Ghc Genetics Uk

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Ghc Genetics Uk

GHC Genetics UK is part of the global GHC Healthcare Net Group of businesses. We are a global provider of clinical genetic testing and R& D services.

Ghc Genetics Uk Description

GHC Genetics UK aims to take healthcare to the next level through offering high quality, affordable genetic testing services.

We believe in giving health back to the individual, as such we offer genetic testing for breast cancer, thrombosis as well as a comprehensive genetic test and much much more without the need for tedious doctors visits and referals.

Twitter: @GHCGeneticsUK
Instagram: @GHCGeneticsUK



GHC Genetics UK introduces our range topping health & wellbeing genetic test, GenScan. The world's first comprehensive OTC genetic test which examines over 300 genes, 3000 mutations and scans for 28 disease states. GenScan provides you with a comprehensive report - a single test covering all aspects of your life. For further info visit


After much hard work our new UK facilities are near the end of completion, marking a signficant UK investment for GHC into the UK Biotech Sector.


Before the discovery that genes were made of DNA, geneticists found out that genes (hereditary factors) were carried on chromosomes. The movements of chromosomes can be easily seen during the processes of cell division (mitosis or meoisis) under the microscope.


Remember Dolly, the first mammal to be sucessfully cloned from an adult cell 22 years ago? Dolly was indiscernable from other sheep and even gave birth to six lambs. Dolly was created from an egg with the nucleus removed and a cell from the body of another sheep. This scientific feat is widely considered a major milestone in genetics and reproductive science.


A person needs at least 8 hours of sleep, otherwise the symptoms of sleep deprivation appear. Individuals with a mutation of the DEC2 genome, affecting about 1% of population, however, can get by with just 6 hours of sleep or less. Interestingly, this genetic mutation has no negative side effects.


Each of us have around 50 trillion cells (50,000 billion). If we took the DNA from all of those cells and laid it out in a linear fashion, it could wrap around the earth 2.5 million times, or reach to the sun and back 300 times.


DNA can be a fragile molecule. About a thousand times per day, something can happen, which causes changes in its structure. These events include errors during transcription, damage from ultraviolet light, harmful substances, as well as many other activities. Even though our body has several repair mechanisms, all damage cannot always be repaired. Which means we all carry mutations! Most of the mutations, however, cause no harm. Occasionally a few can even be beneficial, few others, on the other hand, can lead to serious diseases, such as cancer. A newly discovered technology called CRISPR could allow us to precisely and easily edit any genomes, which in turn can help us to fight such mutations, which cause cancer, or any other disease with a strong genetic component.


Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the leading cause of cervical cancer. Every year 6 million people contract the virus globally. Our test quickly determines the presence of HPV based on a genetic analysis, increasing the chance of early diagnosis long before the onset of the first symptoms.


Genetic engineering or genetic manipulation is the search for genome combinations that do not yet exist, and creating completely new DNA molecule. Because of gene manipulation a new era of biochemistry was born, which has enabled the production of new hepatitis A and B vaccines, influenza and foot and mouth disease.


Epileptic seizures can happen to anyone, even those without previous symptoms.
Everyday in the UK, 87 people are diagnosed with epilepsy, however scientists haven't found the reason yet. In the near future, the treatment could be gene therapy. At the moment there is a clinical study taking place in London, which tests this treatment directly on people.


Do you know what an exome is? It's a part of the genome, which covers the coding parts of DNA.
What is interesting is that even though an exome is a very small part of the genome, mutations inside of it are estimated to be responsible for 85% of diseases related to mutations.


Did you know that smell is very important sense while choosing a partner?
Research shows that most women prefer the scent of men, whose genes are very different from their own. The subconscious meaning is that both partners have a wide spectrum of genes, so their descendants are immune to a variety of diseases. However, a common barrier nowadays can be synthetic cosmetics such as perfumes and deodorants.


Nobody really enjoys dental appointments.
But we all know that regular check-ups are crucial in diagnosing teeth issues as early as possible, for example the very common and hugely underestimated periodontitis.
A very effective preventive measure is our unique DentalGen, a dedicated lifestyle genetic test which can determine the risk level of developing serious issues before the onset of first symptoms.


Do you often travel by airplane?
During long flights, and especially traveling in economy class, it can be common to experience quite a few unpleasant health issues. One of them being, venous thrombosis, which is what occurs when veins become blocked, mostly those veins in the lower extremities.
If you wish to avoid venous thrombosis while flying, make sure to walk around the corridor and stretch.


Staying in space for an extended period of time alters the body's genetic makeup - the way in which the body reacts to the environment. This was the conclusion of NASA researchers after comparing the DNA of twin brothers Mark and Scott Kelly. First research shows changes in genes, which are linked with immune system, bone formation and hypoxia.
A similar reaction can be observed in the bodies of those who are regularly exposed to high-stress situations, such as mountain climbers or fire fighters.


Meet our GHC Genetics team members:
Mgr. Renáta Michalovská, PhD. works in GHC Genetics for 2 years, as Head of laboratory and Director of Science and Research.
“What I like the most about genetics, is the connection of all the medical disciplines and the continuous development. In my opinion genetics is the primary subject of the future, because knowledge of our DNA is the key to all secrets of the population.”


Our range of VisionGen simple & affordable to use Genetic Tests, highlight from examining your Genes your pre-disposition to specific eye conditions, empowering you to take early protective decisions and professional ophthalmic advice to reduce your risk of future eye-issues.


GHC Genetics labs and Surgical Clinic in beautiful Prague, with additional Centres in Washington (US),Birmingham (UK), Paris (France), Tokyo (Japan), and Singapore.

More about Ghc Genetics Uk

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -