Dave James - The Foot And Leg Magician

About Dave James - The Foot And Leg Magician

★ Making a Healthy Business out of Healthy Feet ★ Podiatrist ★ Coach ★ Mentor ★ Speaker ★

Dave James - The Foot And Leg Magician Description

Coach, mentor, public speaker and podiatrist.

I work with podaitrists and foot health practitoners to help them make a health business out of healthy feet.



Okay, so I’m not a runner, but I do like my footwear.
In fact, you could say I’m a bit of a fan of trainers.
As a big fan of Hokas (think big chunky distance running shoes), I was very interested to try these.
... And when a good friend of mind turned up in a pair, I just had to have a go.
These beauties are Salomon Predict.
The basic premise is they mimic the joints of the feet, with some funky decoupling and material magic.
I won’t pretend that I know a huge amount about them (because I don’t), but when I got them on they really did feel nice.
The words that came to mind were:

When I first put them on, I was concerned that they were letting my foot flatten more than I was used to, but that soon changed.
And now, I want a pair.
So the question is - are they any good for you?
Well, that’s a great question and my simple answer is...
Whilst there are some fairly consistent parameters across us all, we still exhibit shed loads of subject specific stuff, and these may be great for you.
Or they may not.
The key is to do your homework and try them.
As you would with anything, right?
For now, I am definitely coveting my neighbours Predict.
He may have to sleep in them to ensure safety.
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Here Dave talks about three things that can really help with your plantar fasciitis.
Check out the video below.
#plantarfasciitis... #ouch #heelpain
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...was earlier in the week.
I missed it.
But my colleagues at Adam Smith Podiatry didn't and they did a cool post.
... Thanks guys!
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I meant to do this video last week, but didn't get around to it!
I've put together an ACWR spreadsheet, which you can download if you like.
Type LOAD into the comments below and we'll sort you out a copy via messenger.


The Acute:Chronic Workload Ratio is a great tool.
Used appropriately it can be utilised as an educational tool when working with people who want to increase their activity.
It's also useful for those that are struggling with an injury to identify where the spikes in training might be.
... #ACWR #rehabilitation #podiatry #podsfixfeet #footmagic
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There's generally three reasons that we end up with musculoskeletal injuries.
But despite that, predicting who will get injured is not easy.
Experience helps, but it's nice to have something that we can calculate and apply in practice.


No one really likes to talk about surgery.
But, a lot of neuromas do end up in theatre.
... When they do get to this point, all conservative measures need to be tried first.
Footwear. Insoles. Foot mobilisations. Injections.
And getting a proper scan.
Traditionally surgery was done through the top of the foot, but now more and more surgeons are doing it from the sole of the foot.
It was thought that going in this way caused scaring, but it appears that more neuroma tissue can be removed this way.
Which is a good thing!
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Now this is something that not every podiatrist practices.
But it can be a really useful addition to the other stuff we do.
In essence if reduces joint stiffness and in turn reduces pain.
... Cool, huh?
It's not always a long lasting therapy, but it can make a huge difference with footwear and insoles and may (just may) prevent or delay the need for surgery.
Worth a try?
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Orthotics and shoe inserts can work really well for neuromas.
They change the load on the foot and reduce the compression.
The simplest form that we may use is called a metatarsal dome.
... And basically it lifts and separates the structures that are compressing and causing the pain.
These can work really well, or... well, very little.
But combining these with footwear changes can really help.
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Most neuromas are asymptomatic.
I.e. people have them, but they cause no symptoms.
If they do cause problems, it's often those that come and see us.
... The key for us is in the history.
Usually a burning or nerve-like pain is reported and it's eased when pressure is removed, such as taking shoes off.
So the easiest bit of advice from us is - make sure you have shoes that are suitable for your daily activity and don't compress your feet too much.
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So what is a neuroma?
In simplest terms, it's a swelling and thickening of a nerve.
When we start adding words in front like "Morton's", it usually denotes a location and then the person that found it.
... A Morton's neuroma occurs between the 3rd and 4th metatarsals of the foot.
It's often accompanied by pain and shooting sensations down to the toes.
There are many treatments, some of which we will talk about this week.
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Last week I got to spend time at a training event in Birmingham.
It's called Primary Care, and it's one of the biggest events on our calendar.
There was so much cool stuff!
... Stands and information.
Lectures and training.
It was so good.

One subject that popped up a lot was around nerve entrapments of the foot and one very common one us podiatrists find - morton's neuroma.
So this week, there's a series of posts on neuromas and what can be done about them.
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Bright yellow laces - check.
Red trainers - check.
Official timekeeper - check.
... Let's do this.
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Bright yellow laces - check.
Red trainers - check.
Official timekeeper - check.
... Let's do this.
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Next week is #nationalfeetweek!
So what is National Feet Week?
... NFW is about prioritising your foot health.
We get our teeth checked all the time.
We get our hair done regularly.
And many get their manicures done often.
But what about feet...
Feet are the other end of our body and often get neglected.
So, let's hear your foot related stories during National Feet Week and raise the importance of foot health.
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Congratulations and welcome to the wonderful world of parenting!
Having spina bifida meant that I was acutely aware of the early years development of my children.
And, if I'm completely honest, I was worried!
... Very worried.
Even though the scans came back clear, I had to see them in the flesh to be sure.
They were all fine. :-)
At this age there are checks they do to make sure that everything is within normal limits.
The hips are checked for range of motion and the usual counting of toes gets done.
I don't see many babies clinically, but when I do, it's normally for concerns about nails.
My advice to any parents of a new born is this:
Make sure the baby grow doesn't squash the feet and contact us if you have any foot or leg worries.
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Okay, so I’m not a runner, but I do like my footwear.
In fact, you could say I’m a bit of a fan of trainers.
As a big fan of Hokas (think big chunky distance running shoes), I was very interested to try these.
... And when a good friend of mind turned up in a pair, I just had to have a go.
These beauties are Salomon Predict.
The basic premise is they mimic the joints of the feet, with some funky decoupling and material magic.
I won’t pretend that I know a huge amount about them (because I don’t), but when I got them on they really did feel nice.
The words that came to mind were:

When I first put them on, I was concerned that they were letting my foot flatten more than I was used to, but that soon changed.
And now, I want a pair.
So the question is - are they any good for you?
Well, that’s a great question and my simple answer is...
Whilst there are some fairly consistent parameters across us all, we still exhibit shed loads of subject specific stuff, and these may be great for you.
Or they may not.
The key is to do your homework and try them.
As you would with anything, right?
For now, I am definitely coveting my neighbours Predict.
He may have to sleep in them to ensure safety.
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Last week I got to spend time at a training event in Birmingham.
It's called Primary Care, and it's one of the biggest events on our calendar.
There was so much cool stuff!
... Stands and information.
Lectures and training.
It was so good.

One subject that popped up a lot was around nerve entrapments of the foot and one very common one us podiatrists find - morton's neuroma.
So this week, there's a series of posts on neuromas and what can be done about them.
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More about Dave James - The Foot And Leg Magician
