Fitness Foundations

About Fitness Foundations

Fitness, nutrition advice, life-style guidance and support on body fat loss and fitness.



I love check in day! Clients having to go shopping for new clothes and realising they can eat what they love and still lose body fat! June intake will close in less than 2 weeks. Lose weight, change your habits, & ditch the slimming clubs stupid rules! All for 66p per day!I love check in day! Clients having to go shopping for new clothes and realising they can eat what they love and still lose body fat! June intake will close in less than 2 weeks. Lose weight, change your habits, & ditch the slimming clubs stupid rules! All for 66p per day!


Winners!!! Hannah Hodnett & October Doyle you have both won a free Bootcamp each!!!Winners!!! Hannah Hodnett & October Doyle you have both won a free Bootcamp each!!!


⚠️⚠️Warning!!!! Amazing results alert!!!⚠️⚠️
I’m just going to leave this here... first client check in for the day done (the rest of you bare with me I’m working my way through) if you want to sign up for June, the last day to do it is May 27th. Don’t think about it, just do it!!! This could be you!!!
⚠️⚠️Good Morning, I have done my measurements and weight. 18 weeks in and 22lbs gone - 10st 8 down to 9st!!
... Overall I have lost 12cm off chest, 13cm off waist, 15cm off belly area, 11cm off hips and 8.5cm off thighs.
When I started this in January I hoped to get to 9 stone by my holiday in August (which i thought was a long shot!!) with a long term goal of eventually loosing 2 stone and dropping two dress sizes to get back into size 10 clothes. 9 stone now and bought size 10 jeans last weekend!! I am so pleased and it has been so easy to stick to, eating what I like, the same meals as all my family and enjoying meals out.
Thank you so much Jules.
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9.45am Bootcamp & 6pm - Plus.... competition winners and client check ins!!!!! Come at me Friday9.45am Bootcamp & 6pm - Plus.... competition winners and client check ins!!!!! Come at me Friday


10am Bootcamp... who is coming?10am Bootcamp... who is coming?


Free bootcamp to 1x new client ! But the tagged also gets a freebie!! The tagged and the taggee 😂😂 (tagee must be new but the tager can be an existing client) tag one person guys and invite and share!! #fitnessfoundations #backtobasics #ludlow #ludlowbootcamps #freebootcamps


6pm Bootcamp! Who is in?6pm Bootcamp! Who is in?


I saw a post by @karen_brazier recently and I couldn’t agree with her more. So many people these days rely on filters. They maybe started as a bit of fun with the odd rabbits or dogs ears here and there but they have evolved into apps that add make up, smooth out our skin, make us thinner change the colour of our eyes or even the shape... the list is endless. Some people still use these for fun and that’s great, but there are many people who use these as a mask and there is a... more serious side, maybe even thinking they aren’t good enough as they are. If we spent as much time choosing the right filter for social media as we did working on our own confidence, working out how to be happy in our own skin, caring less about what people think, working on our own insecurities and our own mental health, as well as not giving a flying fuck, we would be far happier.
I wasn’t born confident. I wasn’t born mouthy and opinionated. I wasn’t always sporty or slim or many of the things you may assume I have been all my life. The idea that I would make videos and post them for hundreds of people to see would be an insane thought. Public speaking? Not a fucking chance. Now I do it every single day for a living! I love it! I was a ball of anxiousness from such an early age you wouldn’t believe me if I told you. A shy,nervous wreck of a human who has had to learn how to be bold and strong and confident and not shy over the years, until it became true! It became ME. Smart mouthed, confident, happy in my own skin, a little crazy, definitely a little weird, stubborn, very opinionated, not everyones cup of tea,sometimes anxious still, but on the whole a person who tries her hardest and is the most comfortable I have ever been in my own skin at any point in my life. I love me. I don’t care if others don’t, because I do. A filter does not show that.
You can achieve that too! You need to practice though. It won’t just happen. You need to research the tools to re-train your brain.
Ps YOU are good enough without the filter, you just don’t realise it yet! Learn to gain that inner confidence and the rest will follow!
Pps- I get the irony in that
Yes, my lashes are fake - but beautiful and I love them - thanks @riversidebeauty My hair is also a fake colour - but I love that too - thanks Zoe Embrey (she didn’t do it today, it’s messy, just to clarify) Teeth? Fake - Esthetique Dental, Hadnall, Total Legends.
I think that’s it. Apart from that, no filters. Just me getting ready for Bootcamp.
#fitnessfoundtions #lifebasics #nofilters #confidence #confidencefirst #workonyou #youdoyou #nofucksgiven #bebrave
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For Wednesday Bootcamps 11am session and 6pm Children welcome to the day session. 💪For Wednesday Bootcamps 11am session and 6pm Children welcome to the day session. 💪


7.30pm Tuesday Bootcamp. Who is in?7.30pm Tuesday Bootcamp. Who is in?


Loads of you already booked on to 6am Bootcamp ready to kick start your week!! Let’s do this!!!Loads of you already booked on to 6am Bootcamp ready to kick start your week!! Let’s do this!!!


Today is bank holiday but tomorrow back to normal!
My bootcamps are designed for ALL!
Beginners are welcome but also the more advanced. You are never working out with anyone else so you can keep it to the level you feel comfortable at until you are ready to push past that comfort zone. Keep it basic, intermediate or push could even enter our tyre flip competition, for example. ... Comment below if you want to book on a session this week. Children welcome to day time sessions. Prices are £5 or £25 for 6 sessions. Card machine available, contactless & Apple Pay 😀
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⚠️ Invitation to all ⚠️ Quite a few people have mentioned coming along for a hike one day. Who fancies joining me if I organise a Fitness Foundations Hike? 9 miles, Climbing Jack Trail, Ludlow? Date to be confirmed?⚠️ Invitation to all ⚠️ Quite a few people have mentioned coming along for a hike one day. Who fancies joining me if I organise a Fitness Foundations Hike? 9 miles, Climbing Jack Trail, Ludlow? Date to be confirmed?


I haven’t done distance running for just over a year now. Previously I entered many competitions 5k,10k, and many half marathons. I slowly and gradually got my distance up to around 15miles and ran for around 10 years. I remember the sheer joy the day I managed 1 mile for the first time and how chuffed I was with myself !! Running helped my introduction into fitness and nutrition and helped me learn to deal with many demons including depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Ult...imately it led me to where I am today, offering fitness and nutrition advice to others who are on the start of their journey. For that I will always be grateful. Do I miss it? Hmm occasionally, but not hugely. Never say never to starting again though (a team for the Storm the Castle may happen next year). Have I gained a huge amount of weight since I stopped running? Nope. I have more time to focus on other Interests and I keep my cardio up by walking with the dog and hikes. Just as good a calorie burn and less high impact on the old joints 😂I also lift weights in my mini garage gym which is what changes your shape and helps create muscle strength. My point is if you lose the love for something or try something that everyone else is doing but it doesn’t suit you something else. There are no rules in life that say you have to run or do whatever other exercise you may not enjoy. Find an exercise you love and that’s the exercise you will be willing to put time Into and thrive at. I like feeling stronger and stronger and seeing results through other means these days. You can find what suits you too. Never be afraid to change your mind, many times if necessary. 😀😀 #hikes #friends #fitnessfoundations #findwhatyoulove #exercise #balance #ludlow #mortimerwoods #ludlowwalks
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The amazing Katy Barnard has been a member of my accountability group for a few months now. Her results have not only been amazing but she has also realised she is NOT On a diet, she enjoys food she adores including treats, doesn’t have to cut out any food groups and is enjoying having so much more energy. Every time I see her she is positively glowing!! Sadly the down side to my group is you may well have to go shopping. Sorry about that 😂😂😂 well done Katy. You have grabbed the bull by the horns and made positive changes for life! I’m so proud of you! It doesn’t matter where you live I can help you too 😀


Do you need that little bit of motivation to help you get towards your goals ? Support, motivation and accountability? Honest advice without the fads and myths? Drop me a message. For a one off set up fee and £5 per week you can have me on hand to help you on your way. Wherever you are in the country I can help! #fitnessfoundations #backtobasics #onlinecoach #accountability


We have fresh water supplies at every Bootcamp! All proceeds to Macmillan Cancer Support xxxWe have fresh water supplies at every Bootcamp! All proceeds to Macmillan Cancer Support xxx


11am Bootcamp, children welcome! Then 6pm this evening.. Who is coming 😀11am Bootcamp, children welcome! Then 6pm this evening.. Who is coming 😀


Is improving your overall health and fitness your goal this year?? Do you want to build muscle and improve your health and fitness? Is 2019 your year? Are you going to smash those goals and are you going to do it the right way?
Come and join Fitness Foundations Back to Basics Coaching group and free yourself forever from fads, detox products and unsustainable unhealthy up and down habits.
... I will guide you into the new year with help and support with your food, your fitness & your goal setting.
If what you have been doing so far hasn’t been working then try something new.
For a one of £20 set up fee and only £5 per week after that I will set you up with the skills and knowledge to help you not only achieve your goals now, but for years to come.
Let’s get back to basics in 2019
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Jules is absolutely amazing at what she does! She has vast knowledge of the industry and I would happily recommend her services for anyone looking to lose weight, become fitter or improve self motivation.


Highly recommend the bootcamp session , the one to one treatment and advise is extremely helpful.. signed up for the next session and has made me feel more confident with my ability already , jules is an enthusiastic trainer and really enjoyed my work out ! Thank you jules ��

More about Fitness Foundations

Fitness Foundations is located at Ludlow Cricket Club, Ludlow