Best Body Bootcamp Cannock

About Best Body Bootcamp Cannock

We specifically help ladies who don't enjoy gyms, to get fitter, change body shape and improve confidence with our proven method of fitness and nutrition.



I forgot to take a shot of the ladies session this morning at 6.30am but they were on form today! Here’s the tools they were using with their weights session to get a good burn. It’s great to see as a coach when your members are getting stronger and you see the ladies improving their press ups, core strength and lifting heavier. Well done ladies 💪🔥💯
Looking forward to the rest of today’s sessions now 💥👍


We’ve all been there!
Workouts and nutrition are going well then one busy and stressful week throws us off.
We tell ourselves we will start again Monday but Monday comes around and we are dreading exercise after a week off....
... We put it off and off and before you know it you haven’t exercised for weeks, months even years...
Don’t let your mind trick you into thinking this way....
It will never be as hard as your mind perceives it and you always have a choice about how intensely you want to workout.
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Some shots of the 6.30am and 9.30am ladies blasting the pads this morning
Well done everyone 💯🥊💥


Congratulations to one of our members Becky Johnson who has been on fire with her workouts since starting in May.
Becky has seen a big improvement in fitness levels since doing our six week challenge and has now lost a fantastic 14lbs in the process too!
Becky has been working really hard and more importantly, has been very consistent in doing her early morning sessions.
... Well Becky I’m really pleased for you, you are doing great 👍
Can we get Becky some likes for her fantastic efforts?
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The ladies ended their session last night with a Mexican wave finisher with static squats and burpees - great work ladies🔥💥💯


If you like eggs, try this high protein breakfast recipe for a great start to the day.


The early morning crew giving the pads hell this morning. 🥊🥊🥊
Great mid week stress buster and calorie burner 🔥💪💥💯


Some days it takes a lot of discipline to do what you need to do but you never regret that workout once it’s done.
#mondaymotivation #discipline #fitness #bootcamp


Congratulations to Julie Downs who is our member of the month for June 💥👍
Julie started with us last year and lost a stone in weight during her programme. She decided to continue with Bootcamp as she felt so much better for it. 🔥
Julie also suffers with fibromyalgia and has in the past needed time off work due to the condition being so bad with the chronic daily aches, pains and tiredness that are associated with the condition.
... Nevertheless she has continued to train at Bootcamp regularly since starting because it’s helped her feel better and has helped improve her fitness and energy levels.
At one point Julie would struggle to walk around the supermarket due to the pain from fibromyalgia but a few months ago Julie challenged herself and climbed the mountain cadair idris in Wales which you can see in the photo. She did this 7 mile hike which is 900metres above sea level in 5 hours!! 🏃‍♀️
Well done and congratulations Julie you are a role model and proof that a medical condition doesn’t need to stop you improving your fitness or achieving your goals! 💪💯
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#mondaymotivation #fitness #bootcamp #nutrition #focus #goals


Well done to one of our members Sally who tackled a 13 mile walk yesterday in this heat to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. This is in preparation for her next big challenge a 26 mile hike. Well done Sally💪💪


Need a healthy refreshing drink to cool down in the heat?
Why not try this little smoothie recipe 👇😊


Ladies if your husbands or partners want to get in shape but aren't inspired by the gym please ask them to take a look at our men's only programme. We have our next programme starting this Monday and we have already seen some fantastic results from our guys 💪💥🙌


Super work from the ladies last night on a really hot evening. 🥊💥🔥😅


5 Simple band core exercises that you can do anywhere...
✅ These will strengthen your core without doing crunches or sit ups.
✅ All you need is a Resistance band with suitable resistance for you.
... ✅ Can do these alone by anchoring band to something or with a partner anchoring.
Give these a try instead of crunches and sit-ups 💪💪
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#mondaymotivation #fitness #ladies #thisgirlcan #determination


Quick 5 minute Resistance Band workout you can do anywhere:
Make sure you mobilise joints and warm up prior to starting for 5 mins and cool down afterwards with some static stretches.
Set a timer for 5mins
... Do each exercise for 10 repetitions and repeat continually for the set time.
Add in body weight exercises such as press ups, lunges or crunches to add to the variety and if you have the time you can extend the workout by a few mins.
Ideal if working away or on holiday and want to keep up your fitness.
If you need a resistance band or want to know more get in touch.
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Great tasting and quick to make.


