Elite Fitness

About Elite Fitness

https://clients. mindbodyonline.com/classic /ws?studioid=254161& stype=-2& subTab=info

Elite Fitness Description

Here at Elite Fitness we offer a range of services:
Elite Circuits - Circuit training for male and females. 5-10 minute warm up, 35 minute circuit class, 5-10 minute cool down and stretching. Class is changed daily and designed specifically to test your strength and fitness levels. The class is usually ran by two qualified trainers. Open to all shapes and sizes and all levels of fitness and ability.

Elite Circuits Beginners - This class is for beginners taken by Hannah Club. The idea is teach technique and allow beginners to get a feel for the various exercises. The class will involve light weights and plyometric exercises and Hannah will encourage you try each station. Once you are confident enough and have learnt the basics you can then move onto the Elite Circuits class in the main room.

Elite Juniors - Circuit training for children above the age of 6 years old. The format is very similar to the adults classes, however all the equipment is smaller and not as heavy. This is a great class instructed by Adam Carrier & Alex Smith which aims to get children of all shapes and sizes and fitness to participant to exercise. The atmosphere is vibrant and the trainers are very friendly.

Parent & Child - 15 paired stations for the mother or father and their child (ages 4 + ). Sessions are usually taken with Adam Carrier. The session will consist of body weight, cardio and smaller weight exercises. A great way for a parent to interact, motivate, compete and encourage their child to exercise whilst enjoying an un-pressurized and safe environment.

We also offer Personal Training.

Please visit our website for more information or alternatively pop in to see us for a chat.



Friday 6am squad
Tomorrow mornings 6:15am is rammo full! If youвҖҷre not going please cancel now! Those that late cancel ( 2 hours, yes that means cancel 4am) or donвҖҷt turn up will be removed from next weeks classes! Usual poorly finger folk have already been removed рҹӨҰрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸ. Beech is on class and will check people in with the usual insulting welcome рҹӨЈ
... #teamelite
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Friday Squad!!
Wednesday squad are taking over the Friday 4:30 class from the 10th, so every Friday will be Ademan, and Nsyncs own Dappy, just minus Din dins but sheвҖҷs crap anyway рҹӨЈ ( Love you dins). WeвҖҷre gonna pack it out so giving you the heads up to book now. IвҖҷll keep you updated as to what ideas we will be bringing to the table, including competitions and give aways рҹ•әрҹҸ»рҹ’ғрҹ•әрҹҸ»рҹ’ғ but for now get it booked and I promise itвҖҷll be awesome!
... Picture has no relevance but is quite funny, hopefully Daz will be injury free and in the class рҹҳҲрҹҳҲрҹҳҲ
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Classes tonight were brilliant! The perfect atmosphere we pride ourselves with at Elite. It was so good even beechy wanted a part of it so he face timed us during class! рҹӨЈрҹӨЈрҹӨЈ. I think I loved taking over the mic a little too much though. Lots of prizes given away tonight and lots of laughs. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did. Thanks to Jase for taking time out to DJ. I think a Beechy FaceTime should be a regular thing? рҹӨЈрҹӨЈрҹӨЈ


Who can remember Rodney? HeвҖҷs been transformed a bit! рҹҳҲрҹҳҲрҹҳҲ Arriving next week!!!!! #teamelite


Wednesday squad
We have a treat for you tonight!!! рҹҺӨрҹ—ЈрҹҺјрҹҺ§рҹҺӨрҹҺәрҹҺ·рҹҘҒрҹҺ№ Full squad in too, Ade, Dins, Daps and guest DJ. Might even give away a few pre workouts to make everyone extra crazy рҹӨӘрҹӨӘрҹӨӘрҹӨӘ.
... Top tunes, top setup, top trainers, top banter, weighted star jumps for the gainz. Dix in the house taking pics for the insta page too so make sure you have your good trainers on рҹӨ—рҹҷҢрҹҸ»рҹҷҢрҹҸ»рҹҷҢрҹҸ»рҹҷҢрҹҸ»
See thee laters рҹ•әрҹҸ»рҹ’ғрҹ•әрҹҸ»рҹ’ғрҹ•әрҹҸ»рҹ’ғ
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***Personal Training***
Are you looking for Personal Training? Whether it being 1-2-1 or in a group at Elite Fitness we have the staff and facilities to accommodate your every goal.
We have trainers qualified and experienced in Boxing, Antenatal, Beginners, Children, The Elderly and Weight Loss & Physique Transformations.
... We have a Circuit Room with a massive variation of equipment including weights, bars, cardio equipment, Hiit and plyometric equipment, and the space to plan out endless amounts of workouts.
If you are looking for Personal Training and want to get started we can help you with an exercise programme and nutrition plan. Just send us an email with any questions including packages and payment plans to info@elitefitness-stoke. com
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Look how good our advertising boards look!!?? Yes thatвҖҷs right, theyвҖҷre no longer there because some Sh!t bag has stolen them all!!
What a douche рҹӨ¬рҹӨ¬рҹӨ¬рҹӨ¬


