Dental Solicitors

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 18:00

About Dental Solicitors

Dental solicitors is a UK specialist legal firm helping patients to bring dental claims against their dentist.
No win no fee available. No legal jargon

Dental Solicitors Description

Alex Bodza is The Dental Solicitor. Dealing with dental claims since 2001, I have a wealth of experience in bringing dental negligence claims against dentists and their defence organisations.

Most cases are funded by way of a CFA (no win no fee agreement)

All dental claims are dealt with by me from beginning to end and I offer a niche one to one service like no other firm of dental solicitors. You dental claim will not be dealt with by anybody else but me.

I use plain English at all times and try and avoid both legal and dental jargon. Most claims can be run by email and telephone with the odd letter being sent out so I am always available to advise you.

My aim is to try and negotiate a settlement of your dental claim out of court, but as a Solicitor, I am of course able to commence court proceedings and litigate if we need to.

I have dealt with hundreds of dental claims and have recovered thousands of pounds in compensation for my dental negligence clients. I have dealt with dental claims from £1000 up £500, 000.

I can take your claim against any dentist in England or Wales.

My specialist legal advice is free of charge. Give me a call if you want to have a chat and discuss a potential claim against your dentist.

Call Alex on 01694 722 134

http://www. dental-law. co. uk




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Dental negligence is a complicated area of law, but in essence, a dentist will be negligent if they provide you with treatment which falls below the minimum standard of care, or skill, which the dental profession would regard as being acceptable in your case. The dentist is therefore judged by the standard of the average competent dentist.
What is Dental Negligence & Causation?
​In order to claim damages from your dentist for negligent dental treatment, you need to be able t...
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The roles of the dental hygienist and that of the dental therapist are often seen as second in line to that of the dentist. They are seen as mere assistants to the dentist who see patients once every six months for a regular scale and polish, or after a referral has been made for simple treatment. This is not the case, as the dental hygienist and the dental therapist play a crucial role in patient oral healthcare.
Duties As a claimant solicitor, looking at the General DentalC...
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Dental Claim for Sepsis
T v B (2018)- Out of Court Settlement
In May 2017, the Claimant underwent routine dental treatment to LR6 and LR7. During the course of the treatment, the Defendant caught the Claimant’s tongue with a rotating burr of an air turbine causing significant pain and a laceration which caused profuse bleeding. The Claimant asked the Defendant to stop immediately which he did.
... Following that treatment the Claimant suffered an acute infection which lead to sepsis.
Less than 24 hours after the treatment has finished, the Claimant was taken by emergency ambulance to hospital and spent 6 days at Wrexham Maelor Hospital in North Wales.
The claimant alleged that he had been left with minor but long term liver problems as a result of the Sepsis.
The claimant was reviewed by a maxillofacial surgeon and later blood tests confirmed that he had a diagnosis of dental sepsis due to streptococcus.
A letter of claim was drafted and sent to the dentists’ defence organisation.
The letter of claim alleged that the defendant dentists’ dental nurse was holding his tongue using a saliva injector (which was not appropriate) but once the injury had occurred she then switched to a high volume dental suction piece to hold the claimants tongue in position. The claimant alleged that had the dentist ensured that the claimants tongue was securely in retraction and been more careful with the dental instrument, the laceration caused by the rotating burr of the air turbine would not have occurred. Had the laceration not occurred, then the claimant would have avoided dental sepsis and the subsequent prolonged medical treatment and would have on the balance of probabilities avoided any injury.
Following negotiations, the Defendants defence organisation made an offer to settle the claimants claim in the sum of £10,000 which was accepted.
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Dental Claim for fractured instrument following root canal treatment.
K v B (2018)- Out of Court Settlement
Back in 1994, the claimant underwent root canal treatment to LL6. Following that treatment and unbeknown to the claimant, the Defendant dentist had caused a separation of the dental instrument (reamer) within the mesial root.
... The Defendant failed to spot that part of the instrument had fractured, failed to diagnose or treat the same and also failed to inform the claimant that a fracture of the dental instrument may have occurred.
The claimant argued that he had suffered many years of pain and infection from the tooth and it was only when he attended his new dentist for an emergency appointment in October 2017 that an x-ray revealed that the root canal treatment was substandard and that a piece of instrument had been retained in the tooth- that that it was this retained instrument that was causing the infections.
The treating dentist was subsequently traced to another practice and a letter of claim was drafted and forwarded onto the dentist’s defence organisation.
The claimant alleged that had the root canal treatment to LL6 back in 1994 been carried out properly and the root adequately filled to the apex, then infection would not have been allowed to develop. It was also argued that had the defendant diagnosed that a separated instrument had occurred then further intervention could have been given at the time and the chances of the fractured instrument being bypassed or removed would have been much higher with less chance of any infection.
The dentists defence organisation supplied a letter of response an argued that the RCT was successful for many years without any problems and that there were only limited appointments when the claimant complained of any pain or infection. The clinical advice received by the defence organisations from their expert was that the bypassing of the fracture file would have left the tooth with similar prospects of success and an offer of £3600 was made.
This offer was accepted by the Claimant and the claim was drawn to a close.
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Dr X -Cash, Pills and Dental implants –
A series of unfortunate events?
I really could not make this story up….
... I was recently contacted by a very upset mother on behalf of her daughter. She rang me to say that she had- in a nutshell -paid a very large sum of money (many thousands of pounds) over in cash, to a person, namely Dr X who she thought was a dentist based in London. Dr X had promised to carry out implant treatment over in Poland for her daughter.
Mum arranged the dental appointment and flights through Dr X in London and a large sum of cash was handed over at the airport by mum to Dr X – Interestingly, the sum was handed back to mum by Dr X whilst they all went through UK Customs and Dr X then asked for the cash back when safely through and seated on the plane!
When mum and daughter finally reached Poland, they were ushered into a dental surgery where they were introduced to a Polish dentist who carried out the implant placement- a large number of both upper and lower titanium dental implants were placed in a very short space of time.
To cut a long story short, the end result was that daughter has now upon her return to the UK been told that the dental implants that were placed by the Polish dentist are the wrong type and should never have been used, and that they have not been fitted correctly- leaving her in extreme pain.
Mum contacted Dr X about her daughters pain following the treatment and who unbelievably turned up at her home that evening with some painkillers which appeared to mum to have been opened. – A quick search online by mum showed that these painkillers turned out to be a derivative of horse tranquilliser pills.
Now, a quick search by me of the General Dental Council register, whilst mum was on the phone, shows Dr X to not be registered at all as any sort of medical professional, let alone a dentist.
On closer inspection, photos of him on social media advertising his “practice” in what appears to be dental scrubs, portray him as an “owner of a beauty consultation clinic” meaning that he is arguably not holding himself out as as an unqualified dentist, -despite appearances.
The problem for mum and daughter is twofold; Any claim against Dr X will fail as he will argue that he just arranged the flights to Poland and booked the Polish dental appointment – a bit like a travel agent.
Secondly, the Polish dentist who placed the implants allegedly incorrectly is not subject to English Law -as the treatment was carried out in Poland.
This arguably leaves both mum and daughter with nobody to bring a claim against.
Mum is seriously out of pocket to the tune of thousands of pounds and daughter is in extreme pain waiting for her substandard treatment to be sorted out.
This case just goes to show that sometimes -the law is broken.
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TS v SG and others 2018 (Out Of Court Settlement)
£52,000 Compensation
The claimants claim surrounded issues with her deciduous teeth which she recently discovered required surgical intervention.
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£52,000 payout for student after claiming for negligent orthodontic treatment against her dentist. selaw-orthodontic…/

