Coventry Live

About Coventry Live

As Coventry's leading news and sport website, we publish a wide variety of local, national and international stories, reports, reviews and information.

For more Coventry City FC news, like www.

Coventry Live Description

As Coventry's leading news and sport website, we publish a wide variety of local, national and international stories, reports, reviews and information.

For more Coventry City FC news, like www.



Good morning Coventry - here's hoping you've got some top notch plans up your sleeve to make for a memorable Sunday. The weather looks set to be very pleasant again for this time of year when we might have been expecting to already have our winter coats out. But instead the current weather is making for beautiful scenes such as this one snapped by Ryan Henderson. So enjoy your Sunday and keep your eye on this CoventryLive page throughout the day for all the latest news, travel and lots, lots more.


The name says it all - We Love Coventry. We do, you do and many, many others do as well. So why not show your love for our fair city and join our Facebook group where we - and others - share incredible stories about Coventry, with everything from breaking news and live blogs, to nostalgia and videos. We'd love to have you on board.


"The principles and values of the Sikh faith are those that we can all share. Equality, social justice, tolerance and respect, and an obligation to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves”


Let's hope this ends well


Is this the solution to empty retail units in the city?


One of 41 “serious incidents” involving West Midlands Ambulance Service in space of a year


What's the best takeaway on a Saturday night?


One special 50p coin was recently listed for £3,000


Add in a good company and a nice drink and this looks perfect


The world's biggest inflatable obstacle course is coming!


The weapon had been hidden near to where thousands of people walk every day


It's nearer than you think...


What an inspiration


That price tag though...


Good morning and welcome to the weekend. We might be heading into autumn but the weather doesn't look too bad for today - a mixture of sunshine and cloud and a high of 18 degrees. We'll be bringing you a host of great content today, including cosy pubs of Coventry, the coins you have that could be worth a fortune and looking at the issue of free parking in the city centre. Got something you think we should be chasing? Drop it in the comments!


If you've been held up you might share her frustration


She hopes someone recognises the mystery man


Here's how to bake cakes like a pro and help raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support, courtesy of Resorts World Birmingham's #BakeOff chefs




the second best Coventry fb page after 'saw you in cov' good work guys... for the 1st best cov fb page, search saw you in cov in the fb search bar


This Friday (tomorrow) the fantastic LEGEND a 7 piece bob Marley tribute band live at the albany club in Earlsdon plus support from coventry trio the pipps tickets £8 in advance doors open 8pm


Local news, traffic updates. Invaluable.


I like reading about the changes and what's going on in Coventry.


Great upto date local Coventry news when u need it �


Factual reports of day to day news in Coventry


It's the only way we get to hear about local events and the views of its citizens.

The daylies give us all the nation and international news but we get all that off the telly.

The Telegraph's new web site gives us events as they occur. Fantastic I call it.

I give both the paper and Telegraph on line 5 stars. Don't know where they got my 3 from?


rasist ,never get the full story ,print any old crap to sell their paper #racist #fakenews


We have tried on many occasions now for the Telegraph to speak to us about putting an article in the paper about Strictly by Coventry. An event on 17th May at the Albany Theatre that is raising money for Zoe's Place children's hospice. 17 non professionals are learning to dance in 6 weeks with all raising sponsorship that together equals +£10,000. This is after all a coventry paper and yet the response to coventry issues or news is currently really quite poor!


The forced ad's on this website are atrocious. I get background ads, or even displaying ads half way through articles, but watch this video for 6 seconds to unlock the content....too far.


Regurgitates the same old stories, in particular it hypes up any "story" anti student or immigrant. Lazy reporting at its worst, cut & paste from other sites.


Outdated news lumbered with ads. Didn’t google and apple start banning auto playing videos in their browsers cause it’s annoying. Get with the times and don’t disgrace the name of what was once a reputable media outlet


Never tells the whole truth. Never gets the report right ? Like someone said very sloppy reporting five year old could do better. Always twists the truth. Paper is actully thinner the toilet roll most nights. Shame better reporting could be a good paper but until then Good nite


Never gives the full story, sloppy reporting. Also I understand Coventry is the most remarkable of places but stop making ghost stories up.... If the people who read this believe in ghosts, then they probably can't read.


Have decided to reduce my rating as am thinking what is the point of a Facebook page when you don't reply to your messages via your page or messages. Very poor customer service on my part I'm afraid.


Below standard editorials and journalism. I have not been impressed with the Coventry Telegraph for many years now


the second best Coventry fb page after 'saw you in cov' good work guys... for the 1st best cov fb page, search saw you in cov in the fb search bar


This Friday (tomorrow) the fantastic LEGEND a 7 piece bob Marley tribute band live at the albany club in Earlsdon plus support from coventry trio the pipps tickets £8 in advance doors open 8pm


Local news, traffic updates. Invaluable.


I like reading about the changes and what's going on in Coventry.


Great upto date local Coventry news when u need it �


Factual reports of day to day news in Coventry


It's the only way we get to hear about local events and the views of its citizens.

The daylies give us all the nation and international news but we get all that off the telly.

The Telegraph's new web site gives us events as they occur. Fantastic I call it.

I give both the paper and Telegraph on line 5 stars. Don't know where they got my 3 from?


rasist ,never get the full story ,print any old crap to sell their paper #racist #fakenews


We have tried on many occasions now for the Telegraph to speak to us about putting an article in the paper about Strictly by Coventry. An event on 17th May at the Albany Theatre that is raising money for Zoe's Place children's hospice. 17 non professionals are learning to dance in 6 weeks with all raising sponsorship that together equals +£10,000. This is after all a coventry paper and yet the response to coventry issues or news is currently really quite poor!


The forced ad's on this website are atrocious. I get background ads, or even displaying ads half way through articles, but watch this video for 6 seconds to unlock the content....too far.


Regurgitates the same old stories, in particular it hypes up any "story" anti student or immigrant. Lazy reporting at its worst, cut & paste from other sites.


Outdated news lumbered with ads. Didn’t google and apple start banning auto playing videos in their browsers cause it’s annoying. Get with the times and don’t disgrace the name of what was once a reputable media outlet


Never tells the whole truth. Never gets the report right ? Like someone said very sloppy reporting five year old could do better. Always twists the truth. Paper is actully thinner the toilet roll most nights. Shame better reporting could be a good paper but until then Good nite


Never gives the full story, sloppy reporting. Also I understand Coventry is the most remarkable of places but stop making ghost stories up.... If the people who read this believe in ghosts, then they probably can't read.


Have decided to reduce my rating as am thinking what is the point of a Facebook page when you don't reply to your messages via your page or messages. Very poor customer service on my part I'm afraid.


Below standard editorials and journalism. I have not been impressed with the Coventry Telegraph for many years now

More about Coventry Live
