Belmont Abbey Parish

About Belmont Abbey Parish

The Official Facebook page of the Belmont Abbey RC Parish in Hereford, UK

Belmont Abbey Parish Description

This is the official Facebook Page for Belmont Abbey Parish in Hereford. We are a Roman Catholic Parish working alongside a community of Benedictine Monks.

Parish Sunday Masses are at 8. 30am and 11. 00am and there is also the conventual Mass at 9. 30am.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is held on Saturday mornings from 10am to 10. 30am.

Other information can be found on the Parish website.



Christ is life and the victory of life. In the world in which he came, death was prevalent and seemed to be all-powerful over men; when he came, he defeated death by his Resurrection. And nowadays we live in a world full of torment, of pain, of fear, of murder, of death, and we may say: but where is the victory? The victory is in each of us, the victory is in all those of us who believe that death cannot separate us from God, that death is no longer a victory of evil over us, but a triumph of us through our faith, because death is no longer separation..... However frightening and dark the world is nowadays, we know that victory has already been won, that God has won and that we who believe in him partake together with him in his victory. (Metropolitan Anthony of Sourouzh)


Alfie in his garden!


A Litany of the Person written by an anonymous Trappist monk Source - Abbey of Gethsemani
image of God... born of God's breath vessel of divine Love after his likeness dwelling of God capacity for the infinite eternally known chosen of God home of the Infinite Majesty abiding in the Son called from eternity life in the Lord temple of the Holy Spirit branch of Christ receptacle of the Most High wellspring of Living Water heir of the kingdom the glory of God abode of the Trinity.
God sings this litany eternally in his Word. This is who you are.
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Divine Mercy Sunday: Reflection from St. Leo the Great: “Mercy Itself wishes you to be merciful, Righteousness Itself wishes you to be righteous, so that the Creator may shine forth in his creature, and the image of God be reflected in the mirror of the human heart as it imitates his qualities.”


Christ is risen from the dead: Arise with him! Christ returns to himself: you also must return to him. In Christ a new creation is coming to birth: Renew yourselves! (Gregory Nazianzen)


The Lord's descent into hell
"What is happening? Today there is a great silence over the earth, a great silence, and stillness, a great silence because the King sleeps; the earth was in terror and was still, because God slept in the flesh and raised up those who were sleeping from the ages. God has died in the flesh, and the underworld has trembled.
Truly he goes to seek out our first parent like a lost sheep; he wishes to visit those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of ...
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Good Friday Reflection from St. Augustine: “He wasn’t afraid to die through false witnesses and a judge’s sentence, even though he is going to come to judge the living and the dead. He wasn’t afraid to die disgracefully on the cross to deliver all believers from all kinds of disgrace. He became obedient unto death, even death on a cross, yet by nature he is equal to God – strong in the power of his greatness, weak in the compassion of his humanity, strong in order to make all things, weak in order to remake all things.”

More about Belmont Abbey Parish

Belmont Abbey Parish is located at Ruckhall Ln, HR2 9RZ Hereford, Herefordshire