
About Belle-Eve

Belle-Eve: Creating your beautiful Life.
Here you will find inspiration to be the person you were born to be. Ignite your passions and live your values

Belle-Eve Description

Belleeve was founded on the principles that everyone can create their beautiful lives. Coach Lucy-Jayne Barkas works with women who are in transition, and are seeking clarity over the next stage of their lives.

Are you stepping into your thirties and unsure about how you want your life to be?

Are you in a career and wanting something more, or something else?

Are you in a marriage and feeling you want more?

Are you a mummy who feels she has lost herself? Or wanting a family and becoming panicked or frustrated?

Are you in a place you didn't expect to be and unsure how to move forward?

Are you carrying feelings of guilt, shame, negative self worth or lacking confidence?

Lucy is a trained Coach, trained with the coaches training institute, and brings her whole heart to helping women rediscover their talents, their dreams, their strengths, confidence and worth. From this place, Lucy holds you in your magnificence and radiance so that you can overcome self limiting beliefs, the saboteurs and the shackles, so that you can live the life you want.

Lucy herself became a searcher. On the outside she had the perfect life, but internally she felt that something was missing. With that came guilt and shame, of having a career, a family, friends and an amazing life but wanting more. If she had it all, why wasn't she satisfied? The unsettled feeling became louder and louder until she reached breaking point. Her marriage fell apart, she lost her stability and her comfort. Her family was rocked and shocked, and lots of tears and upset followed.

Like the caterpillar, she left the safety of the cocoon and flew into the unknown.

But from that place, and from the coach training she underwent, she blossomed. She knows what it is like to be in uncertainty. She knows what it is like to feel trapped or unsatisfied. She knows how to create a beautiful life and evoke internal transformation.

And this is why Belleeve was created. Named after her daughters, her inspiration, Bella and Evie, meaning beautiful and life, Belleeve is here to help you create your beautiful life.

More about Belle-Eve

Belle-Eve is located at 5 Rye Place, WR4 0SS Worcester, Worcestershire
+44 7758813798