Happy & Healthy

About Happy & Healthy

Health made simple

A beautiful, healthy body & mind
for people who don't have more money than sense � ���

http://adamournian. juiceplus.com

Happy & Healthy Description

I'm a busy self-employed counsellor, coach and wellness co-ordinator who is passionate about helping people look after themselves and helping them to be the best they can be.

I have enabled many people to live happier and more fulfilling lives; to have better relationships with partners, friends and relations, and to look forward to a healthier future.

Happiness, Health & Wellbeing all grow from the inside - Physically, all the cells in your body are less than 7 years old - what body and mind would you like to have in 7 years time?

Together with my team, I deliver key support to Inspire Healthy Living and if you wish, build an Independent Franchise for you and your family.

More about Happy & Healthy

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