Elmfield Rudolf Steiner School

Monday: 08:30 - 16:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 16:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 16:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 16:00
Friday: 08:30 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Elmfield Rudolf Steiner School

Elmfield School, is an experiential independent school for pupils from age 3 to 17. We follow the international Steiner Waldorf curriculum.

Elmfield Rudolf Steiner School Description

This is the Official School Facebook Page for Elmfield Rudolf Steiner School.

Elmfield School opened in 1934 in a house called Elmfield in Selly Oak, Birmingham. This was the home of Henry Lloyd Wilson and his wife Theodora, whose son Michael, in conjunction with Fried Geuter, invited Eileen Hutchins to found the venture. It started initially to provide a Waldorf education for the children of people working at Sunfield Children’s Homes in Clent.

When war broke out in l939 the school was evacuated and two classes were offered temporary accommodation at Sir Hugh and Lady Chance’s home in Bromsgrove, while the rest were housed at Sunfield in Clent. After a term all were re-united at Sunfield, with school taking place in former workshops there. Two years later, however, the school was closed except for a small Kindergarten group that was carried through the war years by Eileen Hutchins.

At the end of the war, Eileen Hutchins’ father bought Park Hill, the present main building of the school. After clearing up the dilapidated house and garden, following occupation by US Army troops who had been billeted there, the opening took place on 16th October l946. Thorn Hill, the house next door, was bought by the school in l962, with a condition of sale being that the school should look after the resident peacocks !

Further buildings were added and alterations made: the gym hall, uniting the two houses; a handwork and classroom block (Blue Cedar); and the Tobias Wing, with its purpose-built eurythmy room, laboratory, pottery and classrooms.

The latest addition to the school was the extension to the Tobias wing, Gawain, providing the school with four large, well-equipped classrooms, and a smaller room dedicated to the use and teaching of information technology and to smaller subject groups.



Dress up day on Friday for classes 1-8...


Only one day now until the first performance of "The Merchant of Venice" - looking forward to it already!
Our German guests have been working so hard on this Play and we hope you'll be able to come out and support them.
The Play is suitable for Class 4 and up. We are politely asking that Lower School pupils be accompanied by a parent.
... Performances are at 7.30 pm this Friday 5th and Saturday 6th October.
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You are warmly invited to Schloss Hamborn's Class 10 performance of "The Merchant of Venice" next Friday 5th and Saturday 6th October at 7.30 pm.
Shakespeare's comedy is centred around love, money, prejudice and social injustice. Antonio, the Merchant of Venice, lends three thousand ducats to his friend Bassanio in order to assist him in his wooing of the wealthy and beautiful Portia of Belmont, an estate some distance from Venice.
Antonio's own money is tied up in business v...entures that depend on the safe return of his ships from sea, so he borrows the money from Shylock, a Jewish moneylender whom he has previously insulted for his high rates of interest.
Shylock lends the money against a bond. Failure to repay the loan on the agreed date will entitle Shylock to a pound of Antonio's flesh...
Please come along and support our German guests. As usual, it should be a great show.
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It’s been a lovely Michaelmas week at Elmfield with the added bonus of beautiful sunshine.
The classes have all been undertaking deeds around the school such as planting bulbs, clearing nettles, weeding, collecting pine cones for the Advent Fayre, and cooking lunch for the Upper School.
Class 6 decided to raise money for Macmillan Cancer research by taking part in the ‘World’s biggest coffee morning’, selling tea and delicious homemade cakes in their classroom.
... Classes 7 and 8 hosted classes 7 and 8 from the South Devon Steiner school and enjoyed an evening of pizza and socialising with them.
Classes 1, 2 and 3 had a picnic on the front lawn which they were all very excited about.
And the week was rounded off by a fabulous Festival – well done to everyone involved!
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PTFA AGM: 7.30 - 8 pm, TOMORROW (Thursday 20th) In the Hall. Followed by a cheese and biscuit supper and Winter Fayre meeting
We are in real need of more help and fresh faces! People who can take on small jobs, support long-term projects, volunteer for fundraising events and be part of reinvigorating the community at our school.
... If you’d like to get involved then now is the time!
Please email elmfieldptfa@gmail.com if you have any questions

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Welcome back to the new academic year!
It's great to see the school full of smiling faces and happy children.
Here's to a great 2018 to 2019.


Our pupils are celebrating their GCSE results today. As you probably know, pupils sit their GCSE exams over two years at Elmfield as they follow the Waldorf curriculum alongside the GCSE curriculum in the Upper School. The changes to the grading system mean many subjects are now ranked 1-9 with 9 being the highest. Grades 4 - 6 represent C - B grades and grades 7 - 9 represent an A grade and above. Grade 4 is considered a “standard pass” whilst grade 5 is considered a “good p...ass”.
Class 10 sat their English and Maths GCSEs this year. In English 83% achieved a Grade 5 or above with 94% achieving a Grade 4 or above. In Maths 78% achieved a Grade 5 or above with 83% achieving a Grade 4 or above. In addition, 94% of students received a Distinction in their English speaking and listening exam.
Class 11 have now completed all their GCSE exams and 86% are leaving with 5 or more GCSEs at Grade 4/C or above, including English and Maths. Three pupils are leaving with four 7s, three As, three 8s, thirteen A*s and two 9s between them.
Once again, this is an impressive set of results and reflects the hard work of both students and staff at Elmfield. We wish all our leavers the best of luck at their chosen colleges next year.
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It’s been a busy few days!
On Friday we had our annual St John’s Fire with some fine leaping preceded by Class 6’s enjoyable circus skills performance. Then in the evening the Folk Fortnight came to a rousing finale with a concert. As ever the audience was highly entertained by the ridiculously talented folk musicians, ably accompanied by some of our own very talented pupils.
On Sunday the sun shone gloriously for the summer fayre adding to the lovely relaxed atmosphere. A hu...ge thank you to everyone involved in organising the day and to everyone who came and supported the event.
This is also the season for class trips. On Friday Class 11 left for an adventure-packed trip to Slovenia. On Monday Class 10 left to visit the Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales and Class 8 headed off to the River Severn for a canoeing trip. And this morning Class 5 Left for the annual Steiner Olympics, looking forward to the main event on Saturday. It’s very quiet without them all!
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See you tonight at the Folk concert tonight at 7.30pm!


You are warmly invited to the Midsummer Fayre on Sunday 24th June 12-4 pm.
The Fayre will take place on the bottom field. Entrance to the Fayre will be from the side gate to the playground on Love Lane.
New this year is a Climbing Wall which will be open to use from 11am. So if you are a keen climber or new to climbing come along and have a go.
... We have some external craft stalls this year and the school shop will open for the Fayre.
Don't forget to bring a picnic blanket.
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Here's a message from a group you may well be interested in:
Waldorf 100 UK - Will you join us?
We are turning 100! In 2019 we are celebrating 100 years of Steiner Waldorf education worldwide and would love to invite you to join our group. Shared activities and festivals, fun crafts and an opportunity to remind us of all the things we love about our unique approach to education. Whether you are a parent, teacher, alumni or just a well-wisher, all are welcome. Please do join the group here https://www.facebook.com/groups/213478936 115246/ and the celebration.


Congratulations to everyone who took part in last night's talent show - you're all stars! What a great evening and a wonderful atmosphere.
There'll be more talent on show tonight at the Ceilidh at 7.30 - it's always brilliant fun so hopefully see you there.


Talent show tonight!
Class 11 are holding a fundraising talent show tonight at 7.30pm. Acts include pupils from class 2 upwards!
Singers, karate, music, group acts and more. Teachers are also performing! Please come and support. Cakes and drinks will be available and there will be a raffle. Class 11 are asking for donations on the door.
... See you there!!
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Two fabulous events not to miss!
This Friday is the folk fortnight ceilidh and sing-around, starting at 7:30. The dancing will all be in the first half, and any pupil who has reached the stage of dancing in school will be able to manage the dances. Do come along and have loads of fun, it's always a great evening! Donations on the door, samosas on sale in the interval.
The grand concert to round off our folk fortnight will take place on Friday 22nd June at 7:30. Starring Will... Pound, Matt Price and Nath Fischer, Beccy Hurst, Jon Doran, and some of our own pupils who have been working alongside these wonderful musicians all week as well. Ticket-sized donations on the door, and delicious refreshments on sale! It's also alright to bring younger children just to the first half.
If you make the effort to come along, you will be greatly rewarded by the gift of music these musicians will share with you!
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If you've been at school recently you'll have seen that the repair work on Tobias roof is finished. Work has now moved to the section of roof on Thornhill that also needed repairing and this should be finished by the end of half term. The good weather should certainly aid progress.
A big thank you to the team at Thorns Roofing for their hard work and professionalism thoughout this project.


Welcome back to the summer term, we hope you had a relaxing Easter.
The weather's glorious and we've already been making the most of it, spending as much time teaching and playing outside as possible. Long may it continue!
We've got a busy term ahead of us with lots of trips, events and of course GCSEs for our older pupils - we wish them all the best of luck. It should be another great term.


Congratulations to all the pupils who took part in the Easter Festival yesterday and all the staff who helped make it happen. It was a lovely event and it was fantastic that so many parents were able to be there to enjoy it.
Have a wonderful Easter and we look forward to seeing you next term.

More about Elmfield Rudolf Steiner School

01384 394633
Monday: 08:30 - 16:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 16:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 16:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 16:00
Friday: 08:30 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -