Bergitte Mcgovern Medical Herbalist And Aromatherapist

About Bergitte Mcgovern Medical Herbalist And Aromatherapist

Passionate about improving health and well being through the use of Natural Medicine ~ Herbs * Nutrition * Lifestyle.



Aromatherapy is an important part of my practice and an important part of my life. Having a BSc in botany and a further BSc in herbal medicine + a diploma in aromatherapy I really understand the importance of sourcing plant medicines. The implications of our purchasing habits on the natural world and the risks that come with buying essential oils when it comes to extraction methods, adulteration, labelling only with common names, not showing a country of origin etc.
Do watch ...this video clip to get an idea about the enormity of this topic. I am really excited to say I have signed up to complete this training, which I know from knowing the individuals behind it will be of really high quality. Anything that enhances my understanding of these issues will improve my ability to source high quality essential oils, which in turn translates in improvements in my practice and benefits for those who come and see me.
#aromatherapy #essentialoils #volatileoils #ethics #quality #labelling #integrity #holdingtoaccount #sourcing #herbalmedicine #plantmedicine #passion #dedication #naturalliving #goodhealth #herbalist #Whitchurch #Shropshire
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What a great idea!
#value #selfworth #love #mentalhealth #children #ourfuture #positiveaction #randomactsofkindness #community


How will this season unfold? Beautiful Elder bursting forth already! Snow drops and Daffodils flowering at the same time and spring like bird song...
We are always trying to second guess the weather and when I see such early spring signs second guessing steps up a level 😆! Just when should I schedule my seasonal foraging walks for?
... #seasonalliving #modernliving #clashofworlds #naturalliving #stepbystep #herbalmedicine #foraging #wildnutrition #wildmedicine #knowthyweeds #herbalist #Whitchurch #Shropshire
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Su and I are looking super forward to this workshop as it provides us with a wonderful opportunity to share our learning and knowledge with a group of women, to offer a supportive and nurturing space, to nourish and empower on what can feel like a really isolating and difficult journey 🙏
Our skills compliment each other beautifully and this is reflected in the programme which we have developed ❤️. Snippets from the day include looking at the 7 eras of the journey, how to nav...igate the changes, how to minimise negative symptoms, how best to nourish our bodies and what it means to acknowledge our real needs. We will cover aspects of herbal medicine support and take part in a herbal tasting. The day will be rounded off with a tailored yoga nidra session, which will be recorded for your future use and you will receive handouts covering top nutritional tips and supplements, along with 6 quick and easy recipes, fitting in to busy lifestyles but honouring our need to nourish and nurture.
We have intentionally limited workshop numbers maximising the opportunity to connect with other women in this era of life, share and learn, and acknowledge where you are at. Do get in touch if you would like any more information or to book your place ☺️
#positiveaction #embracingthechange #empoweringwomen #cyclicalbeings #nourish #nurture #connect #live #love #flourish #herbalmedicine #nutrition #lifestyle #selfcare #sacredfeminine #everydayliving
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It's so important to walk the walk 👣, not just talk the talk, and it's an ongoing journey and affects all areas of our life.
I give thanks to herbs and plants🌱 everyday and just realised that it's just gone midday and a number of amazing plant allies have been part of my working day. Each add something and I give thanks for their offerings and that they form part of my life ☺️🙏
Today started with hot water and LEMON. ... This was followed by a milky oat drink with ASHWAGANDHA and raw CACAO + CINNAMON. I felt I needed the sustenance, nurture and support offered by these allies. Then organic roasted CHICORY - delicious, liver supportive and a great alternate to coffee. Breakfast today was gluten free ROSEMARY and salt crackers with cottage cheese and CHIVES, a sprinkling of DILL, and fresh grinding of BLACK PEPPER. + an apple. I had my tonic tincture, which obviously contains a host of herbs and also contains flower remedies. Life is go, go, go at the moment - this provides me with a baseline foundation to improve strength and resilience, but also helps even out the bumps in the road. Now I am sipping on a HOLY BASIL (Tulsi) tea. Soon it will be lunch time, and more amazing herbs will form part of that meal.... So far that is 10 (excluding my bespoke tincture blend). Each with it's own profile of minerals, vitamins, constituents and actions. Diversity is key. Don't dismiss that little sprinkle of herbs that handful of chickweed you grab from the garden to bulk out your salad or dandelion leaf added in (both favs of mine I mention on foraging walks!). They all add something!!
#Diversity #herbs #spices #naturalmedicine #herbalmedicine #herbaltea #livethytruth #walkthewalk #foraging #herbalist #Whitchurch #Shropshire
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Wishing everyone a fantastic year ahead, with positive action, more nature, more living, more loving! And of course, great health 😃!
#HappyNewYear #naturaliving #livewell #happiness #connection #positiveaction #inspiration


A great testament to the use of ginger in the treatment of tummy upsets, as covered in our herbal advent earlier this month!
#tummyupset #diarrhoea #vomiting #norovirus #ginger #herbalmedicine #naturalliving #herbalist #Whitchurch #Shropshire


This resonates so deeply. We are made up of all the elements and each has a part to play. Embrace, acknowledge, release and breathe :) A great reminder as we edge towards the beginning of another calendar year ☺️
#NewYear #newbeginnings #elements #wellbeing #holistic #naturalhealth #water #earth #air #fire #spirit


Come along and join Su and Bee for a day of discovery and learning in a nurturing and supportive space. Explore the signs and symptoms of peri-menopause, and learn self-care & well-being practices to ease the way. Get a better understanding of lifestyle, nutritional & herbal practices to support your journey.
The workshop is suitable for any woman who feels she is embarking on the peri-menopausal journey or has already entered the slipstream / is on the pathway.
Aims for t...he day: - Learn about the signs and symptoms of the peri-menopause and menopause - Explore the seven eras which make up the menopausal journey and figure out where you are at - Looking at Diet & Lifestyle habits – the health implications of not acknowledging needs and how best to embrace positive change. - Menopausal symptom support – herbal help and additional resources to support you. - Value the importance of appropriate self-care and deep rest. - Leave feeling clear & supported in your natural, powerful transition.
Gifts from the day: • Nutritional tips (cleanse and nourish) and top supplements list • Recipes – 2 soup, 2 salad, 2 flavoursome craving busting bites • Downloadable menopause yoga nidra led by Su • Resources/booklist/Fb group to connect with.
Bookings: Spaces are limited and the exchange is £75, which includes warm drinks and a warm seasonal lunch, along with gifts from the day. To confirm your place a deposit of £40 is payable upon booking with Bee.
About Su & Bee Su Guest - Women’s Space Holder, Holistic Counsellor and Yoga Teacher: Susanna has held space for women through all thresholds of their life – during pregnancy, birth, motherhood and mid-life, for almost twenty years. She offers classes, workshops, 1-1s and Retreats for women. Su is based in Stone, Staffordshire.
Bee McGovern - Medical Herbalist and Aromatherapist: Bee has been practising as a medical herbalist for over 12 years and is passionate about natural healthcare and empowering people in their journey towards optimal health. The natural world plays a huge part in this, providing connection, nutrition and medicine. Bee is based in Whitchurch, Shropshire.
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Merry Christmas 🎄! Wishing you all a wonderful time. May you feel loved and share love. Thank you if you joined me over the past month or so focusing on Winter illness treatment and prevention.
#goodhealth #Winter #naturalmedicine #herbalmedicine #Christmas #advent #herbalist #Whitchurch #Shropshire


Herbal Advent: Winter illness treatment and prevention - tummy upsets 🤢 Black tea, stewed apples and Saccromyces bourlardii!
#tummyupset #norovirus #cramping #bloating #flatulence #Winter #illness #naturalmedicine #herbalmedicine #blacktea #stewedapple #Saccromycesb. #probiotics #Christmas #advent #herbalist #Whitchurch #Shropshire


Yum! And you will be getting the natural probiotic benefits with this one - or good buggies as we call them in this house 😍


Just spotted yesterday's video of Chamomile and Fennel didn't upload 😂...
Herbal Advent: Winter illness treatment and prevention Tummy upsets 🤢 Winter is that dreaded time of year when tummy bugs can plague communities. Natural medicine can support you through these times, every step of the way!... Sip, sip, sip little and often!! Diarrhoea and cramping - two of my favourite herbs are Chamomile and Fennel...
#diarrhoea #tummyupset #norovirus #cramping #bloating #flatulence #Winter #illness #naturalmedicine #herbalmedicine #chamomile #fennel #antispasmodic #carminative #Christmas #advent #herbalist #Whitchurch #Shropshire
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Herbal Advent: Winter illness treatment and prevention Tummy upsets 🤢 Ginger and peppermint are another top two plant allies - brilliant for nausea and easing spasm. Peppermint and Chamomile make a great combo, as do Ginger and Fennel!
... #Winter #illness #tummyupset #nausea #vomiting #diarrhoea #norovirus #naturalmedicine #herbalmedicine #ginger #peppermint #herbaltea #infusion #natural #selfhelp #Christmas #advent #herbalist #Whitchurch #Shropshire
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Herbal Advent: Winter illness treatment and prevention Tummy upsets 🤢 Winter is that dreaded time of year when tummy bugs can plague communities. Natural medicine can support you through these times, every step of the way! Sip, sip, sip little and often!! Diarrhoea and cramping - two of my favourite herbs are Chamomile and Fennel...
... #diarrhoea #tummyupset #norovirus #cramping #bloating #flatulence #Winter #illness #naturalmedicine #herbalmedicine #chamomile #fennel #antispasmodic #carminative #Christmas #advent #herbalist #Whitchurch #Shropshire
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Herbal Advent: Winter illness treatment and prevention Powerful garden allies - Rosemary, Sage and Thyme ❤️
#herbs #antimicrobial #Rosemary #Sage #Thyme #herbaltea #essentialoils #Winter #illness #coughs #colds #sorethroats #naturalmedicine #herbalmedicine #Christmas #advent #herbalist #Whitchurch #Shropshire


Winter infections - prevention and treatment Echinacea purpurea
A wonderful plant, which supports immune function, has a positive effect in the prevention and treatment of colds, including cold viruses. The Echinacea I stock in my dispensary is grown biodynamically in England and has a real zing to it! It forms part of my winter infections prevention and treatment arsenal. Sometimes I manage to stock my home grown (pic in comment below) tincture in my dispensary too :)
... If you are going to buy it over the counter, make sure you buy a quality product which has NOT been wild harvested (Echinacea angustifolia, whose roots are used, is endangered). The quality of plant products are influenced by so many factors - soil, growing conditions, point of harvest, post-harvest treatment, storage, product manufacturing. Plant medicine is sustainable medicine - when done correctly!!
#Echinacea #herbalmedicine #naturalmedicine #immunity #infectionprevention #colds #flu #antiviral #antimicrobial #lymphatic #winter #Christmas #advent #local #herbalist #Whitchurch #Shropshire
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Herbal Advent: Winter illness prevention and treatment - therapeutic fevers This video clip is food for thought in terms of how quickly and readily most people administer paracetamol or ibuprofen to their children (or themselves) when they have a temperature or anything isn't right!
A fever is generally a healthy response from your body - it enhances your body's ability to fight off an infection, kindda like stoking up the fires. Metabolic rate goes up, which means the body responding more quickly, and the environment becomes less hospitable to invading pathogens. By administering drugs at the slightest rise in body temperature you are actually dampening down the body's natural response to fight infection.
#Winter #illness #treatment #fever #temperature #therapeuticfever #pyrexia #natrualmedicine #wellbeing #herbalmedicine #Christmas #herbal #advent #local #herbalist #Whitchurch #Shropshire
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Herbal Advent: Winter illness treatment and prevention - movement and essential oils
We can collapse in on ourselves when we are not well and suffer from sinus issues, coughing, tension and achiness. Coughing, sneezing and blowing one's nose 🤧 are far from gentle! Adding movement, self-massage, essential oils can really help... Essential oils can be diluted and used for self massage or added to a bath (not neat!!) or diffused in a burner. ... You may even want to consider booking in for an aromatherapy massage and make use of my massage and oil blending skills to get things moving and flowing again!
#selfcare #sinus #tension #massage #aromatherapy #essentialoils #stretching #stillness #mindfulness #pine #eucalyptus #niaouli #peppermint #marjoram #thyme #winter #illness #naturalmedicine #herbalmedicine #Christmas #advent #local #herbalist #Whitchurch #Shropshire
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I’m a new mum to a now 4 month old baby. I had my first consultation with Bee after my GP and the medication I was prescribed were unhelpful for a persistent infection that was impacting breastfeeding. Bee’s thorough and holistic approach was extremely reassuring and she was able to provide a herbal tincture and advice on supplements that helped to ensure my recovery. Since then, Bee has been my first port of call for advice and herbal medication regarding any other health issues. She is extremely knowledgeable and quick to respond, providing information and advice on effective home remedies, for example that can be used whilst she makes up a tea or tincture as needed to send me in the post (as I don’t live locally). She demonstrates a very good understanding of the needs of a breastfeeding mother. Recently I developed a severe reaction to and infection from an insect bite. Bee’s advice on topical care of the infection site and the tincture she provided resolved the swelling and inflammation from the infection quickly meaning I haven’t needed to use the antibiotics (that I had on standby just in case but was very reluctant to take due to the side effects for both me and baby). I fully recommend her services, particularly to breastfeeding mothers.

More about Bergitte Mcgovern Medical Herbalist And Aromatherapist

Bergitte Mcgovern Medical Herbalist And Aromatherapist is located at 1 Field Cottages, SY13 3NE Whitchurch, Wrexham, United Kingdom
07711 539 488