Birmingham Quran Academy

About Birmingham Quran Academy

Birmingham Quran Academy (BQA) is setting the standards for Quranic recitation in the UK and spearheading the revival of the traditional art of Qiraa'ah.



Alhamdulillah we are delighted to announce our latest Hafiz, 14 year old Ehsanul Mustafa, who memorised the entire Qur'an in just EIGHT months. This is the FASTEST hifz completion ever at the Academy. On behalf of the BQA and the Bahu Trust, we congratulate Hafiz Ehsanul Mustafa, his parents, his mentor hifz teacher Shaikh Abid Ismail and his entire family on this phenomenal tawfeeq from Allah.
Hafiz ...Ehsanul Mustafa averaged ONE JUZZ per week of new memorisation and 2 JUZZ of revision everyday. His revision is strong enough for him to be able to lead taraweeh prayers on his own mashAllah. We often hear of students finishing Qur'an in short periods but this is often at the expense of their revision so this achievement is all the more amazing by maintaining solid revision throughout, as hifz at the BQA only allows memorisation if the revision is in order. This all on top of attending secondary school. It is a truly incredible accomplishment and one of the signs of the miracle of the Qur'an in how Allah chooses from amongst his servants to become bearers of the Holy Book, subhanAllah.
Hafiz Ehsanul Mustafa is the grandson of Qari Muhammad Ibrahim of Birmingham and a great grandson of (late) Haji Karam Din, both themselves from the Ahlul-Qur'an who have spent their entire lives teaching Qur'an to others. It was our honour to share and contribute to this blessed tradition and add another Hafiz to this blessed chain.
May this be a sadqa jariya for all those involved here at the BQA and the Bahu Trust, the blessed teacher Hafiz Abid Ismail, for the parents of the new Hafiz Ehsanul Mustafa, and a shafaa'a for his entire family / relatives past, present and future generations to come inshAllah.
Hafiz Ehsanul Mustafa will no doubt work further to maintain his Qur'an, work on his ijaza, understand and apply the meanings of the Qur'an and ultimately teach others to inspire and work with our next generation inshAllah.
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Umayah Bashir Kalyal, aged 9, penned the following words to share her feelings for the Qur'an and what it means to her.
" What is so good about the Qur'an? The Qur'an means everthing to me. I love the Qur'an because it is special and holy. The Qur'an makes me feel happy and peaceful. I'd like to teach the Qur'an when I am older. My teachers Shaikh Shaukat Ali and Shaikha Zainab inspired me to learn and read the Qur'an the best I can. I also like the Qur'an because I it everyday. My mom brings me to masjid and would like me to finish the Qur'an by March and learn surah Yasin by heart which I hope to achieve.
Thank you Birmingham Qur'an Academy for your support.
By Umayah Bashir Kalyal "
What beautiful words and what a beautiful family who have brought up their daughter with so much love for the Qur'an that she reads it with pride and love at home everyday. She may not know what she wants to do in the future but she knows one thing for sure, that she will one day be a Qur'an teacher, subhanAllah. And its not just Umayah who has this love, but Umayyah has two sisters and a younger brother who have a similar love. These are households in which the Qur'an is recited daily and will continue to bless this family for generations to come inshAllah. Behind such children are the true sacrifices of the parents. The long car journeys to bring them to the masjid after the school run come snow or sleet, the prioritising of their Qur'an learning over social events, the patience and devotion for the cause of Allah and the children's spiritual development. The parents, Sister Shamim and father, brother Nassar, should be proud of their exemplary tarbiyya of all four children as we here at the BQA are certainly so proud of all that they have achieved. All four siblings started with us with us from Alif Ba Tha and to hear all four of them recite so well evokes so much happiness and joy when we hear them recite and speak of their relationship with the Qur'an. It is an indescribable feeling to be part of a child's journey of connecting with the Qur'an and for that child to have it in their heart to want to pass it on to others. This is the chain of the Qur'an that has been passed on to us. These children are amongst some of our finest gems at the BQA. They are the promising hopes for our future which is bright so long as the torch of love for the Qur'an continues to pass down to the next generation. And Umayah please remember that when you become a teacher we would love for you to become one of our teachers here at the BQA. You recite absolutely beautifully, alhamdulillah. May Allah bless all those involved in this purest of endeavours.
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Here is a clip of one of our lead hifz teachers listening to a child. Parents often come to us with requests for hifz for their children. There are two main methods of tahfeez that are used here in UK masaajids.
1. The method of tahfeez used in the sub-continent. 2. Method of tahfeez used in the Middle East mainly by Arabs.
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13 Year old Hafiz Abdul Hamid revising over the weekend, mashAllah...He very recently completed his full hifz of the Holy Qur'an alhmadulillah. His routine now is to recite at least one juzz revision to his teacher every day.


Azhan Hanif becomes Hafiz of the Holy Qur’an – Allahu Akbar.
We are proud to announce that Azhan Hanif, son of Mohammed Shakeel Hanif, Safia Sabir and grandson of Kaneez Fatima, has become Hafiz of the Holy Qur’an having memorised in full and having recited it all by memory to his teacher, Shaikh Muhammad Amin of the BQA, Alhamdulillah. Mabrook to his teacher, parents, family and extended family. He is the first Hafiz of his entire family including extended family. We pr...ay this effort be a sadqa jariya for all involved and that in particular a sadqa jarya for his deceased grandparents Mohammed Hanif, Haji Sabir Hussein and Makmal Jan. Below are words written by the new 14 year old Hafiz he wanted to share with all...
بِسْم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Beneficial
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته
I, Hafiz Azhan Hanif, have officially completed the memorisation of the Holy Qur'an, الحمدالله. After two and a half years of hard work, with Allah by my side, I have accomplished such success in my life الحمدالله. I am grateful for the Hifz teachers that have supported me along this journey, allowing me to complete the Holy Qur'an by memorisation. I, personally, thank the teachers and the organisation of Birmingham Qur'an Academy who assisted me with these beautiful words of Allah, جزاك الله خيراً. Within these two and a half years, I have had a few ups and downs, however with perseverance, I have attained my goal الحمدالله. I have been blessed by Allah for enabling me, to complete this amazing, yet spiritual path سبحان الله. I hope Allah accepts my efforts and reward me for this amazing accomplishment. I hope this becomes a Sadaqah Jaariya for my parents and for my grandparents. In the future I would like to teach these beautiful words of Allah, the Holy Qur'an, and be able to implement it in my daily life.
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Nameer Khan revising his Qur'an through nawafil yesterday. The whole building pulsated with this beautiful recitation..imagine the barakah in the homes of students who recite like this every morning and every evening subhanAllah.
Nameer, Allah bless you, your parents and your teachers. You are such an inspiration. When you recite like this you also bring others closer to the Qur'an. Already you have become an ambassador for the Holy Book. May Allah bless your parents and surround you with people who always love you...


13 Year Old Abdul Hamid Becomes Hafiz of Quran!
Alhamdulillah we are honoured to announce the hifz completion of 13 year old Abdul Hamid here at the BQA. This monumental achievement was completed in just 15 months making Abdul Hamid the fastest ever Hafiz of the BQA. He memorised on average 30 lines per day alongside at least 1.5 juzz revision (each day) and was given the title of 'sabaq machine' by his teacher, Shaikh Sajid. Sabaq refers to new lines memorised.
This is th...e first student of BQA teacher Hafiz Sajid Sabir to complete the Qur'an in full memorisation. Hafiz Sajid is himself a young Hafiz and to have memorised with us and then produce Huffaaz thereafter is in true spirit of the saying of our beloved Prophet "The best amongst you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it to others". We are immensely proud of this khidma in promoting the Qur'an in the hearts of our young students who are our next generation, our future hopes. May Allah bless the BQA and Bahu Trust to continue their services in the field of Qur'an.
Congratulations to Abdul Hamid's parents and family who played a crucial role in Abdul Hamid's hifz journey which still continues. His mother always wakes Abdul Hamid for Fajr prayers and helped him prepare his hifz targets, listening to him as much as possible. Every day is started with the blessed recitation and memorisation of the Qur'an and therein lies the secret to this successful journey - parents, teachers and students all working as a team and making sacrifices of time and effort. His father, brother Hussein Jeylan Abukar, also played a key role by checking on Abdul Hamid's progress nearly every day and supporting him whenever needed. Allah has blessed Abdul Hamid in both deen and dunya. In fact even at school he is an A grade student which is important for Abdul Hamid as he aspires to one day become a doctor or engineer but for him the Qur'an was and always will remain his first priority.
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Nameer Khan revising his hifz with his teacher today. Beautiful mashAllah


As we commemorate the birth of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) BQA students used this time to reflect on how the world benefitted from his life and teachings. Our students learnt the seerah of the Holy Prophet, his ahaadeeth as well as reciting Qur'an and anasheeds. For BQA the day of the birth of the Prophet is a day to be proud and to do shukr for the gift of mercy that was bestowed on all mankind. On this day we learnt about life during Jahiliyya time, significance of the arrival of the Prophet, the childhood of the Prophet, his Prophethood / nubawwa, the first Islamic community of Medina and the conquest of Makkah.
Here BQA students share some of their thoughts on what they learned of the seerah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh).


MashAllah Ahmed Dahli revising his hifz on the masalla today. One of our senior students. Not long to go until he completes his hifz inshAllah. May Allah give him tawfeeq and all success inshAllah.


Tayyab Hussein reciting like Shaikh Sudais mashAllah..
Todays hifz coaching on the masalla.


Honouring Our Beloved Prophet's Arrival Through The Qur'an.
BQA presents a synchronized visual and oral rendering of the seerah through a journey of Quranic verses. Beginning with the birth of the Prophet we narrate the seerah using the Majestic Quran with a backdrop of stunning visuals stimulating mind body and soul to commemorate the birth of the crown of creation. An educational endeavour delivered by a medley of Azhari Quran reciters and students of the Birmingham Quran Academy. Monday 19th November during class times, 4.30pm-8pm inshAllah.
For BQA students only but inshAllah we may do another event open for all inshAllah....


Why is it important for our students to know of Muslim contribution in World Wars 1 and 2 ?
Here at the Birmingham Qur'an Academy we draw upon children from different ethnic backgrounds who, although from different cultural backgrounds, feel that they are British and Muslim at the same time. We have children who are ethnically from the sub-continent, Africa, Asia and even the west Indies. When we learn of the sacrifices made by soldiers over a hundred years ago in world wa...
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BQA staff and students observe Memorial day.
Alhamdulillah hundreds of our students observed 2 minutes silence in the morning and in the afternoon today reflecting on the sacrifices of Muslims and non-muslims alike during the events of world war I. Sh Umer and Ust Aroosa spoke to students on the concept of gratitude or 'shukr' in remembering the sacrifices of others. We also launched our new syllabus on world war I and II today, alhamdulillah.


Alhmadulillah we are pleased to announce the launch of a module on world war I and II that covers the events of the wars as well as the contribution of people of all ethnic backgrounds, muslims included. Students often tell us that while they learn of WWI and II at schools they are unaware of the contribution and sacrifices of people from Asian, Arab, African and West Indian background d...uring WWI and II. Our syllabus also covers these areas.
This course is divided into many units that are followed by tests which students are expected to pass. We are also launching this as part of an e-learning resource.
As we observe Armistice day tomorrow at BQA we want to ensure that our students never forget the sacrifices of others for what we have today and at the same time feel proud of the contribution of commonwealth soldiers including muslims from India, Algeria, Morocco, Russia, Tunisia and many other countries. At the same time we remember all those that died in all parts of the world and remind our students of the need to confront evil and hatred in all forms as well as the tragedy of war. Our students have recently learnt of the life of WWII heroine Nur Inayat Khan. The more they learn of the contribution of Muslim, African and Asian soldiers the prouder and more inspired they felt, alhmadulillah.
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Hifz coaching on the masalla !
BQA student Teymoor Aslam developing confidence to one day lead prayers, taraweeh and a become a leader / teacher one day inshAllah! Here he is being coached by Hafiz Sajid. He is one of our shining students mashAllah. His passions are Quran and boxing! May Allah give him Tawfeeq to succeed in deen and dunya.


Hifz revision session for Yusuf.
8 year old BQA student Yusuf Jalaluddin Muhammad Sultan Qurayshi revising today with his hifz teacher Shaikh Sajid Sabir, mashAllah.


Student thoughts on Noor Inayat Khan's picture for the new £50 note!
Our students have handed in some beautiful display work on the topic of why they feel Noor Inayat Khan should be on the new £50 note.
In case you have not heard of this British Muslim heroine of WWII here is some information and a chance to vote in the petition for her picture to feature in the new £50 note:
... noor-inayat-khan-o…
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More about Birmingham Quran Academy

Birmingham Quran Academy is located at 17-21 ombersley road, b12 8ur Birmingham, United Kingdom