A nice collaboration with our good friends at Bee Active. All Elite customers get a discount for your children too. Use code Elite-10 for a 10% discount рҹҷҢрҹҸ»рҹҷҢрҹҸ»рҹҷҢрҹҸ».
#teamelite #Beeactive


10 burpees 10 squat Jumps 10 press ups рҹӨЈрҹӨЈрҹӨЈрҹӨЈрҹӨЈрҹӨЈрҹӨЈрҹӨЈрҹӨЈ
Think the Friday 4:30 squad like me рҹҷӢрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹҷӢрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹҷӢрҹҸ »вҖҚвҷӮпёҸ
... #Ademantraining #teamelite
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Who needs insults at 6:15am рҹҷҲрҹӨЈрҹӨЈрҹӨЈ Beechy at his best this morning, Myself and Dean think itвҖҷs a terrible idea for Beech to do the Friday 6am, pretty sure you lot agree right!????? рҹҳҒ
#Beechforprimeminister #beechytakeover... #didyouknowhesaginger
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Tomorrow morning class is full to brim , added a few off wit list so I think there might be 70+ in class , if ya not coming please cancel early if there is any no shows IвҖҷll be looking at ya accounts for next weeks classes рҹӨ”, IвҖҷll be there from 4.3o setting up so u all get in so if ya not coming please cancel
Love Beech
Ps if I over sleep we will just do hill sprints and burpees whilst we watch the sunrise
... Pps coffe would be appreciated
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After some fantastic feedback from last weeks classes we will be setting up another 50/50 gym based boxing/strength & conditioning class with a few cheeky abs chucked in for good measureрҹ‘ҢрҹҸј You might even get picked to work the body bag and take shots at Wez or Daz ItвҖҷs going to be a mega hot class so remember to bring your own towel,water, inner gloves or boxing gloves рҹҘҠрҹ”Ҙрҹ’Ұрҹ’ӘрҹҸјрҹҸӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷӮрҹҸӢвҖҚ вҷҖ.
... We do have gloves but they do get a bit stinky рҹҷҲ
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Wednesday Squad
Just got Dean to take a quick pic of my abs now that IвҖҷm no longer a chubster like Wez рҹӨЈ. Thought IвҖҷd make tonights class a little вҖҳAbbyвҖҷ obviously with a few other body parts thrown in the mix too. Usual bants thrown in later for free too рҹӨЈрҹӨЈрҹӨЈрҹӨЈрҹӨЈ.
... рҹ’Ҝ % to have abs like this after just 1 class. If you donвҖҷt have abs like this after class please Email beechy рҹ•әрҹҸ»рҹ•әрҹҸ»рҹ•әрҹҸ»рҹ•әрҹҸ»
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вҳ„вҳ„TRANSFORMATION TUESDAYвҳ„вҳ„ What sets Elite Fitness above the rest? This right here... real people... real transformations. You can do anything if you put your mind to it but with #teamelite you can go that extra mile рҹ’ӘрҹҸј Bootcamp packages always available here @elitefitness_stoke рҹҷҢрҹҸј Unlimited monthly membership now available, not one but TWO open gyms, spinning classes, circuit classes, personal training, amazing members, bootcamps, banter and supplements, we have it all! Come and see what we have to offer and let us help you get the body YOU рҹ‘ҮрҹҸјwant рҹ‘ҠрҹҸј #TEAMELITE #elitemade


