Clubbercise Telford With Kim

Monday: 19:00 - 19:50
Tuesday: 18:15 - 18:45
Wednesday: 18:30 - 19:20
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Clubbercise Telford With Kim

Easy to follow Dance Fitness & Toning Classes With KimmyJFitness Telford. Fitness The FUN way!

Clubbercise Telford With Kim Description

Get fit and have fun! A dance fitness class with easy-to-follow routines
using glow sticks to club classics from the nineties to now.

What happens in a Clubbercise class?

After checking in youвҖҷll be given a set of rave glow sticks. We darken the
room, get the Laser lights & disco lights going and start with a simple warm
up routine. Then we work up a sweat dancing to club classics from the 90вҖІs
to recent dance anthems. The routines are easy-to-follow and always have
high or low impact options.

What should I wear /bring?

No heels, NO HANGOVER! Just trainers and sportswear /streetwear /fitness clothing. . .
something you can dance /rave in. . . and make sure you bring some water.

Do I need to be an experienced dancer?

We deliberately make our routines easy-to-follow
so anyone can have a go! Let loose and HAVE FUN!

Do I need to be fit?

FOR ANY FITNESS LEVELS! ! Whether you are just starting out or a regular raver ;)



THAT WAS SOO MUCH FUN рҹҳӮрҹҳ… Thank you thank you thank you for 2 brill sessions tonight! Was nice to see more of you рҹҘ°рҹҳҚ appreciate it soo much! LOVED the weights session beforehand & a fab clubber sesh with some twerkin, shape throwin wicked fun! Xxx Stresses melted & sweated away once again рҹҳ…рҹ”Ҙ ItвҖҷs really true itвҖҷs our time to shine & renew ourselves! Thank you for joining me for another great Monday session peeps рҹ’ӣрҹ§Ўрҹ’ӣ xxx


Neon & glitter get you fitter? Joke right? Nope itвҖҷs true! See ya later 7pm Grange Park Primary School for Clubbercise! If you want to work on getting leaner come & join us for Total Body Tone before hand at 6.20pm! Double class just ВЈ8


URGENT APPEAL FOR MISSING WORKOUT WARRIORS! рҹҡЁThis is a Public Announcement from KSKIS (Keep Seeing Kimmy In Summer) Your Instructor needs Saving NOW! вңҠрҹҸҪ This time of year instructors are suffering, lonely, sad & donвҖҷt wanna be dancing alone........рҹҳўрҹҳӮ Your Instructor is not just for JANUARY..... please save a soul this summer and keep exercising. вқӨпёҸрҹҢҲ
... You know who you are! Get ya asses back to classes рҹҳңвҳҖпёҸ xxx
See you tonight at Grange Park Primary
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THE GIT UP CHALLENGE рҹӨ рҹҗҙ sound up рҹ”Ҡ Happy Sunday! Me & my partner decided to have a bit of fun! If this song doesnвҖҷt make you happy we canвҖҷt be friends рҹҳӮ Sometimes we get so consumed by work & the serious things in life that we forget to just stop and have fun. We all need a positive lift so I hope this makes you smile & your day a little brighter! We challenge you all. Feel free to share & tag us! Love Kimmy & Jak #thegitupchallenge #thegitup #couplegoals #countrydancing #dancing #throwdownhoedown #yeehaw


рҹ”ҘвҳҖпёҸрҹҢҙSUMMER MIX 1рҹҢҙвҳҖпёҸрҹ”Ҙ for those asking about tunes in Clubbercise this is our playlist from next week! ItвҖҷs getting hot in here! Some throwbacks & some sizzling summer tunes to get you all feeling fine рҹҳҺ some swapping and changing may occur and new tracks are introduced slowly! Enjoy! Xxx


Hopping into the weekend рҹҷҢрҹҸ»
Enjoy it! Relax, recharge & unwind ready for another week! рҹҳҺвҳҖпёҸ


