Chester Drawers Vintage Furniture & Interiors

About Chester Drawers Vintage Furniture & Interiors

A beautiful Vintage furniture shop specialising in making & selling restored & painted Shabby chic, vintage & antique stunning unique hand crafted pieces.



Yesterday at the Creative Goddess studio was the first of Many Mixed Media Flow workshops! Wow, what full on energetic gusto we threw ourselves into creating.... Quick timed paintings to step into flow, using layers with paints and pastels and then ripping, splashing, sticking and using beautiful coloured papers from all over the world in, all the colours of the rainbow to paint with and create grounds to paint on then painting into paper! We got into the flow, shakti energy..., opening our hearts and bodies to the process!!! All in this session, then creating things we can take away and work into keeping this flow. Thank you to the wonderful Ladies who let themselves go to flow producing three works each and more to go! .... Next session on May 25th will be longer, energetic and and we will look at Acylic paints too! So excited! Contact me for details to book today or book on event.
Gratitude and more joy and flow in abundance to Julie, Kirsty and Jeni!!!
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This is one of my Arts in Health students we have been working together in a group for just a few months, how far she has come, now art is part of her her daily routine and finds inspiration each day to do a drawing in her sketchbook! So proud to be part of this process and showing art is for everyone,support groups to have the opportunity to have art in their lives at every level and it can help us grow, get through our days seeing and making inspired by all the beautiful things around us!!! We feel an exhibition is in order as she is ready to share her work too, another new experience, l love this work! Arts in Health work works!
#artsandhealth #creative_goddess #creativeflow #paint #draw


IT'S creative flow time again Saturday.... Book. In and get in the flow, still places left at moment, so be quick!!! See you then 🎨


