Blossom Yoga And Wellbeing

About Blossom Yoga And Wellbeing

Pre and post-natal yoga classes in Birmingham. Bringing together awesome mummies and babies through yoga. Creating a supportive community for us all.

Blossom Yoga And Wellbeing Description

Pre and post-natal yoga classes in Birmingham through which we all support and guide each other through the amazing but crazy world of motherhood!



Yep, I felt just like this. I don’t think it’s possible to enjoy ‘every minute’. It’s bloody hard.


believe in kindness. I guess it’s my religion.
I see it as ripples. Every time someone is kind, they create ripples from their centre that reach out to other people. Those ripples act like energy, feeding kindness in others.
This means that one small act of kindness can have big consequences. How awesome is that?
... When you’re mindful in your kindness it has an even greater impact.
There’s kindness to others and I’m also talking mindful about being as kind to yourself as you are to others. Imagine how you’d feel if you encouraged and empathised with yourself as much as you do other people? Those internal ripples would have a huge effect. You’d feel so much better about yourself and you’d also make those around you much happier.
Start changing that inner voice. I know that she can be a right pain in the arse but she can also be a source of great strength, fun and happiness!
#kind #kindness #selfcare #selflove #bekind #ripples #makeadifference #energy #innervoice
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This is where I practiced yoga this evening. Outdoors, trees and yoga combined. Perfect!
The doors opened during savasana and we could hear the birds singing. Talk about feeling grounded.
I’m all ready for my class of wine.
... #yoga #savasana #hathayoga #wine #birds #trees #grounded
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Love this tip. Nothing worse than watching the pump fill slowly ....... very slowly .........


Useful tips. x


I just wish we all sowed Mother Earth this much love.
If we don’t start looking after now, it’s going to be too late for our children.
- walk more... - shop local - plant flowers - love the trees - eat less meat - buy sustainable products - recycle - be mindful - be kind
We can all make a difference.
#earth #motherearth #gaia #walk #recycle #sustainability #kind #mindfulness #children
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Yep, we seem to think it’s ok to share any and every birth story with mums-to-be.
Actually, I think those of us with the beautiful birth stories are less inclined to share. One mum told me once that she felt a sense of ‘birth shaming’. She has had such a positive birth experience but felt unable to share because many of her friends had not. That’s so sad.
It also means that there’s a skewed view out there of just how many positive birth stories there are. There are millions a...nd millions of them.
If you’re finding that you’re not hearing the positive ones, do a little research as they are out there.
Your baby’s birth is going to be different from all the other stories you heard and read. I’m guessing though that you’ve heard plenty of the not so positive ones.
Start your research early. The power of positive thought and affirmation is amazing. Hold the positive stories close to you. You need strength and confidence to birth your beautiful baby.
#birth #givingbirth #birthing #birthstories #positivebirth #positivebirthmovement #pregnant #pregnancy #baby #mumtobe
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I felt a bit like this in my dungarees today!
I rocked it and when the young person in Wagamamas told me that I looked cool, I could have kissed her!
Move over Beyoncé, there’s a 48 year old mum in the house in green flash trainers!!
... #dungarees #beyonce #kiss
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Another reason to drink more tea at Boston Tea Party Harborne @bostonteapartycafes stol-48448327


Brave or foolish choice?
Had these in my drawer for over a year. Never been brave enough to wear them.
... Today is the day!!
Eat your heart out Dexy’s!!!
#brave #dungarees #wise #foolish #dexysmidnightrunners
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I don't have words to explain how ridiculous these new laws are. I fear for a world where people want to control others in this kind of way.


If you fear anything about or around childbirth you need to read Alexia’s book. It’s just amazing. ⠀ ⠀ Please don’t step into your baby’s birth holding onto fear. It’s not fair to either of you. ⠀ ⠀ Think of all your possible birthing options. Talk about them. Draw diagrams and charts if that helps. Do you homework and do it some more. ... ⠀ You prepare for other milestones. You need to prepare for your baby’s birth so that you are ready for both the expected and the unexpected. The more you prepare, the more you decrease your fears and increase your chances of feeling empowered, heard and pretty goddam awesome!⠀ ⠀ That’s what I want for every mama.
#fears #fearfreechildbirth #childbirth #birth #birthing #pregnant #pregnancy #baby #givingbirth
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As you know, I've been saying for years that baby's need cuddles and that, yes, it is nature's way of making us all slow down and take a breath. Xxx< br>


Exhale and let everything you’re holding that doesn’t serve you go.
Breathe deeply to stop that explosion of anger. Breathe deeply to stop yourself saying something you might regret. Breathe deeply and see all the good in the world. ... Just breathe.
#breathe #deepbreaths #takedeepbreaths #breath #exhale #letitgo
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I can't quite believe that we are heading towards the Summer holidays already! A few of you have been asking about class availability before July. Here's some details on Bournville classes. Harborne is a little more flexible as the blocks don't start on set days. I'd love to see you before the Summer!... Mxxx
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Oh yes!!!


It drives me nuts that people see pregnancy as a valid reason to offer all kinds of advice - often unhelpful and to share their birth stories - often not positive.⠀ ⠀ All these affect our feelings and can be a negative influence on our own levels of self-confidence. ⠀ ⠀ You need to explore your own beliefs about birth and release any negative thoughts you have beforehand. It’s essential that you come to a place where you feel strong and empowered.⠀... ⠀ This is your baby’s birth. Not theirs. ⠀ ⠀ Pregnancy is the time to own and stabs in your own power. ⠀ ⠀ Do what’s right for you and your baby. Not what anyone else suggests.
#pregnant #pregnancy #shapeyourpregnancy #yourpower #reclaimyourpower #women #woman #mother #motherhood
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