Please Share
EliteFitness are recruiting! We are looking for a qualified lvl2/3 personal trainer to take classes and offer 1 to 1 sessions in our awesome gym! We are looking for someone with a massive personality, encouraging, great banter, be in great shape, be a team player and most of all someone that wants to work!
... If you know someone that wants to work at Elite please tag and share this status. Many thanks #teamelite
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Wez and Daz pulling off a blinder tonight with a cheeky boxing circuit. Who thinks boxing should be a regular on a Thursday? Comment below
And yes of course we will buy new gloves рҹҘҠрҹҘҠрҹӨЈрҹӨЈрҹӨЈ


Want to get massive? Weighted star jumps are where the magic happens. Top bodybuilder and Elite member вҖҳMaccaвҖҷ says these are a must to be massive like him. TonightвҖҷs station number 44 is just for you Macca. DonвҖҷt forget tonight we have a new class at 4:30pm. Get booking and join massive squad рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»рҹ’ӘрҹҸ»
#teamelite #starjumpsmakeyoumassive


Full day spent cleaning all the equipment in the circuit room, wiping down all the boxes and mats etc. All the loose mats have been re-glued and the place has been swept and hoovered рҹ‘ҢрҹҸ» Teamwork going down today at Elite with no horseplay. Well maybe a little...


Had lots of great feedback for this mornings spin class with new trainer Adam. Not sure how he even made it in after we did this to him yesterday рҹӨЈрҹӨЈ. Well done Bud!
Comment if you love the pendulum aka Hate Machine рҹҳ«рҹҳ«рҹҳ«рҹҳ«


What an amazing 5 1/2 months at EliteFitness, the first time I walked into the main hall for my first circuit I was massively intimidated, so many people, so much equipment that I had never seen before and didnвҖҷt have a clue how to use! When everyone was in and at a station Dave, the PT on a Tuesday night asked if there were any new people, I put my hand up gingerly along with a few other people, Dave then took us around the stations and instructed us what to do (to be fair I have learned to just copy the person in front of you пҝҪпҝҪ), instructions taken in and too scared to just walk out the guy next to me Ed told me not to worry and he would show me the ropes and that he did, my 1st circuit out of the way, exhausted and covered in sweat I thanked Ed for his help and limped to the car trying not to throw up! After a week Ade, one of the owners took time to come over and ask how I was getting on and asked if I was doing my classes or spending any time in the gym, I was honest with him, a couple of classes and week and hadnвҖҷt been in the gym much as I donвҖҷt have a clue what I was doing, he told me I needed to step up my game and do more classes and get into the gym, he was blunt but honest... he knew my goals and told me what I needed to hear, I had a few weight PTs with Donna, she is, like all the other PTs at EliteFitness, amazing showed me what I needed to do, mind to muscle, range of motion, muscle groups to work and how to do it, I took in what others were doing in the gym and watched some videos on line. I would like to say IвҖҷm competent in the gym now but still learning everyday I pick up weights, circuits donвҖҷt get easier you just push harder and do more. IвҖҷm nearing the end of my second boot camp and have learned more in the last 5 months about exercise and diet than I have in my 35 years so far. Join an EliteFitness boot camp, make some friends learn how to get into shape, IвҖҷm sure you wonвҖҷt look back and I honestly canвҖҷt thank the Elite team enough... IвҖҷm wearing T-shirts this summer, not hiding under a hoody in 25* heat!


This is by far the best way to improve fitness. The staff are so helpful and ensure your getting the most out of the class. Beginner's class for me is just what I need to get my fitness ready for the main class! I enjoy every class and everyone is so friendly. Would recommend elite to anyone regardless of your fitness.


The only place I've ever been pushed so much, the PTs really care and the people in the gym are so supportive. Absolutely awesome place, classes are brilliant and my fitness has improved massively. I'm currently doing the bootcamp and have loved every minute and before this I'd never been the gym as avidly as I have. Thank you elite for everything, you guys are ace!


So how did my Elite journey start ?? Instead of jewellery for Xmas I had a bootcamp !!