Everybody right now can you hear me, through the speakers turn me up вҳҖпёҸрҹҺө в Җв Җ Nice to get out in the sunshine to practice some choreo today... bringing back this one next week. в Җв Җ This track is giving me life рҹҳҺ @clubbercise


... The only secret to getting a вҖҳbikini bodyвҖҷ is putting your body in a bikini!!! Be confident & own it! Lets see you all looking gorgeous in your bikinis! LetвҖҷs build each other up! Take the challenge!! Share & nominate a friend! рҹ‘ҷ
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You most definitely are the sunshine вҳҖпёҸ and a pleasure as always! Thank you Wednesday Warriors for filling up the room with joy and laughter as you always do! вӯҗпёҸрҹҢҲрҹ’– xxx


If youвҖҷre wondering whether to come to class or not here is a quick summary of why you ALWAYS SHOULD рҹ‘ҚрҹҸ»рҹҳҒ simples! I know which one I would rather feel! See ya shortly! рҹ’–вӯҗпёҸрҹ’ҡ


Are my Wednesday Warriors ready???? Cos I am! We begin with 30 min full body toning 6.20pm Followed by some serious summer fun 7pm
All you gotta do, is GLOW UP, SHOW UP & NEVER GIVE UP рҹҢҲвӯҗпёҸ miss it, miss out on all those good vibes!
... See ya later superstars вңЁрҹ’« xxx
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ThatвҖҷs EXACTLY how we feel after classes рҹ’ҡ Liz couldnвҖҷt have put it any better....
PERFECTLY exhausted, refreshed, revitalised & ready to take on whatever comes our way!
... Thank you Tuesday Crew for your wonderful company tonight! Loved it! рҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡрҹ’ҡ
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99% chance of happiness too рҹҳңвңЁрҹҢҹрҹ’« see ya shortly for some sparkle & shine!


Yeah we do! So letвҖҷs.... Sweat out that stress рҹ’§ Clear that head рҹӨҜ Re-energise your bodyрҹ”Ӣ
... YouвҖҷll thank yourself for it after Lawley Primary School TWO FOR TUESDAY TONIGHT
All welcome including newbies age 16+ arrive in good time ready to begin on time рҹ‘ҚрҹҸ»рҹҳҒ
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That certainly was a FUN WAY to MONDAY! Thank you Grange Park Warriors! Brill efforts as always tonight! We brought the sunshine вңЁрҹҢҹвҳҖпёҸxxx


HAPPY MONDAY TEAM! Hope you are all joining me again tonight for another sweat sesh! DonвҖҷt want to be raving on my own рҹҷғ
Anyone else for one of these before I print them off? I know some of you have reserved yours already and IвҖҷll bring them along this week.. anyone else wanna commit to be fit? рҹ‘ҚрҹҸ»рҹҷҢрҹҸ» help an instructor save pennies for her new van рҹҳңрҹҳң
BUY 5 Clubbercise classes get your 6th FREE ВЈ25! Summer savings yay! Xxx


Are you going to wish for it or work for it? рҹ’–рҹ’ҡрҹ’ӣ LetвҖҷs go out there & get it рҹ§Ўрҹ’ӣрҹ’– LetвҖҷs get Monday Funday underway рҹ’ҷрҹ§Ўрҹ’– NEW MONTH.... NEW GOALS! See ya soon!
... Grange Park Primary School
рҹҢҖT o t a l B o d y T o n e - 6 . 2 0 pm рҹҢҖC l u b b e r c i s e - 7 . 0 0 pm
All welcome age 16+ Arrive in good time ready to start рҹҷҢрҹҸ»
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More about Clubbercise Telford With Kim

Clubbercise Telford With Kim is located at Church Street, TF2 9LU Telford
Monday: 19:00 - 19:50
Tuesday: 18:15 - 18:45
Wednesday: 18:30 - 19:20
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -