George Eliot Hospital Nhs Trust

About George Eliot Hospital Nhs Trust

We at George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust aim to EXCEL at patient care to improve the health and well-being of the people of Nuneaton and surrounding areas.

George Eliot Hospital Nhs Trust Description

Our strategic objective helps us to deliver the best possible healthcare for the people of Nuneaton and the surrounding areas. They are:

Constantly deliver safe, high quality care

Enhance patient experience by providing local care tailored to the individual needs of the patient

Develop partnership arrangements to promote and deliver a comprehensive range of value for money integrated services to protect and improve the health of the local community

Empower, develop and support our staff to encourage positive leadership at every level

Maintain financial stability, hit all agreed targets and satisfy our regulators.

Please note that this page is not managed on evenings and weekends.

Please contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) for a swift response to any queries you may have.

PALS will help with enquiries and concerns, providing on the spot resolution where possible. The service can also provide advice on whether your concerns should be passed to the Complaints Service. PALS can be reached on:

Tel: 02476 865550

Email: pals@geh. nhs. uk



Don't mess with our Pharmacy Assistant, Louise Cox-McKenna, who gained a clutch of medals in the 12th Open World Taekwondo Championships. Louise came through with a silver medal and two golds at the event, which was held at Birmingham’s NIA in July. Well done, Louise!


Anker Radio chatted to patient champion Mick Gilbert about George Eliot Hospital's Walk and Talk group – a gentle walking group of people affected by cancer, where they can share their experiences.
Tune in tomorrow from 8am-9am to hear the full interview.


Staff Nurse, Diane Alexander, was awarded a trophy for coming first in the 2018 staff bake off, which took place last month to mark #NHS70. Unison Rep, Roy Emblen, presented the award.
Congrats to Diane, who retains her title from last year.


We were pleased to welcome members of the Wasps Rugby team this afternoon in our maternity unit #jointheswarm


We've welcomed four new international nurses this week, and they join a clutch of qualified nurses joining our team in recent months. Welcome to #teameliot


Ever wondered why some people suffer in the heat while others are fine? This blog from Public Health England may explain a thing or two. @PHE_uk


Our Chaplaincy team hosted a lovely event today to celebrate EID for staff and patients


Our maternity team are supporting #WorldBreastfeedingWeek with a charity cake sale today. Beautiful cakes kindly donated by staff, ASDA, Nuneaton and Costco in Coventry.


Your local pharmacy can offer free, confidential and expert advice on a range of health issues. They can also help you to self-care and prepare for many common illnesses and offer advice on which medicines to keep in stock at home.


The National Audit of Dementia (Care in General Hospitals) needs your feedback! In 2016, 4664 people who look after a family member/friend/partner with dementia in England and Wales completed a questionnaire for the National Audit of Dementia (NAD). Thank you so much to everyone who returned a questionnaire to the NAD Project Team. You can see the reports the audit published last year which highlight the key messages from carers and family at The National Audit of Dementia is running again this year and George Eliot Hospital is taking part! If you are visiting someone with dementia in our hospital until 21st September, please ask a member of staff for a questionnaire to complete. It is anonymous, and all feedback goes straight to the NAD Project Team. It will take 5-10 minutes to complete. You can also complete the questionnaire online at if you prefer. You will need to provide the name of the hospital the person you care for is in/has been in at the start of the questionnaire. Everyone who completes a questionnaire will have the opportunity to enter a prize draw to win one of five £50 vouchers for a high street store of their choice.
See More


Very hot temperatures are expected all week so here are some tips to avoid heat exhaustion and what to do if you think someone may have it:


Our AGM takes place on Wednesday (July 25) in the George Eliot Hospital (GETEC building), College Street, Nuneaton from 6pm – 7pm. It's open to all so please come along. There's free parking available to those attending the meeting in car park 2, opposite the GETEC building.


Apply sunscreen every 2 hours during a day in the sun, especially if your child is in & out of water.


If you want to apply for your place on the ILM management course being offered to staff then hurry - the closing date is July 27th. #teameliot


Hot weather is great for getting out in the sun, but it can be tough for some with long term health conditions or the elderly. Make sure you check in on friends, neighbours and family members. It’s a great excuse for a cold drink and catchup. #Staywell


You can now book an appointment at some of our sexual health clinics online


If you're out shopping this weekend, never leave anyone in a closed, parked vehicle, especially infants, young children or animals


Make sure you take water with you if you are out and about this weekend. Drink plenty of water and remember; sugary, alcoholic and caffeinated drinks can make you more dehydrated.


Working with George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust
Please note that we only advertise/recruit for our job vacancies via NHS Jobs and would not contact an individual directly who hadn’t already applied for a post. If you have a query regarding a job vacancy please contact our Human Resources Team centralised.recruitmentteam@geh.nhs. uk
Alternatively for more information about working with George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust please see our recruitment website


Would like to thank the 2 nurses and doctor in A&E who helped Bonnie-sue tonight she had a deep very cut on her toe firstly the doctor who done the xray was lovely and kind gentle so thank u....... i already did thank them but in the moment u don't get to really thank them properly so hopefully they see this...the 2 nurses didn't catch their names in the moment easy to forget they was so kind and helpful it wasn't just another patient and just a job they actually cared even though it was a struggle they treat my daughter like I would have done i am so glad to have had that level of care so if u remember treating a little girl by this name thank u so much your care is very appreciated 2 very lovely nurses


Today I went in for elective surgery

I can honestly say the treatment I received from pre-op to discharge was excellent

I would like to thank my surgeon Mr Pradhan, anaesthetist Dr Das-Gupta, the OPD’s in theatre 5, recovery staff and Sr Di Croft from DPU for making me feel as I was their only patient for the day

Congratulations GEH for having such lovely caring staff that don’t get praised enough


Thank you for the exceptional care given to my Dad yesterday. The lovely Nurse Manager in the Eye Clinic discovered his very high and erratic heart rate yesterday and even though she was incredibly busy, made sure that action was taken to keep him safe. His GP was very unhelpful but A&E stepped up and took the time to treat him and stabilise his heart rate so that he could come home safely. My Dad thought it was all an inconvenience because he felt OK but I am exceptionally grateful for you care.


I would like to thank the hospital staff from the A&E,AMU and all the staff on the Elizabeth ward for looking after my mum. Each and everyone of you did an amazing job you really dont get enough praise for the job you all do your long hours extra shifts your care towards the patient's. You have all been fantastic xx


I want to thank the surgeons, doctors and of course the nurses on ITU and CCU for effectively saving my life. Im exhausted and tired as you can imagine but my recovery is in progress. Words are never quite enough but Thank you again.


I want to thank the George Elliot Hospital, in particular A&E and Romola Ward, for their care during my recent trip to England. I was born and raised in England but live in Australia now. It's unfortunate that I needed to visit hospital during my visit back to the UK but it did really highlight how amazing the NHS is, especially after living in another country and being a part of their medical system for a few years now. The care and thorough attention the staff gave me at GEH was outstanding. I really hope the UK's amazing health service is able to continue on. I've always appreciated it, but it's not until you live in another country under a different health system that you realise just what the UK has. Thank you to all of the staff that looked after me.


I spent 5 days in GEH last week, arriving at A&E and moving through CDU, Alex Ward and Victoria Ward. The care & attention I received throughout was absolutely spot on and ultimately made me well again. All of the teams worked so hard, ward staff were super busy all of the time, non stop grafting yet not a single moan was heard nor was I made to feel like I was a pain for asking for anything. This hospital will be my first choice every time, a good example of excellent care!! Well done George Eliot and all of your teams!


I have been into A&E today with my son and wanted to praise everyone, the staff cannot have been more wonderful. The children’s nurses were very patient and caring, taking such lovely care with my son who was extremely reluctant and in a lot of discomfort. The consultant was excellent, explaining his thoughts and reassuring us with ease. So very grateful to them all.


I cannot sing the praises highly enough, I have had two visits with the tia clinic in the past week and the Consultant Dr Eboji (sorry if spelling wrong) there and the OT Lady Lisa and today the MRI team - made me feel listened to, taking on board by concerns and following up on them. Showing kindness, support and professionlism and the NHS at its best. Again many thanks xxx


Had to bring both my young children in today as my eldest needed to be seen by urgent care . I can not fault the staff you were exceptional with me and my girls as well as the others we see while we were there . The nurses that did obs on my daughter were excellent and the doctor who saw us after was great with my daughter who hasn’t always had great experiences in the past . The doctor was very reassuring and understood she was scared and did everything he could to help her feel more at ease to be able to help her . Can’t thank you and the staff enough today you made a awful day for us so much better . Thank you for all you do xxx


Attended George Eliot Hospital today, 9.05 am appointment, requested to arrive 15 minutes before time. Was called in on time, treated with courtesy and by polite staff. Procedure carried out and away home. Total hospital time, 1 hour and 5 minutes. Home by 10 am drinking coffee. Where in the world can you get better service than that? The procedure? An MRI scan. Please stop the complaints and start giving the Hospital and staff the credit they deserve. We are SO lucky that OUR NHS is actually excellent. More positive comments and praise will let them know we care and are grateful.


After having a not so good experience with NHS in the past, I am always a little dubious. But I have to say, when I was admitted last week through minors. Right from the word go, the experience and care I received was first class. I only had to wait 5mins to be seen, and the nurses & Drs were very professional and caring. I will say however, it felt like a long day. I was in from 1030am until 8pm but I had a whole string of tests done. The wait for the chest x-ray was a good hour, but apparently one machine was down. I had a contrast MRI, and a whole host of other tests. The guy who done the MRI, was amazing. He really put me at ease over the contrast, as I'd previous had a bad experience with it bursting my vein. I was amazed and how efficient and caring they were. I had one nurse stay with me a lot of the time because I was alone and quite anxious and she was amazing. I only wish I could remember her name. I hope I won't be back, but if I am, I know I am in good hands.


Absolutely 5 star treatment in A/E today. My mum would not have had any better treatment anywhere else. Very professional and caring staff and we were so lucky to be there on a quiet day so from A/E admission to ward just over 4 hours and surgery planned in 24 hours. Well done and thank you.


Yesterday I was in a&e for 3 hours which was fine I was then told to go to outpatients as they had made me a appointment this was already at 4.05pm I walked round to outpatients which you no is only a minute or so walk for the lady to say I had missed my appointment and she would get me in later I explained a&e had only just sent me round to which she was on the phone saying a&e keep doing this ..... I was so upset that I had already gone 3 and a half hours with out being seen that I left with no appointment and not being seen to which I’m still in the same situation I was on Saturday and having to wait for my Doctors to open on Monday ... this isn’t a light matter as 111 advised me to go to a&e straight away someone who is currently joining the nhs this has really put a damper on the whole situation that the two areas didn’t communicate with each other I no the hospitals have a lot of patients with a lot more serious stuff going on but I really think the situation could of been handled a lot better this is the first bad experience iv had with the Elliot which is really disappointing :(


I have always supported GE hospital but what is happening in the blood test department. Tried to book an appointment on line, 10 days till next appointment!! Come down on spec, 2 hrs 40 mins waiting time!! It was never this bad. Please sort this out.


While I have never had a bad experience with medical staff at George Elliot Hospital before I was pretty disgusted with the A&E reception staff last night. I understand that behind the scenes, medical staff have to deal with emergencies on a first come first served basis and had a road accident to deal with, but the staff in A&E reception left a poor pregnant lady sat crying and bleeding all over her seat and the floor underneath it for over 40 mins. She was visibly upset and eventually went and sat in one of the toilets. Her partner kicked off in frustration at her being left like that and began shouting about their lack of concern for her and began taking photographs of how they had left her bleeding everywhere, threatening to go to the local papers about it. Only then did they attend to the poor lady. Security appeared and started throwing their weight around, telling him he couldn't take photographs of the area she had been sitting at due to data protection. Rubbish! That couple were treated with no compassion, no concern and that poor lady was shown absolutely no dignity by A&E receptionists whatsoever


The left hand doesn't know what the right hands doing. Gran had a nasal tube put in twice and because they took too much time to get her x rayed and then authorised by a doctor, she's pulled the tube out twice and has not eaten since Monday night. She's diabetic and has had no medication either except her insulin. It's now Thursday. Worst hospital ever for getting things done! I promise If my Gran dies due to this negligence, the world is going to hear about it! And I might add, it's believed to have been a stroke, the ambulance driver was so kind to say, " as we don't know when it happened, it's not deemed as an emergency" doesn't blooming matter, a strokes a stroke you move fast regardless! No lights, no urgency, 45 minutes they took to turn up.


My wife been in and out of hospital since January this year till today, shes been in due to water infection and her kidney need it looking as she was born with one kidney, in januray she was discharge less then 24hours telling her to take different medicine, I been going with her from blood test and urine cheeking her creatnine levels, each time she comes home the pain gets worse, and she rings the hospital again, she cant even go to the toilet, so for 4 months been in and out and checks. Today she went again told the doctors and they didnt check the blood no urine, they just told her speak to the GP change medication. Shes waiting for letters for scans as take weeks but yet her kidney functionality is reduce 30%, I know there busy and short staff, but they should have notice if someone keeps coming back over and over again they should do something about it, not just give pills after pills. Right now my wife feels like no one can help her no listen to her and shes going through depression.


Last year I was seen in a and e sent home being told i had problems with my posture. The next day I was sent back to a and e with pins and needles all down my left side while at a and e my face dropped I was told I had bells paulsy and discharged the next day. Spent the last year trying to get my left had to work properly. Now just got out of hospital again due to post stroke seizures because if had stroke NOT Bells paulsey advice will good as taking legal advice on Monday as now on more medication. Having fits and not allowed to drive when I should of had treatment from George Elliott last year .

More about George Eliot Hospital Nhs Trust

George Eliot Hospital Nhs Trust is located at College Street, CV10 7DJ Nuneaton, Warwickshire
024 7635 1351