I knew Donna from doing her classes , so when I stalked Elite to see the results before signing up I knew it was the right place to go.

A really down to earth , straight talking " this is what I can give, but this is what you must give " kinda talk. It's scary but in an exciting way if you know what I mean ?

The gym can look quite daunting at first , but from the very first class i was made to feel like everyone has been or going through the same journey. The PT's are always on hand to " guide and take the p1ss" пҝҪ, but in a fun way.

I've just finished the 8 week bootcamp with Donna ....... this woman can literally work miracles !!!!! At times I swear I've died in her PT sessions, but she got the group phenomenal results in a short space of time ( and she's very competitive with the other PT's).

The group has been so supportive and Donna you must have lost patience with us lot asking so many ridiculous questions ?!?!

I've met the most amazing ladies on this journey and can't wait to start the next 1 .... not many can say " I had a 1st 8lb weight loss for Xmas ... delivery time 8 weeks !!! пҝҪпҝҪ


My daughter has been going to Elite for a while and has nothing but positives to say. Today Elite held the first parent/child circuit training session! I was apprehensive, thinking it would be tame for the kids! boy was I wrong, in a word вҖңOUCHвҖқ the session was great and pushed you physically.

Alex and the other PTвҖҷs were really good with both the kids and adults alike, offering both motivation and guidance! We will 100% be making this a weekly thing! Excellent!


Loved it пҝҪ definitely recommend Tuesday's session! Such a good set up


Joined up to the circuit classes 3 weeks ago. Was really nervous about starting up but I neednвҖҷt have been the trainers here but me at ease straightaway. Gave me adaptions for things I couldnвҖҷt do and now IвҖҷm hooked. I go 3 times a week and look forward to those days . ItвҖҷs works! 3 weeks 1 stone gone and itвҖҷs down to these classes. A great calorie burn and for me now a new way of life


IвҖҷve trained for many years, however Elite has taken my fitness and physique to the next level. Joined up for the boot camp at the beginning of the year, it was hard work, but had amazing results. Some great personal trainers, Lowey, Dean, Ade and Beechy, all great at taking your training to the next level. Highly recommended, great atmosphere at every session.


Ive been attending elite fitness since it opened its doors back in strength asylum. Ive always struggled with my weight over the years and attended many fitness regimes and followed various diets. I can personally reccommend the awesome bootcamps available with the nutrition knowledge and expert advice from all the trainers, special mention to deano, with form and whats best for each individual personal goals and lifestyle changes. Elite is by far the best circuit class around and get a total buzz when attending the classes, using the gym and the PT available, everyone is friendly and gives encouragement with their achievements, so get down to elite and transform your life, peace out пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


I've worked with Dave and ade a few years back both hard-working and motivating trainers with by far the best banter ive come across in working in gyms. I also started personal training at elite a year ago , ive seen the train ers, gym progress and turn into one of the best private personal training facility's around i am now going back into full time pt and have chosen elite for that reason ,, i highly recommend this gym for the quality of high intensity circuits , spinning and personal training im proud to be apart of it if your thinking of signing up trust me your wont look back


I've been attending elite since January 2017 and love it. PTs really friendly and push you and the circuits are fab and do the job. Started bootcamp 3 days ago and so far been pushed to my limits by the PTs as they only want to see you succeed. Can't recommend this place and PTs enough вҳә. Love it....


I started coming to Elite recently for the mum & baby classes, me and my little girl love the class, it a great way to ease myself back into exercise, but I do feel it the next day пҝҪ, Rachel Beech is fantastic!

Would defo recommend!


I love this place even though I'm in hurting and feel sick most of the time I'm in there пҝҪ. It's a great place to train and the trainers push you to your limits and beyond but always find time for a bit of banter.

Everyone is helpful and encourage each other in class. It doesn't matter what your fitness level, age or size you're made to feel welcome and get pushed.

Awesome place, ace people and my second home.


I have the pleasure of working here on group classes. I also train here as well and I can safely say you won't find better anywhere. The team is one of a kind and the classes are for all levels of fitness. Everyone pushes each other in class and people become great friends very quickly. Forget all the other gyms in Staffordshire.. come and train with us. We have the team, the kit and the results we get with our clients to back it up.


