Brain Tumour Support

About Brain Tumour Support

Brain Tumour Support is the only charity in the UK dedicated to supporting anyone affected by any type of brain tumour.



Could 2019 be the year you take on the Three Peaks Challenge? Conquer Ben Nevis, Snowdon and Scafell Pike and gain a huge sense of achievement. Doing the challenge helped brain tumour survivor Phee celebrate just how far she had come. Read her story here e-peaks-helps-phee…
Contact our Fundraising Team for more information ( k or 01454 422705) 8846830/
... #threepeaks #threepeakschallenge #dosomethingamazing #briantumour #charity
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Are you thinking about your New Year's resolutions? What will be your challenge for 2019? A skydive? A bike ride? A fun run? Contact our Fundraising Team ( k or 01454 422705) #newyearsresolutions #newyearsresolution #braintumour #challenge #skydive #marathon #funrun #charity


Our Support Groups are more than just a place to have a cuppa and a biscuit. They can change lives. Read Jenny's story: ing-jenny.html


We wish you peace and joy this Christmas. We wanted to show you our tree, which is filled with more than one hundred Stars for Support. Each one is dedicated to someone affected by a brain tumour diagnosis.


Kem from Love Island is the latest celebrity to support Lyla, the brave girl in our Stars for Support campaign.‚ Ķ


Season's Greetings from all of us at Brain Tumour Support.


Thank you to Little Mix for sending a special message to Lyla, the little girl in our Stars for Support campaign. This means a lot to a super brave, beautiful, bouncy girl who's got a lot to deal with.‚ Ķ


It was wonderful to recently meet some of the volunteers who knitted our Stars for Support, especially members of Thornbury's Knit and Natter Group (pictured) who turned out in force. And we also met some of the people who had donated money for Stars for Support, such as Mary (pictured) and Tony Putterill, who wanted a star for their granddaughter. #Thornbury


Whilst we hope that you all have a very happy and restful festive period, we understand that for some this is not an easy time. The Support Office will be closed from Monday 24 December until Tuesday 1 January inclusive but if you need to speak to someone please do ring the office number 01454 422701 and the call will be diverted to a support worker who will return your call within 24 hours.


Our latest newsletter is out! Read a roundup of our latest news as well as a Christmas message from our CEO and Founder, Tina Mitchell Skinner:
If you already subscribe, please check your spam folder. If you'd like to subscribe to our mailing list, please click here:


Our Christmas tree is now adorned with more than 100 Stars for Support - each one is dedicated to someone affected by a brain tumour diagnosis. Take a closer look at these beautiful tributes in this short video:
#braintumour #braintumourawareness #christmas #charity


Well, the amazing Jo Wheelwright Horne has done it again! Jo has organised yet another successful event: a Christmas Party for her Sunday Lunch Club at the Doubletree by Hilton Stratford Upon Avon. The 125 tickets sold out in 10 minutes and the event raised £1,300! Thank you to everyone who made it happen.


It may be too late to send Christmas cards by post, but you can still send an e-card and donate to Brain Tumour Support:


There was a great turn out and some amazing Christmas jumpers at our Gloucestershire Support Group's recent Christmas social at Frankie & Benny's. "It was a lovely chance for everyone to come together and share their views on Christmas hats as well as how their year has been!" said John, one of our volunteers and a biscuit connoisseur, who looks particularly chuffed with his thank you present.
Would you like to join a Support Group? We now have 23 groups up and down the country. Go to our website to find your nearest one: ort-groups.html
#braintumour #braincancer #mentalhealth #supportgroup


We have added a new Support Group to our list, bringing our total number of groups up to 23. The North Bristol Group will meet monthly, either in Thornbury or Southmead (see image below).
For more information about our support services in the Bristol area, please contact our Brain Tumour Support Worker for Bristol, Sarah Erskine ( For information on all our Support groups, see our website: ort-groups.html
#bristol #braintumour #braincancer #mentalhealth #braininjury


Thank you Sue Hamilton for setting up this Fundraiser and to everyone who has donated so far. In just three days, Sue has managed to raise £280 already!
Have you been inspired by Sue? Do you want to set up your own Fundraiser? It's simple - just click here: support/


