Cm Hair And Beauty Supplies Ltd

Monday: 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:00
Friday: 08:30 - 15:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Cm Hair And Beauty Supplies Ltd

Your No. 1 supplier for Hair, Beauty, Hair Extensions and Training Academy

Cm Hair And Beauty Supplies Ltd Description

New wholesalers in Aldridge supplying hair and beauty products both locally and nationwide.



Apologies, we're currently experiencing some technical issues with our phones lines. We will be back up and running as normal shortly.


We're getting major hair goal vibes from @bescene with this colourmelt in lavender (9.5-29, 9.5-49, 0-99) and blush (9.5-18, 9.5-4, 9-98, 0-88) tones, using #BLONDME & #IGORAROYAL рҹҳҚрҹҢёрҹҳҚрҹҢёв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ Shop 10% Off the Schwarzkopf Blondme Collection @cmhairandbeauty today! вңЁ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ #schwarzkopfprofessional #hairstyling #hairdresser #hairideas #hairoftheday #apassionforhair #hairgoals #colourmelt #colormelt #unicorn #mermaid #multicoloredhair #stylist #hairinspo #skplove #blondehair #pinkhair #purplehair #pastelhair #hairartist #hairofinstagram #cmhairandbeauty


These brows are INSANE. We love how defined and tidy they are!! brow perfection at its finest рҹҳҚрҹ’•@mrslucysharman used @refectocil_international to create this killer look рҹӨ©рҹӨ©
Get your #refectocil from @cmhairandbeauty today!
#refectocilbrows #browtinting #browtint #eyebrowtinting #eyebrowtint #tint #brow #brows #browsonfleek #browshaping #browgoals #thickerbrows #definedbrows #eyebrowsonfleek #browtech


When a client walks in and you give your co-workers that look of shock рҹҳ©рҹҳӯ


Get your hands on some Naturalash Strip lashes and give clients a lightweight alternative to eyelash treatments whilst still delivering that individual lash effect everyone is after. рҹ’ҒрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸвңЁ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җ Shop now for strip lashes рҹҘ°в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ #SalonSystem #YourLashStyle #striplashes #Lashes #NaturaLash #lashes #LashStyling #cmhairandbeauty


#toptiptuesday Going on vacation? Need that quick sun kissed glow before you go? Make sure you thoroughly cleanse and exfoliate the day prior to you getting your glam fake tan and always apply your favourite moisturiser daily if you want to prolong your tanвҖҷs colour!вҳҖпёҸрҹҸ–пёҸрҹҢәв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ рҹ“ё: Pintrest в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җ #faketan #tanprep #tantips #tanningtips #spraytan #sunlesstan #tanning #tanning #tanned #faketanlife #tanningproducts #professionaltanning #tannedlife #tannedskin #tannedaf #tannedgirl #tannedlegs


Take control when styling with the Babyliss Pro Spectrum Hair Dryer. Give clients rapid, precise drying with frizz-controlling ions for visibly smoother, luminous tresses. рҹ’Ёрҹ’Ё в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ Available in 5 different colours!рҹ§Ўрҹ’ңрҹ’—рҹ–Өрҹ’ҷ Link in bio and get 10% Off all Babyliss dryers рҹ‘ёрҹҸ» .... . . #babyliss #babylissblowdryer #blowdry #hairdresser #blowdryer #salontools #salon #salonlife #barber #hairdryer #hairlove #hairstylist #hairsalon #hairdressersofinstagram #blowdry #hairsalonuk #salonessentials #sustainablebeauty #hairstyling #hairinspo #hairofinstagram #hairofinstagram #hairgoals #haircare #hairstyling #hairtrends #salonstyle #blowdry
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Get your clients ready for festival season with #Igoravibrance рҹҘівңЁрҹ’ңрҹҺҖ Versatile on all hair types, this innovative demi colour delivers more vibrance, more performance and more convenience whilst ensuring protection against hair breakage.рҹҷ…рҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җ To get your hands on some Igora Vibrance hit the link here рҹҺЁв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ #schwarzkopf #igora #igoravibrance #schwarz #schwarzkopfigora #salonprofessionalcolour #haircolour #colourgoals #newigoravibrance #salonpro #professionalhairsalon #salonowner #salonwholesaler #salonprofessional #hairsalon #hairsupplies #cmhairandbeauty


Happy #manimonday everyone! These colourful @edgenails done by @nailsbyamyg_essex are a set of stunners and we love emвҖҷ рҹҳҚрҹ’…рҹҸ»рҹҢҲ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ #nails #nailinspo #theedgenails #edgenails #nailsonfleek #rainbownails #nailsofinstagram #manicure #gelnails #pride #pridenails #nailsoftheday #nailart #nailtechlife #cmhairandbeauty