A part of our work Arts in Health work, today working with organisations Sustain .Two sessions today using pastels and coloured papers. This work creates flow & Art helps wellbieng, Mindful understanding of ourselves, Mental health and is a fun group and individual activity to get stories flowing , people linked, bonded and working together as individuals. Specialist, themed or just to explore. A few great group here enjoying the flow.. long observed Pastel drawings life, building up layers of Pastels, building up the work,..... So many art therapy ideas to support your work and years of experience.
The participants get skills, a plays to creatively flow. A way to explore and release feelings and a sense of achievement as making work weekly building up a portfolios of art work and many other outcomes.
Contact us for details of how we can support your Arts therapy and for Creative sessions with groups.
Simone is a trained Art teacher and community art and youth/ play worker with 17 years of facilitation experience, insured and current DBS. Experience in community Arts, schools and Health institutions of many kinds.
#creativeflow #creativegoddess #dailycreativity #creativelife #creative_goddess #muchainspired #paint #artsinhealth #arttherapy
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The creative Goddess studio is open again with new dates..... 'Creative Flow workshop' (Saturday 4th May 10am-12.30am)
'Mixed media Creative Flow, the next Step' ' (Saturday 6th April 2-4.30pm & Saturday 25th May10am-12.30),:
... working with different paint, papers and inks, pastels to create layers of joy!!!!&going deeper into your work and Composition, So if you've already done Creative Flow it's your next step to making amazing work....
For more details keep an eye at @Creative Goddess here on Facebook for event page to book and @creative_goddess /or @chest1234 on Instagram.
Come flow, let go and make your joy!
NEW Website and blog in the making, coming soon!!!!!
#creativeflow #creative_goddess #creativecourses #creativityfound #paint #draw #collage #paintyourstory #paintingjoy
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If you want to learn to be effortlessly creative or are looking for a new creative challenge in a supportive, yet relaxed and fun environment, then come and join us!
TOMMOROWS SESSION : Saturday 16th February 2019 10am -12.30, start to create and get inspired.... Still a few places. (next session Saturday 16th March 2pm-4.30pm.)
In this introduction 'Get in the flow,' you will learn to just go.. Start... with techniques to get started and to really look and observe inspir...ation all around. In this morning course you will do two pieces of work, by starting painting & drawing by tapping into your creative flow or reawakening your creative juices. Go on have a go now! If you're stuck, bored, just can't get started, or know you'd like to learn how to let go and creatively flow, then get in touch to find out more and book.
ALL teaching, flowing, laughter, resources and tea and bikkies included, the morning at the Studio is just £25 to be booked in advance. Please PM Simone at Creative Goddess for payment details.
Creative Goddess courses will encourage your exploration and desire to create beautiful work, releasing energy and bringing happiness.
Or call Simone on 07973405452 & start today! Learn to let go and creatively flow in a safe environment and reach your creative potential. This is a small intimate group session.
#creativeflow #creative_goddess #dailyart #creativecourse #paintyourstory #natureart #inspirational #creativegoddess #dailycreativity
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Yesterday I had the pleasure of facilitating the second Creative Goddess.'Furniture Upcycling & Paint Techniques' A four hour workshop for Arts In The Yard.'' Women of Yardley unite!' a women's empowerment project funded by national lottery! 12 women took part learning preparation, transferable painting techniques and decoupage, lots of fun, learning, laughter and creative flow. Loved every moment, making and creating together, and next sessions include textiles and Cerami...cs, interested contact Arts in the Yard directly for details or call Sylvia 07428008379. Have a look at the amazing work they do here on Facebook at Arts in the Yard.
Creative Goddess workshops and courses are also available and run weekly & monthly timetable bursting with Creative sessions that will encourage your exploration and desire to create beautiful work, releasing energy and bringing happiness. The next o e is TOMMOROW at Chester Drawers Vintage Furniture and interior at 10 am -12.30, scroll down feed for details.....
Or call Simone on 07973405452 & start today! Explore Creative Goddess here on Facebook at Creative Goddess or on Instagram @creative_goddess and @chest1234 Learn to let go and creatively flow in a safe environment and reach your creative potential. This is a small intimate group session.
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Yesterday I had the pleasure of facilitating a Creative Goddess 'Furniture Upcycling & Paint Techniques' A four hour workshop for Arts In The Yard.'' Women of Yardley unite!' a women's empowerment project funded by national lottery! 12 women took part learning preparation, painting techniques and decoupage, lots of fun, learning, laughter and creative flow. Loved every moment, making and creating together! We are doing the same again next week & "it's Free!!!! Contact Arts i...n the Yard directly for details or call Sylvia 07428008379. Have a look at the amazing work they do here on Facebook at Arts in the Yard.
Creative Goddess workshops and courses are also available and run weekly & monthly timetable bursting with Creative sessions that will encourage your exploration and desire to create beautiful work, releasing energy and bringing happiness.
Or call Simone on 07973405452 & start today! Explore Creative Goddess here on Facebook at Creative Goddess or on Instagram @creative_goddess and @chest1234 Learn to let go and creatively flow in a safe environment and reach your creative potential. This is a small intimate group session we work from the studio in, Chester drawers
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I'm so excited and full of pride and gratitude to Charlotte Smith of @charliescaninecare attended the ‘Get in Creative Flow’ workshop last Saturday and has just sent photos of her steps to use the skills and experiences of last week at home, that what the workshops are about taking the step and your learning home to create and flow, and the world or making art becomes your oyster! Gratitude for sharing Charlotte and taking starting your journey as an artist, an amazing step,... beautiful work…..
If you want to learn to be effortlessly creative or are looking for a new creative challenge in a supportive, yet relaxed and fun environment, then come and join us!
Saturday 16th February 2019 10am -12.30, start to create and get inspired....
In this introduction 'Get in the flow,' you will learn to just go.. Start... with techniques to get started and to really look and observe inspiration all around. In this morning course you will do two pieces of work, by starting painting & drawing by tapping into your creative flow or reawakening your creative juices. Go on have a go now! If you're stuck, bored, just can't get started, or know you'd like to learn how to let go and creatively flow, then get in touch to find out more and book.
ALL teaching, flowing, laughter, resources and tea and bikkies included, the morning at the Studio is just £25 to be booked in advance. Please PM Simone at Creative Goddess for payment details.
Creative Goddess courses will encourage your exploration and desire to create beautiful work, releasing energy and bringing happiness.
Or call Simone on 07973405452 & start today! Learn to let go and creatively flow in a safe environment and reach your creative potential. This is a small intimate group sessions. #creativeflow #creativegoddess #dailycreativity #dailyart #creativecourses #creativityfound #creativelife #chesterdrawers #creative_goddess
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Book Now.... Let go, get creative and flow


Creative Goddess has the utter pleasure of bieng the artist running 7th February women's empowerment programme for Arts In Yardley.
We will be doing an upcycling workshop full of skills and ideas to make your furniture feel new including colour and design vision boards and sample skills tiles to awaken your creative flow!
Contact Arts in the Yardley direct... Arts in the
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What an amazing experience Saturday at Creative Goddess studio at Chester Drawers Vintage Furniture and interior has been, we painted, created, absorbed all the inspiration from our flower still lfe observations, we were in flow and learning about ourselves and our art skills grew as we worked, talked and shared together. Each of us had 3, yes 3! pieces using watercolours, inks, chalk and charcoal. We gathered inspiration in the session to go forward to make more.
Thank you the amazing Creative Goddess's that took part, opened their heart, eyes and creative flow to the magic that they created!
Look at Creative Goddess here on FB, @creative_goddess @chestdraw1234 to book or call 07973405452
Next Creating Flow workshop is Saturday 16th February 2019 at Chester Drawers. Book now! and let go and flow....
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The Studio at in the back room at Chester Drawers is up and running, and ready to go!!! So excited and next Saturdays class is full!
The space can take 8 people and we are SO excited about getting the Creative Goddess timetable and courses up and running!
Book Now for the February 16th 2019,let go come and creative flow.......
... If you want to learn to be effortlessly creative or are looking for a new creative challenge in a supportive, yet relaxed and fun environment, then come and join us!
Next Date Saturday 16th February 10am -12.30, start to create and get inspired....
Creative Goddess Courses will help you to put pencil to paper and start painting & drawing by tapping into your creative flow or reawakening your creative juices. What would you use to create with? Paint, photo collages or crayon? Go on have a go now! If you're stuck, bored, just can't get started, or know you'd like to learn how to let go and creatively flow, then get in touch to find out more.
Creative Goddess courses will encourage your exploration and desire to create beautiful work, releasing energy and bringing happiness.
Get in touch with Creative Goddess Courses at Chester Drawers Vintage Furniture and interior, Birmingham B11 2EL
Or call Simone on 07973405452 & start today! Learn to let go and creatively flow in a safe environment and reach your creative potential. In groups, one to one or open sessions.
We also hire out the room come and see if it fits your needs.
#paintyourstory #collage #creativeflow #creativecourses #monochromeart #dailyart #dailycreativity #createnow #creativelife #creativityfound #creative_goddess #shecreate
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Happy Christmas from Simone, at Chester Drawers Vintage Furniture and interior, here's to amazing Creative Goddess courses in the Creative cauldron at Chester Drawers..... Look forward to seeing you and working with you 🎄🎅 Gratitude for the great partnerships and support this year! #creativeflow #creative_goddess #dailyart #creativecourse #paintyourstory #christmas🎄 @ Chester Drawers Vintage Furniture & Interiors


Two Desks both solid wood and in lovely condition, come and view open 10.30-5pm all weekend, call for more details.


.... And then there was flat floorboards!!!!!.... Soon the Creative Cauldron studio fir Creative Goddess courses will be done and used!!!! Creative ideas flowing and lots of making and Joy!!!!
Watch out for dates and courses..... Soon! SO excited! 🕉
#creative_goddess #creativeflow #creativegoddess #dailycreativity #creativelife #creative_goddess @ Chester Drawers Vintage Furniture & Interiors


There is nothing like a mindful walk on the canal walk and time to be in flow..... These pictures will be used for a Journey collage, telling the story of the day and me! then who knows where it will go? Paintings, knitting etc such colour, shapes and energy..... water is always inspiring ....
Creative Goddess Sketch crawls, journaling and Creative Retreat days at the boat January 2019 retreat day date released soon. If your interested call Simone at Chester Drawers, 07973405452
Get flowing, get your creativity underway for 2019! Be happier, healthier and so much more creative all in a beautiful safe, held place, with great inspiration and energy!


Creative Goddess Art Studio in the backroom.!!!! , Look out for Creative workshops and courses, @creative_goddess and FB :Creative Goddess & here!!! NOVEMBER 2018!

More about Chester Drawers Vintage Furniture & Interiors

Chester Drawers Vintage Furniture & Interiors is located at 791 Warwick Rd, Tyseley, B27 6LR Birmingham, United Kingdom