Balance Psychologies

Monday: 09:30 - 20:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 16:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 09:30 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Balance Psychologies

Trainee Psychologist | Blogger | Researcher. Specialising in trauma, abuse & toxic relationships. Please contact for bookings | Join the membership.

Balance Psychologies Description

Wellbeing blogger & trainee Psychologist. Specialising in psychopath, sociopath and narcissistic relationships. Please contact for bookings.



Still in France today, going to the waterfalls later today. Which I will take you with me on my stories. Water is one of the most important elements, especially to do with emotions.
It would seem that we live in a world where we have been generally conditioned to view emotions and feelings with scepticism and distrust. Being emotional is a wonderful human gift, but falling under the trap of ’emotionality’ is where a vast majority of problems begin. ‘Emotionality’ is where we ...associate ourselves with our emotions rather than simply experiencing them. Hooking and deepening our false association to these emotions can lead to chronic and negative ways of being.
We are liquid beings under the illusion of solidity. We are literally bags of water. Think of yourself as a water being. Life comes out of water. We therefore understand that our emotions and our water are one of the same because energy flows through the water in our body. Blood flows, feeling flows, hormones flow, everything is liquid. By definition, water and emotion are one of the same, so if you wish to influence the current of the water within your cells as well as influencing your emotion, you have to work with the water element in your body.
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Surround yourself with a friendship network that supports you. Have a wonderful weekend. Get out into nature and enjoy the healing energy.
Thank you for joining me this week for our week on friendships. The topic video will be made available over on my YouTube this weekend.


If a ‘committed’ intimate #relationship is reactivated with the #narcissist, the person will go from being the friend ‘treated respectfully’ into being substantially abused again. Nothing has changed. The cycle of idealising and devaluing will repeat.
If we learn to honour and #love ourselves, we will not allow abusers in our life.
A information Video on the weeks topic 'Narcissistic Friends' is now available on my YouTube channel


Point blank there is no upside in continuing a relationship on any level with an individual with narcissistic personality disorder. It is very important to realise the ramifications of trying to stay friends with them. This type of person does not have the ability to have remorse, reform or be trusted – and they always re-offend.
A information Video on the weeks topic 'Narcissistic Friends' is now available on my YouTube channel


All this relationship will brings is deceit, being used as narcissistic supply and a shredding of self-worth and self-value. If you are unable to walk away from a toxic friendship, then It is important to have a good sense of yourself and an understanding of your own needs. You will have to be assertive in setting your boundaries and limitations. Ultimately, the more connected you become with your true authentic self the less power you give to those who seek to abuse you.
If you have been affected by any of the topics discussed this week, please private message me for a free consultation.


Typically, best friends tend to be different from each other, adhering to the theory that “opposites attract.” The reason these friendships exist is because they’re diverse. Therefore some best friend pairings include an introvert with an extrovert, or any combination of mismatched personalities. When a narcissist is paired with a narcissist, the Big Five personality traits tend to be extremely similar. In other words, the higher a pair’s narcissism, the more similar their personalities are.
If you have been affected by any of the topics discussed this week, please private message me for a free consultation.


When someone is raised in a relatively #toxic environment, they may actually seek out #friendships and relationships that most of us would consider toxic because those types of #relationships are what is actually “comfortable” for that person. Others might find themselves unknowingly woven into a toxic friendship. When a person experiences the cycle of abuse long enough, they may grow to believe that their behaviour is to blame for the toxicity in the relationship.
For support on getting closure from a toxic relationship check out my Ebook


Although befriending a #narcissist isn’t quite the same as engaging in a relationship hallmarked by #abuse, there can be a similar toxic dynamic in that the narcissist is able to draw back in a friend who is trying to break from the #relationship. Narcissists can be master manipulators who are driven only by the need to gain power through any means possible that allows them to come out looking good on the surface even if inflicting unseen wounds to the psyche.
For support on getting closure from a toxic relationship


Sadly, a narcissist cannot comprehend that they might even need to change how they relate to others and the world, at large. It is much better to empower your own internal changes, then you can work on healthy boundaries within your friendships.
Have you had past experience of dealing with a Narcissistic friend in your life? or Think you might be dealing with one now? Join the Balance Psychologies Live community discussion on YouTube tonight 8pm (GMT).


If you start a discussion about something going on in your own #life, a #narcissist can hijack the topic and twist it back to their own needs before you pause for a breath. Have you had past experience of dealing with a Narcissistic friend in your life? or Think you might be dealing with one now? Join the Balance Psychologies Live community discussion on YouTube tonight 8pm (GMT).