The 6.30am ladies blitzing the lads this morning 🥊🥊💥🔥


Who would have thought that working out would be so much fun! It's never a chore to go to bootcamp, I actually look forward to it! I was so nervous attending my first bootcamp so much so, I nearly turned my car round and went back home, I'm glad I didn't, the ladies are amazing so friendly and encouraging! It has been the best decision I've made! I'm feeling so much stronger and fitter! Barry is a fantastic trainer, he put me at ease, showed me how to maximise my workout but doing things a little different ... he offers amazing advise and support!! a fantastic group I'm proud to be apart of!!


Well I can't thank Barry and his bootcamp of wonderful ladies enough! All the ladies are so welcoming and Barry clearly knows exactly what he's doing! A very knowledgable and encouraging trainer who makes every session different and fun! I'm enjoying exercise and seeing results for the first time ever! With diet advice and regular weigh-ins I'm finding I'm more motivated than I've ever been to stay on track and get fit! Thank you Barry! X


Signed up for 6weeks and there nearly a year later. Everyone is very supportive. If you want to loose weight, change your body shape, tone up, improve fitness levels and don't mind getting sweaty doing it then this bootcamp is for you. Barry is great at giving you that encouragement to push on through the workout and very knowledgable in giving out advice. You never get bored with a different workout everyday to target all areas.


On behalf of Annette (as not on Facebook)

I joined early morning Bootcamp in August. I have never felt fitter and so full of energy before, Barry is a brilliant instructor and very caring to your needs .

The group of ladies are great and support each other through our sessions.

Best thing I ever did joining this Bootcamp



Joined nearly 2 years ago now, absolutely love it. Met lots of lovely ladies, who I class as my good friends now too! I'm not a gym kind of person, but bootcamp is so varied and different. I've a lot more energy these days and would recommend anyone to sign up, so go for it


I signed up to the 6 week challenge... it's been really good! Had encouragement not just from Barry but the other ladies as well!

Not only has my fitness improved but I can see the results as my clothing fits better (post baby body!)

I'm continuing with bootcamp as I enjoy it and feel so much better for going!!

Thanks x


I must say Barry is a superb coach and really encouraging,I joined 6 weeks prior to xmas thinking I would do the 6 weeks and give up, but all the ladies are so lovely and encouraging i have continued going and plan too for a long time. I really enjoy the sessions as each one is different, and my fitness and self confidence has improved massively. ����


I joined a few weeks ago feeling extremely nervous as I hadn’t don’t any real exercise in months! I actually really rate the classes they’re accessible for everyone regardless of your fitness levels. There’s lots of variety so you don’t get bored and the time flies by! Everyone is really friendly and you don’t feel like the “newbie”. I’ve noticed a difference in my body shape, lost weight but most of all I feel better within myself. I hurt my foot and had to sit out for a week but Barry was really supportive and extended my classes for a week so I won’t lose out and have the chance to make the most of what I paid for. This was such a lovely gesture and shows that Barry is as invested in my results as I am which means a lot. If you’re thinking about giving it a try then go for it! You’ve got nothing to lose but those pesky pounds ���


I have met a lovely group of ladies since joining bootcamp! Barry is great and really encourages you to work hard. I have noticed a massive difference in my health and fitness since joining, would highly recommend this to anyone wanting to improve fitness / lose weight .


I enjoy boot camp it is enjoyable from start to finish all the ladies encourage each other Barry helps each individual to make sure we are getting the best from the boot camp so much fitter than when I started


I decided to join the 6 week program which started 3 weeks ago. I'd got bored of the gym and needed something different to kickstart my weight loss and get my mind back in to fitness. My weight had started piling back on over the last few months and needed to get back on it. Since joining I've lost weight and I'm loving every minute, every session is different so I'm never bored. It's great fun and Barry always makes it more challenging if you need it. I'm feeling great and always look forward to boot camp days. As it only for women I feel more comfortable as I'm on the larger side I feel self conscious in a gym but not here as there are women of all ages and all shapes and sizes and no one judges anyone, we have lots of fun and laughs.I do the 9.30am class so straight after the school run and I'm then full of energy for the rest of the day 😀


I can't write enough positive things about best body, after losing motivation and sight of my goals in the gym I decided to sign up for a 6 week course. The great group of ladies participating along with trainer Barry makes for a great atmosphere where everyone motivates each other! The choice of inside and out side sessions is something that I also really enjoy! i can safely say I will be continuing when my 6 weeks is up!


I Really enjoy going to the boot camp despite never been to any gym or done any exercise before. its best place to be at the best body boot camp.every session is different and very motivating. I would recommend to any one who is thinking of joining. and Barry is awesome trainer.


I Joined bootcamp 10 weeks ago and I have shocked myself that I'm still going and still love it. I have previously never liked exercise but enjoy my 3 classes a week, the sessions are varied every time and I like how you have the choice of 3 different times each day so no excuse to miss a class 😉 I Always come away feeing great!


Following many years of not doing any proper exercise and trying various diets only to put the weight back on again, I took the plunge by signing up for a 6week Bootcamp! Surprisingly to me after the first session I realised that I was going to love these sessions, each one is different so you don't get bored, there's no time to stand around so the time flies! Barry is really helpful and motivating and the ladies are all really encouraging and supportive of each other. I've been going to the 6.30am session which fits in great with my work and my 4 year old, the sessions really set you up for the day. After 4 weeks I've noticed a difference in my clothes and have lost some weight without dieting. I'll definitely be carrying on with BBBC as I've never found exercise fun before!


Fantastic Group. Barry is a great trainer, never pushy just encouraging. I only intended to sign up for 6 weeks but enjoying the sessions so much I'm staying on doing 3 sessions a week. Every session is different, great variety that works your whole body and my fitness has improved already. Lovely bunch of ladies too


Cant recomend this bootcamp enough!! Im over the moon with my results having lost a total of 11 inches and 7lbs, gone down a dress size and feel amazing in my clothes. Barry is so approachable, the nutrition advice is excellent and he motivated me to push myself so I made real progress. If I can do this anyone can! Thanks Barry!! I'll be back �


Can highly recommend joining! In my 6 week challenge I lost 15lbs! It's hard work but totally enjoyable! I always join the gym, go for a few weeks then get bored! You will never get bored at bootcamp! I'm about 8 weeks in now and every time is different! Every one works as a team and aren't intimidating at all which is what I was worried about.


After realising I had lost self motivation going to the gym I decided to join boot camp. Not only have I regained self motivation I have got the ladies and Barry to motivate me even more. I love the evening sessions come rain or shine it's great for my body but also mental health. Just being outside in the fresh air and getting my endorphins going have made me feel better in sooo many ways. Now when I have a bad day at work I go and box or work out the stress away. Barry's boot camp is great for mind, body (I've lost weight and toned up) and soul :-)


Who would have thought that working out would be so much fun! It's never a chore to go to bootcamp, I actually look forward to it! I was so nervous attending my first bootcamp so much so, I nearly turned my car round and went back home, I'm glad I didn't, the ladies are amazing so friendly and encouraging! It has been the best decision I've made! I'm feeling so much stronger and fitter! Barry is a fantastic trainer, he put me at ease, showed me how to maximise my workout but doing things a little different ... he offers amazing advise and support!! a fantastic group I'm proud to be apart of!!


Well I can't thank Barry and his bootcamp of wonderful ladies enough! All the ladies are so welcoming and Barry clearly knows exactly what he's doing! A very knowledgable and encouraging trainer who makes every session different and fun! I'm enjoying exercise and seeing results for the first time ever! With diet advice and regular weigh-ins I'm finding I'm more motivated than I've ever been to stay on track and get fit! Thank you Barry! X


Signed up for 6weeks and there nearly a year later. Everyone is very supportive. If you want to loose weight, change your body shape, tone up, improve fitness levels and don't mind getting sweaty doing it then this bootcamp is for you. Barry is great at giving you that encouragement to push on through the workout and very knowledgable in giving out advice. You never get bored with a different workout everyday to target all areas.


On behalf of Annette (as not on Facebook)

I joined early morning Bootcamp in August. I have never felt fitter and so full of energy before, Barry is a brilliant instructor and very caring to your needs .

The group of ladies are great and support each other through our sessions.

Best thing I ever did joining this Bootcamp



Joined nearly 2 years ago now, absolutely love it. Met lots of lovely ladies, who I class as my good friends now too! I'm not a gym kind of person, but bootcamp is so varied and different. I've a lot more energy these days and would recommend anyone to sign up, so go for it


I signed up to the 6 week challenge... it's been really good! Had encouragement not just from Barry but the other ladies as well!

Not only has my fitness improved but I can see the results as my clothing fits better (post baby body!)

I'm continuing with bootcamp as I enjoy it and feel so much better for going!!

Thanks x


I must say Barry is a superb coach and really encouraging,I joined 6 weeks prior to xmas thinking I would do the 6 weeks and give up, but all the ladies are so lovely and encouraging i have continued going and plan too for a long time. I really enjoy the sessions as each one is different, and my fitness and self confidence has improved massively. ����


I joined a few weeks ago feeling extremely nervous as I hadn’t don’t any real exercise in months! I actually really rate the classes they’re accessible for everyone regardless of your fitness levels. There’s lots of variety so you don’t get bored and the time flies by! Everyone is really friendly and you don’t feel like the “newbie”. I’ve noticed a difference in my body shape, lost weight but most of all I feel better within myself. I hurt my foot and had to sit out for a week but Barry was really supportive and extended my classes for a week so I won’t lose out and have the chance to make the most of what I paid for. This was such a lovely gesture and shows that Barry is as invested in my results as I am which means a lot. If you’re thinking about giving it a try then go for it! You’ve got nothing to lose but those pesky pounds ���


I have met a lovely group of ladies since joining bootcamp! Barry is great and really encourages you to work hard. I have noticed a massive difference in my health and fitness since joining, would highly recommend this to anyone wanting to improve fitness / lose weight .


I enjoy boot camp it is enjoyable from start to finish all the ladies encourage each other Barry helps each individual to make sure we are getting the best from the boot camp so much fitter than when I started


I decided to join the 6 week program which started 3 weeks ago. I'd got bored of the gym and needed something different to kickstart my weight loss and get my mind back in to fitness. My weight had started piling back on over the last few months and needed to get back on it. Since joining I've lost weight and I'm loving every minute, every session is different so I'm never bored. It's great fun and Barry always makes it more challenging if you need it. I'm feeling great and always look forward to boot camp days. As it only for women I feel more comfortable as I'm on the larger side I feel self conscious in a gym but not here as there are women of all ages and all shapes and sizes and no one judges anyone, we have lots of fun and laughs.I do the 9.30am class so straight after the school run and I'm then full of energy for the rest of the day 😀


I can't write enough positive things about best body, after losing motivation and sight of my goals in the gym I decided to sign up for a 6 week course. The great group of ladies participating along with trainer Barry makes for a great atmosphere where everyone motivates each other! The choice of inside and out side sessions is something that I also really enjoy! i can safely say I will be continuing when my 6 weeks is up!


I Really enjoy going to the boot camp despite never been to any gym or done any exercise before. its best place to be at the best body boot camp.every session is different and very motivating. I would recommend to any one who is thinking of joining. and Barry is awesome trainer.


I Joined bootcamp 10 weeks ago and I have shocked myself that I'm still going and still love it. I have previously never liked exercise but enjoy my 3 classes a week, the sessions are varied every time and I like how you have the choice of 3 different times each day so no excuse to miss a class 😉 I Always come away feeing great!


Following many years of not doing any proper exercise and trying various diets only to put the weight back on again, I took the plunge by signing up for a 6week Bootcamp! Surprisingly to me after the first session I realised that I was going to love these sessions, each one is different so you don't get bored, there's no time to stand around so the time flies! Barry is really helpful and motivating and the ladies are all really encouraging and supportive of each other. I've been going to the 6.30am session which fits in great with my work and my 4 year old, the sessions really set you up for the day. After 4 weeks I've noticed a difference in my clothes and have lost some weight without dieting. I'll definitely be carrying on with BBBC as I've never found exercise fun before!


Fantastic Group. Barry is a great trainer, never pushy just encouraging. I only intended to sign up for 6 weeks but enjoying the sessions so much I'm staying on doing 3 sessions a week. Every session is different, great variety that works your whole body and my fitness has improved already. Lovely bunch of ladies too


Cant recomend this bootcamp enough!! Im over the moon with my results having lost a total of 11 inches and 7lbs, gone down a dress size and feel amazing in my clothes. Barry is so approachable, the nutrition advice is excellent and he motivated me to push myself so I made real progress. If I can do this anyone can! Thanks Barry!! I'll be back �


Can highly recommend joining! In my 6 week challenge I lost 15lbs! It's hard work but totally enjoyable! I always join the gym, go for a few weeks then get bored! You will never get bored at bootcamp! I'm about 8 weeks in now and every time is different! Every one works as a team and aren't intimidating at all which is what I was worried about.


After realising I had lost self motivation going to the gym I decided to join boot camp. Not only have I regained self motivation I have got the ladies and Barry to motivate me even more. I love the evening sessions come rain or shine it's great for my body but also mental health. Just being outside in the fresh air and getting my endorphins going have made me feel better in sooo many ways. Now when I have a bad day at work I go and box or work out the stress away. Barry's boot camp is great for mind, body (I've lost weight and toned up) and soul :-)

More about Best Body Bootcamp Cannock

Best Body Bootcamp Cannock is located at Unit 3, Ash Park, Hyssop Close, Hednesford, Cannock WS11 7XA, WS11 7XA Cannock