Bmf Solihull

Monday: 06:15 - 07:00
Tuesday: 18:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 06:15 - 07:00
Thursday: 19:00 - 20:00
Friday: 18:30 - 19:30
Saturday: 08:30 - 09:30
Sunday: -

About Bmf Solihull

Founded in 1999, British Military Fitness (BMF) is the UK’s undisputed leader in outdoor fitness.

Bmf Solihull Description

What is a typical class like?
There is no ‘typical’ class. Each instructor is different and each session is varied to stop both your mind and body getting bored. It’s a whole body workout designed to improve your stamina, speed, agility and strength in a fun and interesting ways. We guarantee that some of the exercises we do will be completely new to you. At each class participants are divided into ability groups of around 15 people. Classes start with a warm up followed by at least 50 minutes of individual, pairs and team exercises, we end with a cool down and stretch.

Instructors and members are a friendly bunch and are always keen to welcome a new face. We make sure that each individual works to their own level of fitness within the group. It’s a real skill, but our instructors have year’s worth of experience.

Do I need to be super-fit?
No – you don't need to be super-fit to join our ranks. The classes cater for all levels of fitness from exercise rookies to fitness veterans, and each class is divided into ability groups (blue for beginner, red for intermediate and green for advanced). We have equal numbers of men and women of all shapes, sizes and fitness levels. Members’ ages range from 16 to 70.

What should I wear? Do I need any specialist equipment?
A decent pair of outdoor running shoes is all you really need. Fashion trainers are not advisable as they offer little support or grip and you may run the risk of injury if you wear them to a class. Other than that, an old t-shirt on top and shorts, tracksuit bottoms or running leggings are ideal. Some exercises involve getting down on the ground so be prepared to get a little bit dirty – it’s part of the fun! Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee the weather but we can guarantee that you’ll be sweating by the end of each session so make sure you have something warm to put on after the session has finished. Some people also like to wear a lightweight base layer, gloves and a hat during winter months.

If possible, please arrive in your kit as changing facilities in parks are limited – though we do try to position our meeting points close to public conveniences.

Specialist equipment – Apart from a good pair of running shoes any equipment required for the exercises will be supplied by the instructor.

How long are the sessions?
The classes are an hour long. This includes a warm up, a cool down and stretches.

Will I be shouted at?
No, you will not be shouted at directly. However, our instructors will call out instructions and words of encouragement to keep the class motivated, so everyone gets the most out of their work out. They are a friendly bunch, and they love a bit of banter. But, ultimately our instructors are there for you to achieve your health and fitness goals.

Where do I put my valuables?
Please try to avoid bringing valuables to the classes but if you have to do so, you may use the instructors’ or the British Military Fitness vehicle to store your valuables /change of clothing etc. We also provide water, so there is no need to bring it with you.

For all other information head to



Fantastic turnout tonight! 33 of the finest runners turned up to smash the session out of the park! Well done everyone!


Using 3 words describe your session tonight!


Great effort tonight Warriors!
As the numbers are getting better can I ask that everyone does their best to sign in before attending. This will ensure sessions start on time.


What a great run club tonight! Mud, trails, sprints and distance! Amazing effort!


Top effort tonight Warriors! My group were awesome! How was the HIIT session with Karl?


Great turnout tonight Warriors! Especially the second session. Well done to those that completed the double!


Well done to Deborah Hope, Hayley Duffy, Jenny Ann Seager and Miles Plumb for completing the London Marathon yesterday! Fantastic achievement!
Who’s going to put themselves in the ballot for next year?? Follow the link below to enter!


How were your sessions tonight?


Those sessions should consider themselves well and truly smashed tonight!! Well done everyone!!


How have your sessions been over the last few days? A lot of effort has been put in! Is everyone preparing for the copious amounts of chocolate they are going to consume?? Hope everyone has a great Easter weekend and we’ll see you on Tuesday to start working off some of the extra calories.


Awesome work tonight Warriors! Tough sessions with the bands and a HIIT session!
How was Arian’s session?


How was your session this morning? Hope you all have a great weekend!


Great running tonight Warriors! Fantastic effort with everyone completing their challenge! You lot smashed it!


Just the fab 15 faced the elements tonight and requested a HIIT session! Are you glad you all made the request?? You all did great!


Another tough HIIT session tonight! Hope the shoulders aren’t too sore tomorrow!
Did the Military Fit sessions push you to your limits??


That was a tough HIIT session tonight Warriors! Well done on completing it!


How did you enjoy your sessions tonight?


For a few years now there has been a few keen runners at BMF Solihull. It is absolutely amazing how you all go out on a Sunday morning no matter what the weather and run varying distances. The dedication you show to your training is why so many of you are now completing, not only 10kms and half marathons, but marathons and ultra marathon! I love seeing the photos and comments after these runs.
You lot are bloody amazing!! Inspiring!

More about Bmf Solihull

Bmf Solihull is located at Malvern Park Avenue, B91 3 Solihull
Monday: 06:15 - 07:00
Tuesday: 18:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 06:15 - 07:00
Thursday: 19:00 - 20:00
Friday: 18:30 - 19:30
Saturday: 08:30 - 09:30
Sunday: -