LISTEN AGAIN: my radio interview on Self Discovery Radio with Sara Troy


Narcissists have the uncanny ability to quickly inspire a sense of admiration and positive energy when you first meet. It is only as time goes on that we realise that their darker side is much deeper than their surface appearance suggests.
1. What are the typical traits of a narcissistic friend? 2. How do narcissistic friends treat their friends? 3. Do narcissist have true friends?... 4. Can you remain friends with a narcissist?
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Many of you are here because you have identified a Narcissist in your life and are making the positive steps to either free yourself or heal. What generally happens with this new-found knowledge, is an awareness of the red flags or warning signs associated with these types of relationships. Many of us may now start to notice a pattern of toxicity in the network around us. So, what is the reality of having a Narcissist in our friendship circle? This week, across the Balance Psychologies platforms, I will be exploring this topic in more detail; please join in the discussions (Details are in video). While you wait for the week to start...why not pop over to my YouTube channel to watch one of the many videos from the red files playlist; sharing valuable information to empower you to heal and move on positively.


Most people are addicted to worry, control, micromanagement, and doubt. Resist the temptation to follow these tendencies. Don’t listen to the voice that says you have to be in charge, that constant vigilance is the only way to get anything done. Instead, let Spirit try a new way and be willing to experiment. Intend for everything to work out as it should, then let go and allow opportunities to come your way. The outcome you are trying so hard to force may not be as good for you as the one that comes naturally.


The highest aim of any spiritual path is surrender. Although you may associate the word surrender with defeat or weakness, it is the most powerful spiritual action, offering you infinite freedom and possibilities. Surrender is trusting that the Universe, or a higher intelligence can accomplish anything, even when you can’t foresee the outcome of a situation.
Today I surrendered my time and did something for me. I wasn’t used to doing something like this because I usually work... on a Saturday, tying up lose ends from the week. But with my new work schedule I have been able to enjoy some rare time for me. And I have to say it has been so valuable and nurturing.
This is why I wanted to write this post, to remind you in order for you to grow and be at peace with yourselves you need to take time for you, take the time to get to know YOU.
Everyday life is a kind of swirling chaos, and the ego is entrenched in its demands. You need to remind yourself, day in and day out, of your spiritual purpose. Some people find it helpful to write down their intentions; for others, periods of regular meditation and prayer are useful. Find your center, look closely at yourself and do not let go of your intention until it feels centered inside yourself.
Be assured that the unknown is awaiting you – one that has nothing to do with the “I” you already know. The part of you that you know is the part that flickers out all too fast. When you feel a new impulse, an uplifting thought, an insight that you have never acted upon before, embrace the unknown. when you can embrace it fully, you will be free.
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A Blood Moon occurs whenever there is a total lunar eclipse. When the Earth's shadow completely blocks the moon from the sun's light, only a tiny bit of light gets through — this makes the moon appear as a reddish-brown color that resembles blood, hence the name. A lunar eclipse can make anyone feel more emotional than usual, even if you aren't actually seeing the eclipse in the sky.
The sky is asking, with all of it's astronomical happenings, to go where we don't normally go..., and see what is on the other side of our comfort zone.
We have the longest lunar eclipse of the century happening with this full blood moon tonight. The lunar eclipse and the full moon coming up July 27-28 (though can already be felt!), according to experts, are mirrors that reflect what needs to change, and asking us to be courageous in making the decisions that are right for us.
Have you been holding back a piece of you? Not going for what you truly want? Slowing down your growth while gripping to what was? You've got the sky behind you, now is the time to go after it. Use tonight's full moon to go after what has meaning to you, be brave and bold. This is your life, ask for what is rightly yours and believe it is your already. Life your best life... always.
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There is something beautiful happening around us, with us, inside of us: permission to get uncomfortable and vulnerable by moving directly towards the things that scare us.
Happy Full Blood Moon


The concept of co-parenting with a narcissist does not exist. There is very little research about narcissistic parenting, narcissistic family dynamics, or the effects that this disorder has on children. Complicating matters is the fact that adult children who do seek therapy do not typically identify growing up in a narcissistic household as the presenting problem. The following blog can help you redefine your parenting plan, and learn to adjust to solo parenting so you and your children thrive.


This combination of a lack of “Object Constancy” and a continual focus on self-esteem enhancement creates a situation of emotional instability for the children.
Sometimes they feel loved and will get a lot of attention and praise, other times they feel that their Narcissistic parent literally despises them. This is very confusing for children and can result in their having two separate and irreconcilable views of themselves as either “special” or “worthless.”
In essence, ...this would be a recreation of the same identity problem with which the Narcissistic parent is struggling.
This is where the non-Narcissistic parent’s steady love can have a stabilising effect on the children’s identity. You just need to be able to remember that you love your children while they are behaving badly (Object Constancy) and not have your personal self-esteem be dependent on their achievements. We are talking about “good enough loving,” not being a parental Saint.
It is never easy to be a parent. It is much harder when your co-parent has a Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The good news is that there is a lot that you can do to minimize the damage of having a Narcissistic parent. You will have to step in and be the one to give your children whatever their Narcissistic parent cannot provide: permission to explore their identity and the world around them, unconditional love, protection from abuse, and reassurance that they are not the cause of their parent’s bad behavior.
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I'm a giver. A BIG giver; I give it all and then some. It doesn’t matter if it's a romantic connection or a friendship, I give everything to the nth degree. In the past, I did this to the point that I hardly knew who I was or what I wanted because I was too busy watching you to figure out what you would want from me. And why on Earth would I do this?
Well, I was convinced that the more that I gave—the more that I created myself in the image of what others wanted—the less they would be to leave. I know now that this behavior was rooted in a lack of self-confidence. But it took me a while to learn just how detrimental this behavior was to the best, and most important relationship I will ever foster—the one with myself.
The truth is, we all have some experience with giving up too much of ourselves for the sake of a relationship. But the best relationships are a beautiful blend of giving and taking, so how do you know where to draw the line? It helps to know what you should absolutely never give up, and then work from there.
Allowing ourselves to grow disconnected from who we are robs us of the very thing that makes us worthy of love in the first place. We are inherently and divinely deserving of love. When we try to change ourselves or give up inherent parts of ourselves in order to "keep" someone around, we send the message that we are not worthy of love unless we do so. Remind yourself how much you deserve to be loved, by others and yourself, every single day.
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anoushka helps in understanding narracism ..i have personally learnt how to identify the red flags and run for the door when i see them .thank you for your wonderful insight to this disorder..


