Bethel Church Blackheath

About Bethel Church Blackheath

What are you doing this weekend? Join us for church.

Bethel Church Blackheath Description

Bethel Church Blackheath is a passionate group of Christians living and speaking for Jesus in Blackheath and beyond. Bethel Church is affiliated to the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC). We meet together regularly to praise God, learn from His word and equip each other to serve Him however we can.

All are welcome - we would love to meet you in person so please feel free to come and visit us.



Psalm 8:3-4


Who’s excited for our upcoming church holiday to Hebron? It’s been two years since we were there last. Please pray for a blessed time away together.
Here’s some fond memories from the past few years!


The church holiday is fast approaching! Therefore, there will be no Kidz Church & Faith Builders on Sunday 26th August and no BYTE on Tuesday 28th August.
Kidz Church & Faith Builders will be back on Sunday 2nd September. BYTE will return on Tuesday 11th September.


What a great time in church this morning for our Family Service & BBQ! #bethelblackheath


Tomorrow morning, don’t miss our Family Service and BBQ. It all starts at 11:00am. We’d love to see you there!


Today was the third and final day of our BREAK-OUT! Holiday Club. Thank you to everyone who came along - we had a wonderful time! It’s been wonderful to see all of the laughter, creativity and enthusiasm from all of the children learning about the good news of the gospel!
We’d love to welcome all of the families of the children who enjoyed the Holiday Club to our special BREAK-OUT Family Service and BBQ this Sunday at 11:00am. Paul Willmott will be joining us with his friend,... Twist, to share what the children have been doing at Holiday Club and we hope you’ll stay after the service for a delicious BBQ!
A huge thank you must also go to all of our volunteers for giving up their time to put on such a great event!
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We’ve had so much fun at our Holiday Club this week! If your child has too, we’ll be back for more at BLAST, our regular Thursday evening Youth Club, this evening at 6:45pm-8:15pm.
We’d love to see you all there!


Day 2! Our BREAKOUT Holiday Club was full of fun again today!
Has your child enjoyed themselves? You might like to bring them along to our Holiday Club Family Service & BBQ this Sunday at 11:00am. All families are welcome and special guest, Paul Willmott & his puppets, will be joining us too!


What a fantastic first day at our BREAKOUT Holiday Club! If your child has attended, we’d love to see you and your family at our special Holiday Club Family Service this Sunday at 11:00am.


We’d love to invite you and your family to a very special Family Service this August! We’ll be celebrating all of the fun and excitement of our BREAKOUT Holiday Club, so if your children have attended, we’d love to see you there. Special guests, Paul Willmott and friends will be joining us and there will be a free BBQ after the service. Don’t worry if you missed our Holiday Club; all are welcome!


There will be no BYTE this week (14th Aug) as the church will be being prepared for Our Holiday Club.


Be Joyful; Pray Continually; Worship Continually.


God’s grace is sufficient for us. Romans 8


This evening’s service will start at the later time of 7:00pm. See you at church!This evening’s service will start at the later time of 7:00pm. See you at church!


We were so blessed to be able to celebrate the faithful attendance of our kids and youth who come to Kidz Church and Faith Builders so regularly! We think they enjoyed receiving their prizes!
Kidz Church and Faith Builders runs each Sunday from 2:15pm with lots of fun, singing, crafts, games, quizzes and bible stories! If you’d like your child to come along, please get in touch with us.




At this Sunday’s 11:00am Family Service, we will be dishing out some fabulous prizes to thank our Kidz Church & Faith Builders kids and youth for their faithful attendance this year. If you have a child who attends, we’d love welcome your whole family to celebrate with us! It’s also the perfect time to start coming to Kidz Church or Faith Builders, so if you have school-aged children, bring them along!


Our Holiday Club for primary-school-aged children is back this summer with a cops ‘n’ robbers theme!
Register your child online so that they can enjoy three fun-filled days of food, games, quizzes, prizes, stories, crafts, songs, face painting and more! What’s more, it’s completely free!
This year, we will be joined by special guests, Paul Willmott and friends, who were incredibly popular at our family services this year.
... The holiday club will run from Wednesday to Friday on 15th, 16th and 17th August 2018 for children aged between 4 and 11. Each day, it will begin at 1:30pm and finish at 4.30pm.
Simply follow the ticket link or visit our website to register. Places are limited so don’t delay! We will contact you via the details you provide to confirm your child’s place.
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everyone who is slagging off loaves'n'fishes and bethel church u all dont now what u are on about dont judge them untill u have been there and what ever people say about them aint true if it wasnt for them i wudnt have funiture in my house they help the needey nd all the people at bethel church make u feel welcome so plz dont slag them off till have met them for ursrlf


Whats not to love? I went there as a baby. Now I know Jesus for myself, Best sunday school ever God bless you all x


This is the place i have been since birth! And seen so many people come and become part of our Bethel family! Excited to see what the future holds would recommend anyone to come and see what it is like!


This church truly demonstrates Christ's love and compassion with all the work they do for the community and those who attend. This church is home to me and I am blessed to be surrounded by such caring Christians whom I can call family.


They had la yes on Christmas dinner for everyone. And it was well cooked and served with love. And the friendship was good GOD bless your


I went to my friends baptism there not long ago, although not religious myself, I found the church very welcoming and felt a very positive vibe


Bethel church seeks to lift up the name of jesus in all they do in serving the community. Love it.xx.


Amazing Church and amazing people.

Great example of Jesus... Blessing to know them all.


you exploit the unemployed by supporting loaves and fishes!


I heard this Church supports loaves n fishes. There's evidence that suggests you are forced to attend prayer. I posted on this page yesterday and my comment was removed. along with over 50 others. What is this place hiding?


I have heard that this church supports Loaves 'n' Fishes, a "volunteer" based charity which uses benefit claimants from the workfare scheme to provide consistent volumes of slaves using the more humane term, "volunteers" (under duress of losing their benefits if they refuse).

Consider the following:

Deuteronomy 24:14-15 “You shall not oppress a hired servant who is poor and needy, whether he is one of your brothers or one of the sojourners who are in your land within your towns. You shall give him his wages on the same day, before the sun sets (for he is poor and counts on it), lest he cry against you to the Lord, and you be guilty of sin.

So, are you sinners Loaves 'n' Fishes?


everyone who is slagging off loaves'n'fishes and bethel church u all dont now what u are on about dont judge them untill u have been there and what ever people say about them aint true if it wasnt for them i wudnt have funiture in my house they help the needey nd all the people at bethel church make u feel welcome so plz dont slag them off till have met them for ursrlf


Whats not to love? I went there as a baby. Now I know Jesus for myself, Best sunday school ever God bless you all x


This is the place i have been since birth! And seen so many people come and become part of our Bethel family! Excited to see what the future holds would recommend anyone to come and see what it is like!


This church truly demonstrates Christ's love and compassion with all the work they do for the community and those who attend. This church is home to me and I am blessed to be surrounded by such caring Christians whom I can call family.


They had la yes on Christmas dinner for everyone. And it was well cooked and served with love. And the friendship was good GOD bless your


I went to my friends baptism there not long ago, although not religious myself, I found the church very welcoming and felt a very positive vibe


Bethel church seeks to lift up the name of jesus in all they do in serving the community. Love it.xx.


Amazing Church and amazing people.

Great example of Jesus... Blessing to know them all.


you exploit the unemployed by supporting loaves and fishes!


I heard this Church supports loaves n fishes. There's evidence that suggests you are forced to attend prayer. I posted on this page yesterday and my comment was removed. along with over 50 others. What is this place hiding?


I have heard that this church supports Loaves 'n' Fishes, a "volunteer" based charity which uses benefit claimants from the workfare scheme to provide consistent volumes of slaves using the more humane term, "volunteers" (under duress of losing their benefits if they refuse).

Consider the following:

Deuteronomy 24:14-15 “You shall not oppress a hired servant who is poor and needy, whether he is one of your brothers or one of the sojourners who are in your land within your towns. You shall give him his wages on the same day, before the sun sets (for he is poor and counts on it), lest he cry against you to the Lord, and you be guilty of sin.

So, are you sinners Loaves 'n' Fishes?

More about Bethel Church Blackheath

Bethel Church Blackheath is located at Vicarage Road, B62 8HU Halesowen