Arona Landscaping

About Arona Landscaping

Hard & soft landscaping
Patio & lawn turfing
Raised decked areas
Garden fencing
Block paving & garden paths
General garden maintenance



Landscaped existing garden creating a raised paved Bar-B-Q area and lower patio areas using Raj Blend Natural Paving edged with wooden sleepers


Repair work carried out to damaged driveway in keeping with the existing look


Replace rotten and slippery wooden decking, create new patio area using Indian Raj Sandstone paving and golden gravel


Replacement fence panels/posts and garden clearance


Removal of old silver birch tree and existing stump, trim and face hedges, removal of old turf, level and complete new look with Cotswold Stone, sleepers new turf along with Bark Mulch to borders


Removal of existing decking and creating new patio area using Buff Coloured Riven flags, extended feather edge fencing creating additional bin storage area for client


Complete upgrade of a garden using timber sleepers, Cotswold Stone and Raj Blend natural stone slabs, completed with new garden shed and fence panels


New Organic garden created using natural materials, soft wood timbers organically treated to create an area for a fire pit & seating. Our Customer specified a flowing contour landscape design leading to the bottom of the garden


Existing driveway area that was overgrown with weeds and a woodland bark covering, client wanted more decorative appearance using Cotswold Stone


Make over for front garden using Cotswold Stone and natural tumbled sandstone slabs, front step rebuilt using existing bricks to keep authentic look


Mike’s new toy


Front garden makeover using privet shrubs, laurel and a pot planted bamboo all complemented with Cotswold decorative stone


Replacement of timber shoring for stronger concrete posts and boards

More about Arona Landscaping

Arona Landscaping is located at Hockley Heath, Solihull