Balance Fitness

About Balance Fitness

Achieve what you never thought was possible and feel supported in your health and fitness goals by committing to a tough but enjoyable personalised fitness sessions and programs. With a level 3 diploma in personal training and a degree in sport and exercise I have a vast array of areas of expertise such as fat loss and transformation, muscle strength and growth, core strength and stability, flexibility training, sports specific training, mobility and injury prevention.

Balance Fitness Description

Achieve what you never thought was possible and feel supported in your health and fitness goals by committing to a tough but enjoyable personalised fitness sessions and programs. With a level 3 diploma in personal training and a degree in sport and exercise I have a vast array of areas of expertise such as fat loss and transformation, muscle strength and growth, core strength and stability, flexibility training, sports specific training, mobility and injury prevention.



If you find it hard to cut calories out of your day to day diet then try a few of these to help reduce your calorie intake.
- Avoid sugar in your tea or coffee - Cook your own meals - Use smaller plates to help with portion control... - Fill up on vegetables or even replace rice and pasta with vegetable alternatives like courgetti and cauliflower rice. - Include protein at every meal
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Don't let the weekend destroy your health and fitness goals. A few pieces of advice to help you stay on track.
- Have a cheat meal not a cheat weekend. - Weigh yourself Monday to be held accountable. - Move and be active. Get outdoors.... - Be realistic. A meal out with a glass of wine is ok. Moderation is key.
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Have you ever tried to start eating healthy or exercise regularly only to give up a few weeks in? If so, see below for my 2 quick tips to help stick the change
1. Avoid 'diets'. Yes you can lose weight by doing a juice cleanse or short calorie restrictive diets, but these are short term. Making real change to your diet and sticking to it takes time and consistency.
... 2. Start small. So you've made a commitment to exercise regularly. You're motivated and say you want to train 4 times a week. This is good for a couple of weeks until it drops to 3, then 2, 1 and ultimately you stop going. Start with an achievable goal such as once a week. This is still 52 workouts a year and you're still lapping everyone sat on the sofa. If you can train more go for it, but don't worry if not. Be consistent.
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Another week is rapidly disappearing, meaning another bootcamp is just around the corner.
Running for the next 4 weeks every Sunday @ Barton marina 6pm - 7pm £5
... Get yourself down and kick start your summer body goals :D
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First bootcamp in the books!!!
Thanks to everyone that came down. See you same time, same place next week


We are almost there!!!!
Tonight 6pm


Barton Marina by the apartments... 6pm - 7pm £5
Contact directly for more information
Hope to see as many of you there as possible :)
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1 DAY TO GO!!!!
Barton Marina by the apartments 6pm - 7pm £5
... Contact directly for more information
Hope to see as many of you there as possible :)
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2 DAYS TO GO!!!!
Barton Marina by the apartments 6pm - 7pm £5
... Contact directly for more information
Hope to see as many of you there as possible :)
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3 DAYS TO GO!!!!
Barton Marina by the apartments 6pm - 7pm £5
... Contact directly for more information
Hope to see as many of you there as possible :)
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4 DAYS TO GO!!!!
Barton Marina by the apartments 6pm - 7pm £5
... Contact directly for more information
Hope to see as many of you there as possible :)
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Thank you to all of you who came and spoke to us at the YMCA BURTON ladies night on Thursday evening! It’s time to announce the winners...
The combined weight of the kettlebells was 24kg - William Gladwin was the closest with a guess of 24.5kg! You have won 2 free sessions to our bootcamp!
From the free raffle;... Katy Broomfield - £10 boots voucher! Sherrie - Simple skincare set Paula Senior - Face mask set Amy Palmer - bottle of wine
Thanks again and we will be in touch to sort out the prizes!
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Here we are at Pirelli stadium for the YMCA burton supporting our local community whilst advertising our new bootcamp sessions starting April 2018 💪


Getting ahead of the week with a little bootcamp workout... even in the snow ❄💪


The foods that you eat also have a huge impact on how you feel. Wholesome foods like fresh produce, lean meats, eggs, nuts and seeds will fill you with natural and steady energy. On the flip side, foods that have been processed, fried or filled with sugar will rob your body of energy and wellbeing.


True change happens in degrees, not in one fell swoop. This is a relief when you realise that you have miles to go on your goals. There is no need to attempt all of the change at once – simply nudge yourself in the right direction each and every day and maintain the small changes as you go.
Did you eat a big bowl of spaghetti noodles with your favourite sauce for dinner last night? Tonight eat a smaller bowl. Next week eat zucchini noodles and your favourite sauce. The following week eat zucchini noodles with protein and less sauce.
Small changes in the right direction, maintained over time, will make all of the difference as you strive toward the body and lifestyle that you desire.


Stressed out? Exercise is a simple solution to get you feeling good fast.
This is because every time you exercise your body increases its production of endorphins, which are responsible for that feel-good euphoria you get after a great workout or while chomping down on a piece of chocolate.
However, before you turn to chocolate and skip the gym, remember the end result of each and choose which one will help you reduce stress in the long run. (Hint: It's not the chocolate!)


When you find yourself reaching for a snack—WAIT! Are you really even hungry? Or are you simply eating out of habit? Next time you find yourself gravitating toward a junk food fix do a short burst of physical activity instead. A dozen jumping jacks, 15 crunches, a walk around the block… you get the idea! By the time your heart rate returns to normal you will find that your craving has passed—and not only did you save yourself from empty calories, you burned extra calories as well!

More about Balance Fitness