First time at elite yesterday although I'm familiar with the style of training having been to other similar groups. However I felt right at home straight away. Everyone was so friendly, supportive and non-judgmental - trainers and class members alike. Great value for money, on my doorstep and I'm hooked already. Love it. Thanks Elite. You rock! рҹ‘Ҡрҹ’Ә


First time IвҖҷve been to Elite great place and the trainers are always making sure you do all the stations correctly. Cheers Dave Beech for making me feel welcome


Did my first main class this morning after a few begineers classes. Now finding it hard to attend begineers classes with life getting in the way, i thought ive got to bite the bullet its main class or nothing. I was little nervous but Hayley was fab welcomed me in straight away so reassuring and friendly. Thank you x


Been a member for a few months now and don't have a negative comment to say. Awesome facility with awesome equipment. The trainers are all really knowledgeable and friendly( apart from Ade who makes me work really hard for no apparent reason)

Friendly place and immediately felt welcomed by all the members пҝҪпҝҪ


All of the staff are lovely and look after you as well as giving you a good push пҝҪ


What an amazing 5 1/2 months at EliteFitness, the first time I walked into the main hall for my first circuit I was massively intimidated, so many people, so much equipment that I had never seen before and didnвҖҷt have a clue how to use! When everyone was in and at a station Dave, the PT on a Tuesday night asked if there were any new people, I put my hand up gingerly along with a few other people, Dave then took us around the stations and instructed us what to do (to be fair I have learned to just copy the person in front of you пҝҪпҝҪ), instructions taken in and too scared to just walk out the guy next to me Ed told me not to worry and he would show me the ropes and that he did, my 1st circuit out of the way, exhausted and covered in sweat I thanked Ed for his help and limped to the car trying not to throw up! After a week Ade, one of the owners took time to come over and ask how I was getting on and asked if I was doing my classes or spending any time in the gym, I was honest with him, a couple of classes and week and hadnвҖҷt been in the gym much as I donвҖҷt have a clue what I was doing, he told me I needed to step up my game and do more classes and get into the gym, he was blunt but honest... he knew my goals and told me what I needed to hear, I had a few weight PTs with Donna, she is, like all the other PTs at EliteFitness, amazing showed me what I needed to do, mind to muscle, range of motion, muscle groups to work and how to do it, I took in what others were doing in the gym and watched some videos on line. I would like to say IвҖҷm competent in the gym now but still learning everyday I pick up weights, circuits donвҖҷt get easier you just push harder and do more. IвҖҷm nearing the end of my second boot camp and have learned more in the last 5 months about exercise and diet than I have in my 35 years so far. Join an EliteFitness boot camp, make some friends learn how to get into shape, IвҖҷm sure you wonвҖҷt look back and I honestly canвҖҷt thank the Elite team enough... IвҖҷm wearing T-shirts this summer, not hiding under a hoody in 25* heat!


This is by far the best way to improve fitness. The staff are so helpful and ensure your getting the most out of the class. Beginner's class for me is just what I need to get my fitness ready for the main class! I enjoy every class and everyone is so friendly. Would recommend elite to anyone regardless of your fitness.


The only place I've ever been pushed so much, the PTs really care and the people in the gym are so supportive. Absolutely awesome place, classes are brilliant and my fitness has improved massively. I'm currently doing the bootcamp and have loved every minute and before this I'd never been the gym as avidly as I have. Thank you elite for everything, you guys are ace!


So how did my Elite journey start ?? Instead of jewellery for Xmas I had a bootcamp !!

I knew Donna from doing her classes , so when I stalked Elite to see the results before signing up I knew it was the right place to go.

A really down to earth , straight talking " this is what I can give, but this is what you must give " kinda talk. It's scary but in an exciting way if you know what I mean ?

The gym can look quite daunting at first , but from the very first class i was made to feel like everyone has been or going through the same journey. The PT's are always on hand to " guide and take the p1ss" пҝҪ, but in a fun way.

I've just finished the 8 week bootcamp with Donna ....... this woman can literally work miracles !!!!! At times I swear I've died in her PT sessions, but she got the group phenomenal results in a short space of time ( and she's very competitive with the other PT's).

The group has been so supportive and Donna you must have lost patience with us lot asking so many ridiculous questions ?!?!

I've met the most amazing ladies on this journey and can't wait to start the next 1 .... not many can say " I had a 1st 8lb weight loss for Xmas ... delivery time 8 weeks !!! пҝҪпҝҪ


My daughter has been going to Elite for a while and has nothing but positives to say. Today Elite held the first parent/child circuit training session! I was apprehensive, thinking it would be tame for the kids! boy was I wrong, in a word вҖңOUCHвҖқ the session was great and pushed you physically.

Alex and the other PTвҖҷs were really good with both the kids and adults alike, offering both motivation and guidance! We will 100% be making this a weekly thing! Excellent!


Loved it пҝҪ definitely recommend Tuesday's session! Such a good set up


Joined up to the circuit classes 3 weeks ago. Was really nervous about starting up but I neednвҖҷt have been the trainers here but me at ease straightaway. Gave me adaptions for things I couldnвҖҷt do and now IвҖҷm hooked. I go 3 times a week and look forward to those days . ItвҖҷs works! 3 weeks 1 stone gone and itвҖҷs down to these classes. A great calorie burn and for me now a new way of life


IвҖҷve trained for many years, however Elite has taken my fitness and physique to the next level. Joined up for the boot camp at the beginning of the year, it was hard work, but had amazing results. Some great personal trainers, Lowey, Dean, Ade and Beechy, all great at taking your training to the next level. Highly recommended, great atmosphere at every session.


Ive been attending elite fitness since it opened its doors back in strength asylum. Ive always struggled with my weight over the years and attended many fitness regimes and followed various diets. I can personally reccommend the awesome bootcamps available with the nutrition knowledge and expert advice from all the trainers, special mention to deano, with form and whats best for each individual personal goals and lifestyle changes. Elite is by far the best circuit class around and get a total buzz when attending the classes, using the gym and the PT available, everyone is friendly and gives encouragement with their achievements, so get down to elite and transform your life, peace out пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


I've worked with Dave and ade a few years back both hard-working and motivating trainers with by far the best banter ive come across in working in gyms. I also started personal training at elite a year ago , ive seen the train ers, gym progress and turn into one of the best private personal training facility's around i am now going back into full time pt and have chosen elite for that reason ,, i highly recommend this gym for the quality of high intensity circuits , spinning and personal training im proud to be apart of it if your thinking of signing up trust me your wont look back


I've been attending elite since January 2017 and love it. PTs really friendly and push you and the circuits are fab and do the job. Started bootcamp 3 days ago and so far been pushed to my limits by the PTs as they only want to see you succeed. Can't recommend this place and PTs enough вҳә. Love it....


I started coming to Elite recently for the mum & baby classes, me and my little girl love the class, it a great way to ease myself back into exercise, but I do feel it the next day пҝҪ, Rachel Beech is fantastic!

Would defo recommend!


I love this place even though I'm in hurting and feel sick most of the time I'm in there пҝҪ. It's a great place to train and the trainers push you to your limits and beyond but always find time for a bit of banter.

Everyone is helpful and encourage each other in class. It doesn't matter what your fitness level, age or size you're made to feel welcome and get pushed.

Awesome place, ace people and my second home.


I have the pleasure of working here on group classes. I also train here as well and I can safely say you won't find better anywhere. The team is one of a kind and the classes are for all levels of fitness. Everyone pushes each other in class and people become great friends very quickly. Forget all the other gyms in Staffordshire.. come and train with us. We have the team, the kit and the results we get with our clients to back it up.


First time at elite yesterday although I'm familiar with the style of training having been to other similar groups. However I felt right at home straight away. Everyone was so friendly, supportive and non-judgmental - trainers and class members alike. Great value for money, on my doorstep and I'm hooked already. Love it. Thanks Elite. You rock! рҹ‘Ҡрҹ’Ә


First time IвҖҷve been to Elite great place and the trainers are always making sure you do all the stations correctly. Cheers Dave Beech for making me feel welcome


Did my first main class this morning after a few begineers classes. Now finding it hard to attend begineers classes with life getting in the way, i thought ive got to bite the bullet its main class or nothing. I was little nervous but Hayley was fab welcomed me in straight away so reassuring and friendly. Thank you x


Been a member for a few months now and don't have a negative comment to say. Awesome facility with awesome equipment. The trainers are all really knowledgeable and friendly( apart from Ade who makes me work really hard for no apparent reason)

Friendly place and immediately felt welcomed by all the members пҝҪпҝҪ


All of the staff are lovely and look after you as well as giving you a good push пҝҪ


What an amazing 5 1/2 months at EliteFitness, the first time I walked into the main hall for my first circuit I was massively intimidated, so many people, so much equipment that I had never seen before and didnвҖҷt have a clue how to use! When everyone was in and at a station Dave, the PT on a Tuesday night asked if there were any new people, I put my hand up gingerly along with a few other people, Dave then took us around the stations and instructed us what to do (to be fair I have learned to just copy the person in front of you пҝҪпҝҪ), instructions taken in and too scared to just walk out the guy next to me Ed told me not to worry and he would show me the ropes and that he did, my 1st circuit out of the way, exhausted and covered in sweat I thanked Ed for his help and limped to the car trying not to throw up! After a week Ade, one of the owners took time to come over and ask how I was getting on and asked if I was doing my classes or spending any time in the gym, I was honest with him, a couple of classes and week and hadnвҖҷt been in the gym much as I donвҖҷt have a clue what I was doing, he told me I needed to step up my game and do more classes and get into the gym, he was blunt but honest... he knew my goals and told me what I needed to hear, I had a few weight PTs with Donna, she is, like all the other PTs at EliteFitness, amazing showed me what I needed to do, mind to muscle, range of motion, muscle groups to work and how to do it, I took in what others were doing in the gym and watched some videos on line. I would like to say IвҖҷm competent in the gym now but still learning everyday I pick up weights, circuits donвҖҷt get easier you just push harder and do more. IвҖҷm nearing the end of my second boot camp and have learned more in the last 5 months about exercise and diet than I have in my 35 years so far. Join an EliteFitness boot camp, make some friends learn how to get into shape, IвҖҷm sure you wonвҖҷt look back and I honestly canвҖҷt thank the Elite team enough... IвҖҷm wearing T-shirts this summer, not hiding under a hoody in 25* heat!


This is by far the best way to improve fitness. The staff are so helpful and ensure your getting the most out of the class. Beginner's class for me is just what I need to get my fitness ready for the main class! I enjoy every class and everyone is so friendly. Would recommend elite to anyone regardless of your fitness.


The only place I've ever been pushed so much, the PTs really care and the people in the gym are so supportive. Absolutely awesome place, classes are brilliant and my fitness has improved massively. I'm currently doing the bootcamp and have loved every minute and before this I'd never been the gym as avidly as I have. Thank you elite for everything, you guys are ace!


So how did my Elite journey start ?? Instead of jewellery for Xmas I had a bootcamp !!

I knew Donna from doing her classes , so when I stalked Elite to see the results before signing up I knew it was the right place to go.

A really down to earth , straight talking " this is what I can give, but this is what you must give " kinda talk. It's scary but in an exciting way if you know what I mean ?

The gym can look quite daunting at first , but from the very first class i was made to feel like everyone has been or going through the same journey. The PT's are always on hand to " guide and take the p1ss" пҝҪ, but in a fun way.

I've just finished the 8 week bootcamp with Donna ....... this woman can literally work miracles !!!!! At times I swear I've died in her PT sessions, but she got the group phenomenal results in a short space of time ( and she's very competitive with the other PT's).

The group has been so supportive and Donna you must have lost patience with us lot asking so many ridiculous questions ?!?!

I've met the most amazing ladies on this journey and can't wait to start the next 1 .... not many can say " I had a 1st 8lb weight loss for Xmas ... delivery time 8 weeks !!! пҝҪпҝҪ


My daughter has been going to Elite for a while and has nothing but positives to say. Today Elite held the first parent/child circuit training session! I was apprehensive, thinking it would be tame for the kids! boy was I wrong, in a word вҖңOUCHвҖқ the session was great and pushed you physically.

