Clarks It

About Clarks It

The UK's favourite maple syrup brand- masters of naturally sweet products!

Clarks It Description

When Maple Syrup prices soared in the UK after a bad maple crop and there was only “Maple Flavoured Syrup” available to buy, family man and founder Bob Clark flew out to Quebec, Canada to source the best supplier for 100% Pure Canadian Maple Syrup to bring back to the UK. Bob developed a close relationship with our small farm producer’s that allows us to maintain the high standard of quality that we promise our customers. Our Maple Syrup plantation is owned by Canadian’s Vincent More and partner Jean-Yves Richard, whose Sugar Shack is located in the maple forests near Saint-Cyprien. Jean-Yves Richard’s began farming after his family had spent years in the trade but had never owned their own maple forest, although they often talked about it. In 1995 Jean-Yves decided to buy one- which made his family happy. The whole family – 70 of them – now go to the farm in the early spring, when winter is losing its grip and the season begins, to eat maple toffee and hot maple sugar! Jean Yves’ forest is 267 acres, producing 70, 390 pints of syrup each season from about 60, 000 taps on 20, 000 trees. The science behind tapping is pretty simple. In the summer, trees store energy in the form of sugar in the trunk and roots – it acts as an anti-freeze in winter. In the cold the sugar rises to the top of the tree to protect fragile branches. In spring the sugar travels up the tree at night when it freezes; in the day time the sugar subsides. When it rises, it leaves a space in the tree trunk which fills with gas, the tree expands and that’s when a hole is drilled into the maple tree. Then we fit in a tap and the maple sap is collected. We maintain the maple forests without any heavy duty farming which is the best thing for Maple Trees and helps protect the forests and ultimately allows nature to take its course and new trees to grow over time. Our Maple Syrup is shipped over to us and is not air freighted at any given time.

We special in "better for you" products and use only the very best of ingredients from certified suppliers. Our customers must be getting the message already as they've made us the UK’s favourite maple syrup brand!

Our range includes:
Canadian Maple Syrup, Carob Fruit Syrup, Agave Syrup, Natural Coffee Syrups, Natural Dessert Sauces, Honey

Organic & Fair trade certified