Gurdwara Baba Deep Singh Ji Shaheed

About Gurdwara Baba Deep Singh Ji Shaheed

Offical page of Gurdwara Baba Deep Singh Shaheed (Khalsa House), Handsworth, Birmingham.



Today, Satkar Jog Sardar Rajbalumber Singh Ji passed away. They were the Pita Ji of our hero Bhai Rajinder Singh Ji Mugalwal who is still in a UK prison despite completing their 30 year sentence for bringing darshan das to Justice. Perhaps it was the hope of seeing Bhai Sahib that kept them alive so long - but another miscarriage of the British justice system meant father and son were not able to embrace each other.
In the past week, three Matha Ji's have also passed away t...hat gave birth to towering Sikh bravehearts. The eyes you see are the Quami mothers and fathers that longed for their sons. Raised with all the affection a parent could shower on their beloved child but their sacrifice meant they were unable to feel the warmth of their arms as they grew into courageous Sikh men.
These eyes are also filled with pride - for bringing into the world soldiers of Guru Sahib that etched their name into the beautiful tapestry that is Sikh history.
May Guru Sahib bless the Panth with more stoic unwavering parents. Kot Kot Parnaam рЯТРрЯТРрЯТРрЯТРрЯЩПрЯПїрЯЩПрЯПїрЯЩПрЯПїр ЯЩПрЯПї
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Can you help identify these two individuals? They are responsible for the theft of two pairs of trainers yesterday morning from the Gurdwara Sahib. Please help us to identify them so we can report them to the police. The male has a distinctive tattoo on the left side of his neck.
We are always willing to help people in time of need however stealing other peopleвАЩs valuables from GodвАЩs house which they have worked hard for will not be tolerated.
... Please share.
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Birmingham and Sandwell Vaisakhi celebrations


Congratulations to all, on the birth of the Khalsa Panth!!!
Happy Vaisakhi to you and your family
Waheguru, Waheguru, Waheguru, Waheguru, Waheguru рЯЩП


[9/2, 18:01]Ji: !*!*! ЯцЈЯцЋ ЯЦъЯЦІЯце ЯцЋЯц░ЯццЯЦЄ Яц╣ЯЦђ ЯцєЯцфЯцЋЯЦђ ЯцюЯц┐ЯцѓЯцдЯцЌЯЦђ ЯцгЯцдЯц▓ ЯцдЯЦѓЯцѓЯцЌЯцЙ Яц»Яц╣ Яц«ЯЦЄЯц░ЯцЙ ЯцхЯцЙЯцдЯцЙ Яц╣ЯЦѕ +91-( 9829604976 ) Astrologer get your love back, #ЯцџЯц«ЯццЯЦЇЯцЋЯцЙЯц░_ЯцдЯЦЄЯцќЯЦЄЯцѓ_Яц ўЯц░_ЯцгЯЦѕЯцаЯЦЄ_7_ЯцўЯцѓЯцЪЯЦІ_Яц«ЯЦЄЯ цѓ_100_%_ #ЯцЌЯц░ЯцѓЯцЪЯЦђЯцА_ЯцЅЯцфЯцЙЯц» +{+91- 9829604976 } Vashikaran, love marriage, love All problem, family problem, husband wife problem, business problem, child problem

#solution_with_100% guarantee chat whatsapp +91-9829604976 baba ji

[9/6, 13:54] Яц«ЯцЙЯцЂ ЯцХЯЦЄЯц░ЯцЙ ЯцхЯцЙЯц▓ЯЦђ ЯцЋЯЦђ ЯцЋЯЦЃЯцфЯцЙ ЯцИЯЦЄ ЯццЯцѓЯццЯЦЇЯц░ Яц«ЯцѓЯццЯЦЇЯц░ ЯцИЯцЙЯцДЯцеЯцЙ ЯцЋЯЦЄ ЯцдЯЦЇЯцхЯцхЯцЙЯц░ЯцЙ ЯцИЯцГЯЦђ ЯцИЯц«ЯцИЯЦЇЯц»ЯцЙ ЯцЊ ЯцЋЯцЙ ЯцИЯц«ЯцЙЯцДЯцЙЯце ЯцфЯЦЂЯцюЯцЙ ЯцЋЯцЙ ЯццЯЦЂЯц░ЯцѓЯцц ЯцЁЯцИЯц░ +919829604976 ЯцЈЯцЋ ЯцЏЯЦІЯцЪЯЦђ ЯцИЯЦђ ЯцИЯц▓ЯцЙЯц╣ ЯцєЯцфЯцЋЯЦЄ ЯцюЯЦђЯцхЯце ЯцЋЯЦІ ЯцгЯцдЯц▓ ЯцИЯцЋЯццЯЦђ Яц╣ЯЦѕ

ЯцўЯц░ ЯцгЯЦѕЯцаЯЦЄ ЯцИЯц«ЯцЙЯцДЯцЙЯце ЯцфЯцЙЯцЈ ! +91-9829604976


We attended the Saturday evening 22nd July evening program and had a great ruhani experience....the atmosphere was blissful and felt the presence of almighty and would say it has been out of the world experience and looking forward to being more of the part of the kirtan programmes....a very good approach to connect people to God and the arrangements were also great.


Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh, We went there in March 2015, Its beautiful. Dhan Dhan Baba Deep Singh ji


I visited Baba deep singh ji gurdwara oakland when I moved to Birmingham 2 years .I went along with my whole family .it was with Waheguru ji blessing .it was great day in my life.yhanks Almighty.


Dhan Dhan Baba Deep Singh Ji.

Waheguru Waheguru ji


Beautiful programme hope all organisers are blessed sincerely


A place where we can find strength,peace and humbleness. I been blessed that I visited often during my six years in Birmingham.i always remember the good peoples out there.beautiful memories



I visited on 13may 2017

It was okish experience..

The Giani who was doing parshad'S sewa.. Wasn't friendly at all.. These little things managements have to look..


[9/2, 18:01]Ji: !*!*! а§Па§Х а•Юа•Л৮ а§Ха§∞১а•З а§єа•А а§Ж৙а§Ха•А а§Ьа§ња§В৶а§Ча•А ৐৶а§≤ ৶а•Ва§Ва§Ча§Њ а§ѓа§є а§Ѓа•За§∞а§Њ ৵ৌ৶ৌ а§єа•И +91-( 9829604976 ) Astrologer get your love back, #а§Ъু১а•На§Ха§Ња§∞_৶а•За§Ца•За§В_а§ Ша§∞_а§ђа•И৆а•З_7_а§Ша§Ва§Яа•Л_а§Ѓа•За §В_100_%_ #а§Ча§∞а§Ва§Яа•Аа§°_а§Й৙ৌৃ +{+91- 9829604976 } Vashikaran, love marriage, love All problem, family problem, husband wife problem, business problem, child problem

#solution_with_100% guarantee chat whatsapp +91-9829604976 baba ji

[9/6, 13:54] а§Ѓа§Ња§Б ৴а•За§∞а§Њ ৵ৌа§≤а•А а§Ха•А а§Ха•Г৙ৌ а§Єа•З ১а§В১а•На§∞ а§Ѓа§В১а•На§∞ ৪ৌ৲৮ৌ а§Ха•З ৶а•Н৵৵ৌа§∞а§Њ а§Єа§≠а•А а§Єа§Ѓа§Єа•На§ѓа§Њ а§У а§Ха§Њ ৪ুৌ৲ৌ৮ ৙а•Ба§Ьа§Њ а§Ха§Њ ১а•Ба§∞а§В১ а§Еа§Єа§∞ +919829604976 а§Па§Х а§Ыа•Ла§Яа•А а§Єа•А а§Єа§≤а§Ња§є а§Ж৙а§Ха•З а§Ьа•А৵৮ а§Ха•Л ৐৶а§≤ а§Єа§Х১а•А а§єа•И

а§Ша§∞ а§ђа•И৆а•З ৪ুৌ৲ৌ৮ ৙ৌа§П ! +91-9829604976


We attended the Saturday evening 22nd July evening program and had a great ruhani experience....the atmosphere was blissful and felt the presence of almighty and would say it has been out of the world experience and looking forward to being more of the part of the kirtan programmes....a very good approach to connect people to God and the arrangements were also great.


Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh, We went there in March 2015, Its beautiful. Dhan Dhan Baba Deep Singh ji


I visited Baba deep singh ji gurdwara oakland when I moved to Birmingham 2 years .I went along with my whole family .it was with Waheguru ji blessing .it was great day in my life.yhanks Almighty.


Dhan Dhan Baba Deep Singh Ji.

Waheguru Waheguru ji


Beautiful programme hope all organisers are blessed sincerely


A place where we can find strength,peace and humbleness. I been blessed that I visited often during my six years in Birmingham.i always remember the good peoples out there.beautiful memories



I visited on 13may 2017

It was okish experience..

The Giani who was doing parshad'S sewa.. Wasn't friendly at all.. These little things managements have to look..

More about Gurdwara Baba Deep Singh Ji Shaheed

Gurdwara Baba Deep Singh Ji Shaheed is located at Oakland Road, B21 0NA Birmingham, United Kingdom
0121 554 8034