Asad Shah

About Asad Shah

A social media agency that is actually good at Instagram. My team and I create your growth strategy, manage ads and optimise your social media platforms.



Always treat yourself. Even if you’re the most patient person in the world, take yourself out and congratulate yourself for how far you’ve come. Psychologically, you need it. Also, I’m looking for some of the best caption writers. Are you good at writing captions? Write a caption to this quote, let’s see how good you are


If you’re a 90’s kid then you know about the power puff girls 😂🙂. I watched it as a boy. Minor 🔥. Anyway, I’m receiving all of your DMs and it looks like the answer to 90% of the questions can be answered by this post. Don’t even worry about getting more followers or increasing engagement. If you have 100 followers or 10k, it doesn’t matter, the game has changed! And the game now is to look as edible as possible. If your content is banging but it’s on a feed that looks poo, people won’t consume it!


when I say he gained a few followers I don’t mean 10k
I mean a few 100 a day for a few days - which is still a lot for a small account trying to grow for free! @asadnaeem76


This isn’t relationship advice (although I’m 100% sure it works with couples too). This is for your brand and company. When you get a comment, even if it is just 1 comment, don’t treat it was a number or an accolade. It’s a real human who has took a few precious moments out of his/her life to type something out for you. I’m not trying to be cheesy but, that’s deep. They deserve a reply. So IF YOU CAN listen out for what people are saying on your account, and try to understand them. Sometimes they will tell you exactly what you should be doing for your next post


Update: if you have been following me for a while then you know about his referral program that I have. It is in 2 stages. Stage 1 is commission based. You’ll refer professionals, companies and organisations to my services (check my website). Stage 2 is not commission based but a fixed salary. You have to prove your worth in stage 1 to get through to stage 2. This week is the last week to apply for stage 1! Go on to my website and type “/jobs” at the end of the link (like this to apply. Again, LAST WEEK TO APPLY


Today is 28th of September 2018, you might look back at this day in 5 years and think, damn, I should have started then, I would have been killing it. Well I’m going to create this post so I can look at it next year. Right now I’m a startup social media agency with only 3-4 clients. None of them have signed a contract longer than 3 months. Let’s see where I am if I carry on like this for 1 year? Oh and, I don’t believe in New Years resolution bullshit that’s about to come out. We should think a year in advance, think only about the next day to come. Make sure you know exactly what you’re doing tomorrow and that’s it! (My opinion)


You know what, I don’t type that much anymore. I use my voice for most things. Like setting a meeting “hey Siri, I have a meeting tomorrow at 7” or “hey Siri, wake me up at 5am” it’s all voice!!!! Do you use voice much?


Don’t use hashtags on your posts. Use this to grow instead! It’s organic and efficient. Just don’t expect someone to follow you if your content is bad. Good content = something that teaches, entertains, informs. Bad content = doesn’t teach, entertain or inform


The full video is 1:22 🙂 so it’s not really a “proper” it’s just a point I was making ☺️ Also, if you’re a business, hiring a good marketing team will be the best investment you could make (after the stock of course 😂)


Think about it like this. You probably spend £1,000’s every year on things that you don’t need, just because you enjoy buying them. But you actually like Instagram! And your business really needs it. So what’s stopping you? Either hit the promote button or hire an Instagram expert to create a campaign for you (pssst... you can hire my team by clicking he link in bio)


Instagram doesn’t dominate a single niche (the way trip advisor dominates the hotel review market), but Instagram is always the second place someone looks for everything. Checking into a hotel? Check their Instagram. Going to a restaurant? Check their Instagram. Henna artist? Check Instagram. And you know what, it’s still growing. 800m monthly active users at the start of this year and now they have 1 billion. More and more business are coming on here which - in a way - sets it as a “standard”. If you’re opening a business or trying to build a brand. You NEED Instagram. 2018 and definitely 2019. This is my opinion, what do you think?


I know I haven’t been answering DMs (ITS JUST DO MANY OF THEM!!) But I still want to answer some of the questions you guys & gals have been asking me. So just comment below :) This is an awesome opportunity to promote your own profile and your own content. Just make sure you don’t sound needy (example of being needy: hey checkout my profile and follow me). Instead try to answer questions and join the discussions. If people like what you’re saying, I promise, they will check your profile without you even asking them.


I’m back! Usually when someone goes on holiday (takes a break from posting regularly or just reposts old content) Instagram knows what is going on and shoves you lower in the feeds. What does it mean to be lower in the feed? Well, every time you post, you land on your followers feed and other people’s explore page. Ideally, you want to be at the top of the feed so your followers see your post as soon as they log into Instagram. When people see your post and scroll past uninte...rested, Instagram realises that its a boring post and automatically (algorithm) drops it lower in the rest of your followers feeds too. Other factors like how frequently you post, how many comments, saves, likes, 3-sec views, 10-sec views and shares you have. The best way to always be on the top of your followers feed is to make sure you are creating good posts. Posts so good that they can’t be ignored. Unethical twist: you could post something offensive that sparks a debate/argument. That will definitely get shares and comments 😏
See More


Do something for someone and don’t expect anything back. Take time making content, make amazing captions, take even more time answering comments and engaging on followers accounts. Don’t expect a follow back. Just keep doing that. Social media isn’t real life but the people are still real. You character should be amazing online and offline


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Are you insane enough?


Tag a friend that you can talk deep with. Someone that you can have conversations so deep, that it numbs your mind. I didn't have a friend like this until recently. My dad. He is a professor of medicine. Only as I've grown up have I realised that his mind and his IQ is just ridiculously awesome. On the other side of the spectrum are some closed minded people. They are still my friends! Don't get me wrong. But it is just painfully dull to have an intellectual convo. Maybe it would be interesting to tag 2 friends, one from both side of the scale and not tell them which ones which 😂


Happiness is directly linked to how content you are. If you keep wanting more and more then you'll never be happy. Sometimes I actually stop to realise that, damn, I got what I prayed for! #grateful

More about Asad Shah