Our Stoke-on-Trent Support Group recently had its Christmas Social at the Farmhouse Inns. It was a great turnout, including volunteers Wendy and Chelsea, as well as Clinical Nurse Specialist, Catharine James and former Brain Tumour Support Worker Chris Bettson.
The Stoke-on-Trent Group is just one of 23 Support Groups that we have across the country. Find your nearest one here: ort-groups.html


Our Christmas cards have now sold out but if you still want to send your friends a card and donate to Brain Tumour Support, you can send an electronic card by email. Simply follow this link: /PXSx
#christmascards #christmascard #charitychristmascard #ecard


Book your place now on our Patient and Family Weekend (22-24th March) - a unique opportunity for anyone affected by a brain tumour diagnosis to spend time with, and learn from, other patients and carers, clinicians, medical professionals and support staff in a comfortable and relaxed environment. end2019.html
#northampton #northamptonshire #braintumour #braintumours #braincancer #neurooncology #meningioma #glioblastoma #glioma


Wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for the support I have had from you ALL at Brain tumour Support and for all Hammer Out. Love to you all X


Thank you so much from the support I am a brain tumor Survivor from Puerto Rico. You guys are the best. Thank you so much. Best wishes


Loving the new name!


I’m new to all this brain tumour stuff I was diagnosed last July (2017) had my op in May 2018 had a seizure in July and that’s how they found it I’ve already had breast cancer and lost all my hair but never expected this . They said it was a left frontal giloma he diagnosed it at stage 2 but by the time I was operated on it was at stage 3 I had an awake craniotomy which I don’t really remember as I was well out of it but I had 3 seizures whilst he operated and he had to stop after 6 hours as it was life threatening . So now I’m starting my radio 12th July for 6 weeks and with regular scans to see if it has shrunk and then a years worth of chemo ofcourse I will lose my hair where they will give me the radio but I will keep an open mind on that as I’m not sure how much hair I will lose .But I’ve found some great tips on this site and lots of other people who are in the same position as me so I’m going to keep positive and keep fighting on x


I'm glad there's a group to help people with brain tumours. I too have a brain tumour unfortunately it can never be removed.

Haven't used this group or spoken to others with brain tumours, as a young adult I'm scared to open up and speak to others, if that makes sense but now I'm in a place I can! My radiotherapy ended in March and lost majority of my hair and as a women it's upsetting for loosing hair, well it's upsetting for anyone loosing hair, man or women.

I really want to recommend a hair product to everyone!! I've been using Alpecin caffeine shampoo for a week now and I'm so happy to say it works!!!! My hair is starting to grow back. It's only 1cm long but at least it's something! I hope this helps post others out


I Have to say that Brain Tumour Support have been invaluable since the bomb shell of my wife's diagnoses. We were floundering in the early days afterwards.Wish we had known about BTS much earlier than we did. Going to the BTS group meetings wasn't immediately apparent how useful they were or the help BTS could offer but it was well worth continuing with.. Most useful was the counselling service they were able to offer Ellen and as her carer they could offer it to me or family if required. Such a great help to Ellen. It has also been useful meeting other people who have to deal with brain tumours and share experiences, share information etc. It is true that they are like family. It is also staggering how much is needed each year to run and how underfunded it is. Please help support this very worthy charity if you can.It is also good to raise awareness of Brain Tumours as they are often an Invisible disability/illness and of course the good work Brain Tumour Support does.


Great to meet Rosemary and Louise at The Shakespeare Hospice yesterday. I think this is going to be a great group. Oliver and Sharon Highway


Fantastic charity that does so much to offer support for anyone affected by a brain tumour, and certainly has helped through my brain tumour journey xxxx


A feel very fortunate to be here ,,I still have a brain tumour ,,and had to search out info my self not sure if there was a group in Glasgow ,,but anyways a just wanted to say how very proud of my daughter who did a sky dive and raised 1,105 for brain support on the 28 th march super proud mum to Mandy Thomson xxx

More about Brain Tumour Support

Brain Tumour Support is located at 29A High Street, BS35 2AR Thornbury, Gloucestershire