This lady helps us with all the narcs issues in our life. I’ve also identified a couple more because of the in going videos and live broadcasts


She explains our journey like no other. Her compassion is beautiful and as real as can be. Your heart and mind will journey in peace while healing in this “chapter” of your life. She educates you with knowledge, strength and compassion.


Life saver <3


Great information presented by a beautiful compassionate soul. Blessings!


Brilliant, great advice, from a lovely person with wisdom and personal insight. Best of all the live sessions come with all bloopers included. Which is why Anoushka is such a great speaker who incudes you in her enthusiasm for her subject matter of Narcissism. Not an easy concept to grasp, but I have moved so far forward with her help to my recovery.


Are you allowed to finish sentences? Are you accused of treating someone the way you were just treated? Have you found yourself in a situation where your support system has been removed and replaced with 'flying monkeys' that are all running the truman show game on your whole life? Your not paranoid . You are not crazy. They are doing that on purpose. To hurt you and keep you from from finding this service.


Anoushka teaches us the many and complex personality traits there are in people with narcissism. She brings to light the pointers we need to understand and learn not only about others, but in ourselves too and how we can shift from an unaware state of mind, to having the knowledge and capacity to face it. Thank you.


Anoushka provides insight and clarity with her videos and blog postings on the topic of narcissism. The use of simple language is helpful in understanding a complex personality disorder. It is also beneficial to self-educate and learn from a personal survivor of narcissistic abuse. If you have a question related to a posting she seems to respond very quickly which is very helpful if someone is trying to figure things out for themselves. She has recently started live podcasts where you can ask questions and have them answered almost immediately (taking into consideration the amount of questions and limited time frame)

Thank you for all of your efforts to help others.


Anoushka provides a unique to YouTube (and invaluable) analysis of the workings and methods of working of Narcissists.


anoushka helps in understanding narracism ..i have personally learnt how to identify the red flags and run for the door when i see them .thank you for your wonderful insight to this disorder..


This lady helps us with all the narcs issues in our life. I’ve also identified a couple more because of the in going videos and live broadcasts


She explains our journey like no other. Her compassion is beautiful and as real as can be. Your heart and mind will journey in peace while healing in this “chapter” of your life. She educates you with knowledge, strength and compassion.


Life saver <3


Great information presented by a beautiful compassionate soul. Blessings!


Brilliant, great advice, from a lovely person with wisdom and personal insight. Best of all the live sessions come with all bloopers included. Which is why Anoushka is such a great speaker who incudes you in her enthusiasm for her subject matter of Narcissism. Not an easy concept to grasp, but I have moved so far forward with her help to my recovery.


Are you allowed to finish sentences? Are you accused of treating someone the way you were just treated? Have you found yourself in a situation where your support system has been removed and replaced with 'flying monkeys' that are all running the truman show game on your whole life? Your not paranoid . You are not crazy. They are doing that on purpose. To hurt you and keep you from from finding this service.


Anoushka teaches us the many and complex personality traits there are in people with narcissism. She brings to light the pointers we need to understand and learn not only about others, but in ourselves too and how we can shift from an unaware state of mind, to having the knowledge and capacity to face it. Thank you.


Anoushka provides insight and clarity with her videos and blog postings on the topic of narcissism. The use of simple language is helpful in understanding a complex personality disorder. It is also beneficial to self-educate and learn from a personal survivor of narcissistic abuse. If you have a question related to a posting she seems to respond very quickly which is very helpful if someone is trying to figure things out for themselves. She has recently started live podcasts where you can ask questions and have them answered almost immediately (taking into consideration the amount of questions and limited time frame)

Thank you for all of your efforts to help others.


Anoushka provides a unique to YouTube (and invaluable) analysis of the workings and methods of working of Narcissists.

More about Balance Psychologies

Balance Psychologies is located at Leamington Spa, Warwickshire
Monday: 09:30 - 20:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 16:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 09:30 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -