Flute Salad



~ Both are healthy and good for you....just add hot music...­¤ÄĄ­¤ÄČ­¤ÄĄ­¤ŹÆ­¤Źæ­¤źØ­¤ŹŹ­¤Źŗ­ ¤ŹÄ­¤Źō­¤Źē­¤Źć­¤Źŗ




A 'Double Bubble' of a musical treat coming up for you folks ~ Please come and join us at the Millenium Centre for a fun musical night featuring : The Jazzy Jammers and Flute Salad ­¤ÄĄ­¤ÄČ­¤ÄĄ Look forward to seeing you there! :)


Banish your winter blues folks and come and join us for a night of dance and merriment! Flute Salad's next gig is at Church Aston Village Hall ~hope you can come along !­¤ŹŖ­¤ŹÉ­¤Źć­¤źØ­¤ŹÆ­¤Źŗ­¤źź­¤Źē­¤Źō­¤ŹÉ ­¤Źē


­¤Äģ­¤Äģ­¤ÄģHave a Wonderful Christmas ~ from all us 'Fruits' at Flute Salad! ­¤Äģ­¤Ää­¤Äģ­¤Źē­¤Źŗ­¤ŹÉ­¤ŹÆ­¤źØ­¤Źć­¤źØ­ ¤Źē


Have a Merry Musical Christmas Folks!


­¤Źē­¤Źć­¤ŹŖ­¤ŹŹ­¤Źē Us three Flute Salading at Friends of Cosy Hall Evening. Thank you for having us and giving us such a warm welcome!!! <3 ­¤Źē­¤Źć­¤ŹŹ­¤Źē ~ hope to see you again soon folks! ­¤żŚ


­¤Źē­¤ŹŹ­¤Źć­¤ŹÆ­¤Źŗ­¤źØ­¤Źē­¤źØ­¤Źŗ­¤ŹÆ­ ¤Źć­¤Źē­¤Źē­¤ŹŹ­¤Źæ­¤Źć­¤Źō­¤ŹÆ­¤Źæ­¤źØ­ ¤Źē­¤ŹÆ­¤Źō­¤źØ­¤ŹŹ­¤Źē Flute Salad is playing for The Friends of Cosy Hall's Buffet Evening this Saturday! There will be just the three of us for this gig; Ali, Alan and myself so we've got some enjoyable alternatives at the ready ! Looking forward to it! ­¤Źē­¤ŹŹ­¤Źć­¤źØ­¤ŹÆ­¤Źŗ­¤źØ­¤Źć­¤ŹŹ­¤Źē­ ¤Źć­¤źØ­¤Źŗ­¤ŹÆ­¤Źŗ­¤ŹŹ­¤Źē­¤Źæ­¤ŹÉ­¤źź­ ¤Źł­¤Źć­¤Źæ­¤źØ­¤Źō­¤ŹÆ


If you love bass sounds, Flute Salad's Nick Wells is including two performances, showcasing his bass wizardry!! Nick is also playing bass in Alchemy ~ a double bubble this evening folks! ­¤ÄĄ­¤¦ÖŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅ­¤ÄĖ­¤ÄĄ


':D !


Hi Folks! Our next Flute Salad gig is going to be a fun fundraiser at Shifnal Youth Club! We'd love to see you there! :) Please contact ~Contact Joe Mascarenhas On: 01952 461404 OR 07732 538962


Another pic with our all important bass player Nick visible! :)


One more pic of Flute Salad ~ we had a very appreciative audience....you can't see them on here but they were standing either side of us! Cheers from Flute Salad!!! :)

More about Flute Salad

Flute Salad is located at 5, Elmfiled Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire