefrontal cortex, and unusually high levels in their amygdala.
Ultimately, an overactive amygdala appears to hype up the familiar symptoms of the fight-or-flight response by stimulating a network of hormonal glands and brain regions called the “HPA axis” – causing rapid heart rate and breathing, a dry mouth, shaking and tense muscles. The fight-or-flight response also has less obvious effects, like slowing digestion and making us more susceptible to pain.
Call Stuart for a free 30 minute telephone consultation 07825 599340
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Stress - Burnout ? “We’re not machines, we all have a limit,” says Jephtha Tausig-Edwards, M.D., a New York–based clinical psychologist. “If you hit that, then you come to the point where you can’t function effectively,”
Clinically, burnout is defined as having three distinct components: a feeling of low personal accomplishment, detachment from others, and emotional exhaustion. This might come from overwork, but almost any aspect of life can deliver chronic stress if there’s ...
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Anxiety and Fear Anxiety is a normal, if unpleasant,part of life, and it can affect us all in different ways and at different times and is something that we all have to deal with from time to time.
A degree of anxiety is a natural part of living and nothing to be really worry about, something to be factored into the experience of life itself. Most of us can cope with average amounts of anxiety and still lead perfectly healthy, normal lives.
...Continue Reading


How We Stay Stuck In Emotional Pain When you feel underappreciated, dissatisfied, frustrated, abandoned, or criticized in your relationship, you want to make the emotional pain go away. And if you're like the thousands of people we've worked with, here's what you're most likely to do:
Fight with your partner Withdraw from your partner... Leave your partner altogether Yet, in each of these scenarios, you've only treated the "symptoms." Unless you uncover and dissolve the underlying cause of your pain, you will continue to hurt in love.
Pain in our hearts - the natural grief and other emotions that all humans feel - is likewise a messenger. When you feel emotional pain in response to what your date or partner did - or didn't do - that's your inner compass telling you that there's something that needs to be healed on the inside.
If you keep experiencing the pain of people leaving you, there is an underlying cause.
If you always feel like you're the one giving in your relationship, there is an underlying cause.
If you feel like your partner isn't sufficiently attracted to you, there is an underlying cause.
And you will keep attracting people and situations that trigger your emotional pain - whatever it is.
Heal Your Heart Once And For All Just as physical pain resolves once you treat the underlying condition, your emotional pain will also stop once you treat the root causes.
That fight you keep having over and over with your partner will stop.
Those players you keep attracting will leave you alone.
That ache of dissatisfaction you feel in a relationship will vanish.
But recognizing your underlying patterns can be tricky. After all, they've been with you for most of your life.
We're specialists in helping people tap into the root causes of their relationship pain. If you want immediate help so you can zero in on exactly what's causing the problems between you and your partner, listen to our audio program Breakthrough to Bliss.
And if you think you ALREADY know the underlying reasons why you and your partner fight, you especially need this program.
I have found that most couples are completely wrong in their analysis of their own relationships, and their "diagnosis" is usually way off. That's precisely why they keep running into the same problems and experiencing the same emotional pain! Call Stuart for a free 30 minute telephone consultation to see how life coaching could help you with your Emotional pain - 07825 599340
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Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Stress Call Stuart - 07825 599340 http://www.anxietyhelpkenilworthwarwicksh

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Self Image article published in May 2018 in Hypnotherapy Directory Call Stuart - 07825 599340 for a free telephone consultation


Through Hypnotherapy, instead of trying to force yourself to do things against your body’s will.
• You will turn your attention toward understanding why your body wants to smoke/over eat/drink too much etc.
• You will stop seeing it as the enemy that just won’t listen to you.
... • You’ll stop trying to push it around and force it to do something against its will.
• You’ll understand why you want to smoke/over eat/drink too much etc.
As soon as you understood that there are reasons, you'll start to give your body what it needs. Call Stuart for a free telephone consultation - 07825 599340
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Women’s weight gain linked to anxiety Daily Mail8 Mar 2018By Victoria Allen Science Correspondent WOMEN who pile on the pounds after the menopause are also likely to become more anxious, research suggests. Their lack of oestrogen is believed to disrupt the body’s ability to control weight. The study said those worst affected had a higher chance of being nervous.... Researchers measured the waistlines of 5,580 women aged between 40 and 59, of whom more than half were post-menopausal. They were asked questions to gauge their anxiety levels. Women with the most abdominal weight for their height were 13 per cent more likely to be anxious than those with the lowest ratio. The study, published in the journal Menopause, looked at Latin-American women and suggested that oestrogen may protect against anxiety. The hormone is produced when a woman produces an egg every month. The researchers at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences said women might also feel ashamed about weight gain: ‘Feelings of sadness, shame and frustration would lead to a health concern that could generate more anxiety.’ Anxiety, which is linked to heart disease, diabetes and respiratory disorders, affects around one in 13 people. Dr JoAnn Pinkerton, executive director of the North American Menopause Society, whose journal published the findings, said: ‘Hormone changes may be involved in the development of both anxiety and abdominal obesity because of their roles in the brain as well as in fat distribution. This study provides valuable insights for healthcare providers treating middle-aged women, because it implies that waist-to-height ratio could be a good marker for evaluating patients for anxiety.’ It has long been thought that women pile on the pounds during middle age because of ‘stress-eating’ or snacking on comfort food. But the new findings suggest weight gain may come before anxiety, and not the other way around. The authors of the Peruvian study said: ‘A recommendation deriving from our study could be that obese women, identified using the weight to height ratio, could be subjected to a screening for anxiety symptoms.’ Questions they asked to gauge anxiety included ‘Have you been a very nervous person?’ and ‘Have you felt calm and peaceful?’
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More about Anxiety Trauma Therapy West Midlands

Anxiety Trauma Therapy West Midlands is located at 93 Spon End, CV1 3HF Coventry, United Kingdom
07825 599340
Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -