Bloomsbury Nursery School

About Bloomsbury Nursery School

Our approach has always valued children and their ideas, and has looked not just to the care of young children but the benefit of early childhood education



Fly the flag is a celebration of human rights and our children across the centre have been making flags to celebrate


Children’s Rights are human rights and today we Celebrated at the REP with other schools and nursery’s to Perform “We All Have Rights”. Children are part of the city and we embraced this by exploring the new fountain outside the REP.


We are proud that the children can enjoy wonderful healthy food and a wide variety of healthy snacks at our nursery. It’s a opportunity for children to try foods and develop their palate and preferences.


Spot the difference ! Half the path relaid in our secret garden, and the front of Nursery weeded.. thank you everyone that helped. If you are interested in helping us continue to make our secret garden beautiful and safe, let your child’s key worker know.


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE..... There is potentially one year to save maintained nursery schools.
We are asking that you do more than merely ‘like’ and ‘share’ this post - please go the extra mile and sign the petition at:
... d-nursery-schools
Many in society do not regard themselves to be particularly interested in politics, however it is politicians that have the power over whether we thrive or cease to be here to do our jobs in the very near future. Our future generation is therefor dependent on this outcome.
Please exercise your right to speak out for our little ones on their behalf. Thank you.🤞🏼🙏
See More


Thank you to all of our parents who joined in the online safety workshop this morning. This was a really interesting and informative workshop. Thank you to Nechell’s Neighbourhood Policing Team for delivering the session. We look forward to future opportunities to work together to keep one another safe. On the 22nd May , at 9am, we will be talking about Prevent. Prevent is about safeguarding people and communities from the threat of terrorism.Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. We do hope you are able to join us to take part in this discussion .


Nursery School will close today for the Easter Holidays for two weeks. School reopens on Monday 29th April. Nursery will be closed to all children on Wednesday 1st May for Teacher Training. We would like to wish all of our families a wonderful holiday. We look forward to seeing you on the 29th April.


Our Chicks have hatched!! The Children have been fascinated observing the eggs hatch. We are busy taking care of the new arrivals!


Thank you to all of the families who joined us this week in Nursery School. We hope all of our wonderful Mum’s have a fabulous Mother’s Day .


A wonderful and momentous day as Nursery Schools from across the country gathered together to protect the funding of Maintained Nursery Schools.


Waiting to march for the future of Maintained Nursery Schools! Teaching matters.... Save Our Schools!


Our brilliant children helped to create some Banners that Sally, Tamar and Claire will take to Parliament and Downing Street today, wanting to save the funding for Maintained Nursery Schools. Liam (age 4yrs old) “Who taking the money ? Need to tell them, why they take the money?”

More about Bloomsbury Nursery School

Bloomsbury Nursery School is located at Bloomsbury Street, B7 5BX Birmingham, United Kingdom
0121 464 2034