Alex and the other PTвҖҷs were really good with both the kids and adults alike, offering both motivation and guidance! We will 100% be making this a weekly thing! Excellent!


Loved it пҝҪ definitely recommend Tuesday's session! Such a good set up


Joined up to the circuit classes 3 weeks ago. Was really nervous about starting up but I neednвҖҷt have been the trainers here but me at ease straightaway. Gave me adaptions for things I couldnвҖҷt do and now IвҖҷm hooked. I go 3 times a week and look forward to those days . ItвҖҷs works! 3 weeks 1 stone gone and itвҖҷs down to these classes. A great calorie burn and for me now a new way of life


IвҖҷve trained for many years, however Elite has taken my fitness and physique to the next level. Joined up for the boot camp at the beginning of the year, it was hard work, but had amazing results. Some great personal trainers, Lowey, Dean, Ade and Beechy, all great at taking your training to the next level. Highly recommended, great atmosphere at every session.


Ive been attending elite fitness since it opened its doors back in strength asylum. Ive always struggled with my weight over the years and attended many fitness regimes and followed various diets. I can personally reccommend the awesome bootcamps available with the nutrition knowledge and expert advice from all the trainers, special mention to deano, with form and whats best for each individual personal goals and lifestyle changes. Elite is by far the best circuit class around and get a total buzz when attending the classes, using the gym and the PT available, everyone is friendly and gives encouragement with their achievements, so get down to elite and transform your life, peace out пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


I've worked with Dave and ade a few years back both hard-working and motivating trainers with by far the best banter ive come across in working in gyms. I also started personal training at elite a year ago , ive seen the train ers, gym progress and turn into one of the best private personal training facility's around i am now going back into full time pt and have chosen elite for that reason ,, i highly recommend this gym for the quality of high intensity circuits , spinning and personal training im proud to be apart of it if your thinking of signing up trust me your wont look back


I've been attending elite since January 2017 and love it. PTs really friendly and push you and the circuits are fab and do the job. Started bootcamp 3 days ago and so far been pushed to my limits by the PTs as they only want to see you succeed. Can't recommend this place and PTs enough вҳә. Love it....


I started coming to Elite recently for the mum & baby classes, me and my little girl love the class, it a great way to ease myself back into exercise, but I do feel it the next day пҝҪ, Rachel Beech is fantastic!

Would defo recommend!


I love this place even though I'm in hurting and feel sick most of the time I'm in there пҝҪ. It's a great place to train and the trainers push you to your limits and beyond but always find time for a bit of banter.

Everyone is helpful and encourage each other in class. It doesn't matter what your fitness level, age or size you're made to feel welcome and get pushed.

Awesome place, ace people and my second home.


I have the pleasure of working here on group classes. I also train here as well and I can safely say you won't find better anywhere. The team is one of a kind and the classes are for all levels of fitness. Everyone pushes each other in class and people become great friends very quickly. Forget all the other gyms in Staffordshire.. come and train with us. We have the team, the kit and the results we get with our clients to back it up.


First time at elite yesterday although I'm familiar with the style of training having been to other similar groups. However I felt right at home straight away. Everyone was so friendly, supportive and non-judgmental - trainers and class members alike. Great value for money, on my doorstep and I'm hooked already. Love it. Thanks Elite. You rock! рҹ‘Ҡрҹ’Ә


First time IвҖҷve been to Elite great place and the trainers are always making sure you do all the stations correctly. Cheers Dave Beech for making me feel welcome


Did my first main class this morning after a few begineers classes. Now finding it hard to attend begineers classes with life getting in the way, i thought ive got to bite the bullet its main class or nothing. I was little nervous but Hayley was fab welcomed me in straight away so reassuring and friendly. Thank you x


Been a member for a few months now and don't have a negative comment to say. Awesome facility with awesome equipment. The trainers are all really knowledgeable and friendly( apart from Ade who makes me work really hard for no apparent reason)

Friendly place and immediately felt welcomed by all the members пҝҪпҝҪ


All of the staff are lovely and look after you as well as giving you a good push пҝҪ

More about Elite Fitness

Elite Fitness is located at Unit 3c Staffs Industrial Estate, ST4 2LY Stoke-upon-Trent