Jam packed full of skin soothing ingredients, Salon Systems #JUSTWAX Lavender and Aloe vera range is perfect for customers with delicate, sensitive skin but can also be used for all skin types.рҹҘ°в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв ҖWith its Aloe vera properties and lavender aroma oils the collections professional grade formulas offer hair removal that calms and relaxes the skin. Let your clients #waxinconfidence today with JUSTWAX. рҹ’ңрҹ‘ҷрҹҢҝ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җ Get yours @ CMhairandbeauty Link in Bio вңЁ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җ #SalonSystem #Waxing #Wax #JustWax #SensitiveWaxing #SensitiveSkin #waxaddict #waxonwaxoff #hairremoval #beauty #hair #skincare #bodywaxing #warmwax #waxup #waxlover #hotwax #cmhairandbeauty


#transformationthursday is here! look at these beautiful brows that @ellielouise_brows00 fixed up using @refectocil_international tint! рҹ‘Җ These brows now look fuller and more defined plus the colour match is spot on! рҹӨӨрҹҳҚ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ Get your Refectocil @cmhairandbeauty Link in bio!вңЁ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ #refectocil #refectocilbrows #browsonfleek #brows #eyebrows #eyebrowsonfleek #eyebrowsofinstagram #browsofinstagram #browtinting #browtint #browwaxandtint


We've all had this client at some point рҹҷ„рҹӨЈв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ #hairdresserproblems #loveisland #instaloveisland #hairdresserlife #cmhairandbeauty


@chrisappleton1 got @katyperry serving looks as always!рҹҳҚрҹҳҚрҹҳҚChris uses @olaplex to make sure his clients locks arenвҖҷt damaged during the lightening process resulting in stronger,healthier, shiny hair! рҹ‘‘
Get your @olaplex today with @cmhairandbeauty - Link in Bio!вңЁ
#olaplex #olaplexhair #chrisappletonhair #chrisappleton #katyperry #hair #hairinspo #blondehair #blonde #blonde #stylist #hairdresser #olaplexlife #hairstyles #hairstylist


Get your expert hair lightening partner at just ВЈ10.95! Wella's Multi Blonde powder is perfect for all lightening techniques and isloved by hairdressers worldwide!
Buy now @CMHairAndBeauty -
#wella #wellablondor #wellablondes #wellacolor #wellahair #platinumblonde #blondor #blondorwella #hair #hairstyle #offer #multiblonde #blonde #wellapro #wellauk #cmhairandbeauty


Enriched with Deep Sea Mud, the @kaesocollection deep cleansing mud mask is a great detoxifier, by removal by impurities and reduced excess oil it helps promote a smoother clearer complexion. в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ
This product is completely cruelty-free and Vegan-Friendly! Amazing right! рҹҢҠрҹӨ© в Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җ Get this ultimate face mask from! вңЁ
... #kaeso #deepcleansing #skincare #skincareaddict #deepseamudmask #antioxydant #skin #beauty #crueltyfree #veganfriendly #naturalbeauty #facialtreatment #pamper #skincareroutine #kaesobeauty #kaesoskincare #cmhairandbeauty
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#loveisland babe @mollymaehague looking flawless wearing @beauty_worksonline 22" double hair set clip in extensions in shade 'Iced Blonde'. рҹ‘ұрҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҸ–в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ All curls created by the beauty works professional Styler! рҹҘ° в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ Shop @cmhairandbeauty to get the full look! в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җ... Don't forget to drop in store for a free colour match on all Hair extensions вңЁ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв  Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ #beautyworks #hairextentions #beautyworksstyler #hairstyler #hairwand #hairextentions #hairextensionspecialist #hairgoals #weavehairstyles #weaves #beautyworksweave #bwweave #clipinextensions #blogger #influencer #deluxehair #molly #mollymaehague #loveisland #loveislanduk #itv #cmhairandbeauty
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@cheyniem shows us how she dyes her hair using @manicpanic_uk and a hair mask рҹ‘Җ to achieve colourful pastel locks and we love it! рҹ‘… в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ Get your Manic Panic hair dye @cmhairandbeauty to create this look! рҹ’• в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ в Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җв Җ #repost #manicpanichair #manicpanic #manicpanicuk #manicpanicprofessional #hairvideo #pinkhair #colourfulhair #brighthair #hair #haircare #haircolor #hairgoals #hairofistagram #hairofig #hairtutotials #rainbowhair #cmhairandbeauty


Gofigurr Rapid Power Bleach offers a fast, powerful lifting action leaving even results and silky soft hair. Perfect use for brassy tones, highlighting, normal bleaching and lifting.
Get 20% off Rapid Power white and blue bleach 500g CM Hair and Beauty Supplies Ltd today!
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More about Cm Hair And Beauty Supplies Ltd

Cm Hair And Beauty Supplies Ltd is located at 206-208 Walsall Wood Road, WS9 8HB Walsall
Monday: 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:00
Friday: 08:30 - 15:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

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