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Dr X -Cash, Pills and Dental implants –
A series of unfortunate events?
I really could not make this story up….
... I was recently contacted by a very upset mother on behalf of her daughter. She rang me to say that she had- in a nutshell -paid a very large sum of money (many thousands of pounds) over in cash, to a person, namely Dr X who she thought was a dentist based in London. Dr X had promised to carry out implant treatment over in Poland for her daughter.
Mum arranged the dental appointment and flights through Dr X in London and a large sum of cash was handed over at the airport by mum to Dr X – Interestingly, the sum was handed back to mum by Dr X whilst they all went through UK Customs and Dr X then asked for the cash back when safely through and seated on the plane!
When mum and daughter finally reached Poland, they were ushered into a dental surgery where they were introduced to a Polish dentist who carried out the implant placement- a large number of both upper and lower titanium dental implants were placed in a very short space of time.
To cut a long story short, the end result was that daughter has now upon her return to the UK been told that the dental implants that were placed by the Polish dentist are the wrong type and should never have been used, and that they have not been fitted correctly- leaving her in extreme pain.
Mum contacted Dr X about her daughters pain following the treatment and who unbelievably turned up at her home that evening with some painkillers which appeared to mum to have been opened. – A quick search online by mum showed that these painkillers turned out to be a derivative of horse tranquilliser pills.
Now, a quick search by me of the General Dental Council register, whilst mum was on the phone, shows Dr X to not be registered at all as any sort of medical professional, let alone a dentist.
On closer inspection, photos of him on social media advertising his “practice” in what appears to be dental scrubs, portray him as an “owner of a beauty consultation clinic” meaning that he is arguably not holding himself out as as an unqualified dentist, -despite appearances.
The problem for mum and daughter is twofold; Any claim against Dr X will fail as he will argue that he just arranged the flights to Poland and booked the Polish dental appointment – a bit like a travel agent.
Secondly, the Polish dentist who placed the implants allegedly incorrectly is not subject to English Law -as the treatment was carried out in Poland.
This arguably leaves both mum and daughter with nobody to bring a claim against.
Mum is seriously out of pocket to the tune of thousands of pounds and daughter is in extreme pain waiting for her substandard treatment to be sorted out.
This case just goes to show that sometimes -the law is broken.
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Take a look through these quick questions to find out if you could make a dental negligence claim:
1. Was your treatment carried out by a dentist in England or Wales either privately or under the NHS? 2. Was your treatment carried out in the last 3 years? 3. Have you been told that your treatment is substandard by another dentist?... 4. Has the substandard treatment caused you an injury or loss?
If you have answered YES to these 4 questions then you stand a good chance of being eligible to make a dental claim against your dentist for negligent treatment under a No Win No Fee agreement.
Call Alex today on 01694722134 for some free legal advice on your dental claim.
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Unhappy with the outcome of a dental procedure? Perhaps the finished result is not as you expected, or your dental treatment has resulted in side effects or injury?
Dental Law Claims is here to help anyone, at any age, who has had any dental issue in the UK. This is an easy to use service to allow you to make a claim against any dentist or dental organisation in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.
There is no reason why you should suffer from dental negligence or mi...
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Think that you may have a claim against your dentist for negligent treatment?
Remember that you only have three years from the date of your injury to bring any claim unless a later date of knowledge applies.

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More about Dental Solicitors

Dental Solicitors is located at 14 Ludlow Road, SY6 6AA Church Stretton, Shropshire
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 18:00