Dennings Solicitors - Taxi Licensing Specialists



Unbelievable! I have known various taxi committees to (sadly) form the view that the fact that someone has taken the trouble to make a complaint means it must be true. I did not expect a court to come to a similar conclusion ! I assumed (maybe wrongly?) that evidence is important and needs to be considered before reaching a conclusion. Thank goodness there is an appeals procedure !


Not a bad week so far - 3 successful committee hearings in 2 licensing areas. Two successful taxi appeals and an acquittal in a criminal trial. So far so good in 2019 !


A new year but similar results!
News Flash!
Thursday 3rd January 2019 ... Dennings 2 Sandwell MBC 0
I am delighted to confirm that 2 drivers previously revoked by committee are now back on the road and deemed "fit and proper" by the court!
A great start to the year...... long may it continue !
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Despite it being the festive season we have dealt with taxi related issues every day. We are truly a 24/7 365 days a year service to assist the taxi trade. Whilst we dont expect to win every battle we do guarantee to give 100% effort to try to obtain the best possible result. We have over 30 years of experience and probably thousands of satisfied clients. Lets hope 2019 is a great year for us all but we are here for you if you need us!


Its understandable that the Council wants to enforce its "new" policy on convictions and cautions. It is however refreshing whenever the court overrules the council and agrees that they have not treated the driver on his own individual merits. Hopefully the committee will be made aware of the way the court approached this case which can only help for the future.Another happy driver deemed 'fit and peoper' and thankfully only a relatively short journey home for a change!


My first contested matter against TFL ! Suffice it to say the hard work by my client in providing me with the required evidence enabled us to obtain a great result. The original TFL decision has been reversed. They can not only continue trading but they have better conditions to their licence than they had previously! A win/win for us. An old adversary from a separate licensing authority seemed less than pleased by the decision ! The only negative is the lack of sleep on my part and a long journey back from London.


Crawley Council were given a real beating in the magistrates court with an order that they should pay my clients costs . They were not happy as it called into question the integrity of two of their senior staff so they appealed to the Crown Court. Hopefully they have learned their lesson as lightening has struck twice! They have taken a further beating. They have to pay the additional costs and the Judge was extremely critical of them in many respects. A delighted driver is back on the road with his integrity intact !


Success at Dudley MBC taxi committee obtaining licences for 2 new drivers. The icing on the cake is however following this up at Wolverhampton Crown Court overturning a revocation issued by Sandwell MBC. Its been a good week !


A first win over Aylesbury Vale District Council. An immediate effect revocation by the Council has been reversed by High Wycombe magistrates court. A very happy reinstated driver.


The end of an extremely full week.Six taxi committees in three licensing areas. Two taxi appeals and a Public Inquiry before the Traffic Commissioner. I have also managed to squeeze in seeing 8 clients. I cant win them all but the majority seem happy with their results.


Another busy week helping the trade. 100% record conducting taxi committees before several different Councils. Four taxi appeals prepared for forthcoming court hearings.


A busy day securing a lifetime medical exemption for a taxi driver before the Licensing Panel in Stoke. Thereafter successfully persuading Warwick District Council not to suspend or revoke a taxi licence despite an inappropriate text message having been sent.


Fourth successful appeal in a row. This time against Liverpool City Council. A delighted new Hackney Driver will be collecting his first ever badge in the morning. I know the "bubble will burst" eventually but I will keep on trying to win every case as I always do !


Another Stoke taxi driver deemed fit and proper despite the Licensing Panel's decision. Another costs order made against the Council. Newcastle under Lyme magistrates court have once again listened and correctly grasped the issues. Long may it continue !


A great end to the week with consecutive victories over Sandwell MBC and Birmingham City Council . Two very happy drivers back to work ! Although it is impossible to win them all it is important to at least try to do so!


Two long days at Hull Crown court. It's the first time that I have ever known a Council brief a QC to respond to my clients taxi appeal. Not quite sure who they are more worried about me or my clients ? 😂 We won't get the result until early next week but my clients can be proud of themselves .They really put the effort in and have given themselves a great chance. I truly hope they get a positive result !


Another tussle with Stoke City Council at court and another taxi driver is back on the road. Long may it continue that they don't realise where they are going wrong 😀

More about Dennings Solicitors - Taxi Licensing Specialists

Dennings Solicitors - Taxi Licensing Specialists is located at 160 Halesowen Street, B65 0ES Rowley Regis