Heald Green & Long Lane Ratepayers' Association

About Heald Green & Long Lane Ratepayers' Association

The Heald Green and Long Lane Ratepayers’ Association was founded in 1927 and exists only in the Heald Green Ward of Stockport. Its purpose is to watch over the interests of the the residents of Heald Green.

Heald Green & Long Lane Ratepayers' Association Description

The Heald Green and Long Lane Ratepayers’ Association was founded in 1927 and exists only in the Heald Green Ward of Stockport. Its purpose is to watch over the interests of the the residents of Heald Green. It does this in a number ways, most noticeably by having its own Ratepayers’ Councillors, which is an unbroken tradition dating back to 1929

For those who contribute page admin reserves the right to delete posts that are malicious, offensive, aggressive or persistently negative. We may take further action against those who repeatedly make posts of this nature.

This is a community page run by volunteers with the aim of engaging and promoting good community relations in Heald Green. Its purpose is to share local news, items of interest and celebrate all that is good about living in Heald Green. For those who do not embrace the spirit of these aims it may unfortunately be necessary to instigate a ban from the page.



A petition demanding the proper resolution of the long lasting problem of the former Nurses' Home at Cheadle Royal Hospital has been launched by the Ratepayers. To read a a full description of the problems and sign the petition go to: Nurses Home https://healdgreenratepayers.wordpress.co m/…/09/nurses-home/


Look out for more spring bulbs in Heald Green next year! We already have many areas brightened up by daffodils and crocuses each spring. Stockport Council gave us several thousand more bulbs this Autumn and some of the Ratepayers’ Committee plus other Heald Green residents came out to help with planting the bulbs. The area of grass on Finney Lane, near to Carnoustie Dr, grass by the War Memorial, grass near Life Church on Outwood Rd and the raised bed outside the Health Centre have all had bulbs planted. https://healdgreenratepayers.wordpress.co m/…/03/bulb-plant…/


Have you got your trowels ready? We're looking forward to seeing you tomorrow morning, the weather forecast is dry!


Can you help us plant 500+ daffodil bulbs?! On Saturday 24th November at 10.30am we will be gathering near Christ Church by the junction of Finney Lane and Gleneagles Rd. If you could spare half an hour and would like to help, you would be very welcome, please bring a spade/trowel if you have one.


Many thanks to all who took part in the Remembrance Sunday ceremony, honouring the sacrifice made by those from our community 100 years ago and since.
Particular thanks to 3rd HG Scouts, Cubs, Beavers, 2nd HG scouts, representatives of the Brownies and all four of our local primary schools for participating. Here are a few pictures.


Thank you to the 50 or so people who came out to the meeting with the new local Police Inspector Rob Hawksley this evening. He was able to answer a wide range if questions but unfortunately, a general theme was around the limited resources available due to cuts in police budgets in recent years. Inspector Hawksley encouraged residents to form neighbourhood watch schemes to deter criminals, if you would like any assistance setting up a scheme in your road, please get in touch with us at email@healdgreenratepayers.org.uk


PUBLIC MEETING TONIGHT: The Ratepayers' Association has arranged for Inspector Rob Hawksley, the new Neighbourhood Policing Inspector for Cheadle, Cheadle Hulme, Bramhall, Heald Green and Gatley, to attend a Public Meeting at the Village Hall on tonight, Tuesday 13th November 2018 at 7:30pm to address the concerns of local residents about the current level of crime in Heald Green. We look forward to seeing you this evening.


The remembrance and wreath laying service will be taking place as usual at 12 noon at the war memorial on Wilmslow Rd this Sunday. This year, to mark the centenary of the Armistice, there will be a short parade and children will be 'planting' a silouette for each soldier from Heald Green and Long Lane who lost his life.


Have you submitted your questions yet? Just one week to go until the Public Meeting at the Village Hall on Tuesday 13th November 2018 at 7:30pm to address the concerns of local residents about the current level of crime in Heald Green. The new local Police Inspector will be attending to address local concerns, questions can be submitted by email to email@healdgreenratepayers.org.uk


Have you submitted your questions yet? A Public Meeting has been arranged at the Village Hall on Tuesday 13th November 2018 at 7:30pm to address the concerns of local residents about the current level of crime in Heald Green? The new local Police Inspector will be attending to address local concerns, questions can be submitted by email to email@healdgreenratepayers.org.uk


Litter pickers were out in force recently when 55 local residents turned out for Heald Green’s twice-yearly tidy up. Pickers included residents from the Heald Green Ratepayers Association, Cheadle Mosque, and the 3rd Heald Green Beavers cubs and scouts. Armed with long-reach grabbers and bin bags, residents scoured the area for rubbish and collected a total of 35 large bags. … [ 117 more words ] https://healdgreenratepayers.wordpress.co m/…/23/litter-pick/


This year marks the Centenary of the WW1 Armistice and Ratepayers have been working to commemorate this event. You may have noticed that numerous large poppies have appeared on lamposts in Heald Green. Some of the poppies were supplied by the Council who did not have the staff to erect them, so members of the Ratepayers' Committee have been climbing up ladders at the roadside and erecting them. [ 124 more words ] https://healdgreenratepayers.wordpress.co m/20…/…/23/poppies/


The Councillors will be holding a surgery at the Village Hall between 6.30 and 7.30 this Friday evening. No appointment needed, just drop in.


The #A6MARR has opened overnight for traffic to use, it looks like the 9pm story was a red herring! Please be aware there is still some traffic management in place at the airport and on the A34 whilst the opening work continues.
In other news the library will also be reopening today after being closed for maintenance works since the beginning of September.


The classic car parade will be travelling along the new road hopefully leaving Hazel Grove at around 3:10pm this afternoon and moving at around 10mph before turning at the roundabouts by Lakeland on Wilmslow Rd and returning to Hazel Grove.

More about Heald Green & Long Lane Ratepayers' Association

Heald Green & Long Lane Ratepayers' Association is located at Heald Green, SK8 Cheadle, Stockport, United Kingdom